The beta has finally evolved into the Alpha of the league. The Android 9.0 Pie is ready to be served ! But! Only Pixel users for now!

Google has decided to serve the very first slice of the pie to their own family. Pixel users will be the first ones to enjoy the delicious features the OS has to offer!

Google arranged a developer’s preview launch to evaluate the pie a few days earlier in its beta form.

Smartphone giants like Xiaomi , Sony, Oppo, Essential, and more a who participated in this trial launch might get lucky in the fall of 2018.

For those who did not make it in this list, no worries. The pie shall make it up to you anytime this year.

wifi attendance

1. What’s new you ask?

The navigation keys at the base of the screen are fused to form one capsule icon at the centre. Long pressing the key, wakes up your Google assistant.

One swipe up gets you to the last app you were using. A parallel swipe gets you the tabs of all open apps. One  Tap and back home!

This could get a little tricky at the start. But the truth is, the current interface is much smoother than before. But if you continue to find it difficult, android has taken care to not disappoint their users. Go back to settings and change bsck to the 3 button layout as you please.

2. Gesture Navigation

The capsule has a gesture recognition feature which can be set if desired.  The movement of the capsule helps the user to swap through the apps screens.

3. Rotation button will now come to you

Rotation when turned off to prevent uncalled screen swivels is tedious to reverse. The new feature calls for the rotation button to pop up on the screen when the user tilts the phone. It is easy to switch the screen view as and when you desire.

4. It is top Notch! Pun intended

Apple blazed the trail and the rest of the OEMs followed.  Notches were introduced to expand the display till the edge eliminating the bezel.

The notch is a necessary attribute to the apple phones but to Android it is just another upgrade to groom the appearance.

Android Pie provides users with the option to customize the size of screen cut-outs.

5. AI –Apps-Battery  : The holy trifacta

The new adaptive battery studies the patterns of the user in terms of the apps. You can view this as the baby steps in machine learning technology.  The battery directs more power to the apps which the user prefers to use frequently by simply limiting the supply to those apps that are less used.

With the beta program trial of the OS, the users reported 20 % increase in battery life.

Another factor responsible for draining power is the brightness. It has been taken care of as well. Evaluation of manual adjustments will slowly lead to automatic tweaks in the brightness as the user desires it to be in varied situations.

This was made possible by the Deep mind team whom Google approached to decipher the cerebral makeup of smartphone users.

attendance app

6. Nuances of Human replies

As things get easier, humans get lazier!  How many times have you read a text from your mom and just ignored it owing to the mundane nature of the replies?

We just don’t want to type things as simple as “yes I had lunch” anymore

But what if your OS does it for you? And that too without opening the app?

Android pie got us the new smart reply feature directly through the notification panel.

7. Another AI-app integration feature!

App action feature sends a suggestion in your app drawer. The app itself generates the suggestion based on the user’s habits of using that particular app.

For instance, a user consistently reads flipboard articles at 8 pm. Flipboard will appear in the suggestions and is accessible with a single touch.

8. A major breakthrough with Wi-Fi integration

Android pie has assured to supplement WiFi Round-Trip-Time. In simple words it is an in-building GPS feature for the phone.  Also known as indoor positioning, this feature allows the apps to measure the distance between WiFi access points. It is not necessary that the phone be connected to the WiFi in the building.

The apps will deploy the information to fabricate surreal experiences. In building navigation, voice control for IoT devices and location based information are a few to be mentioned.

How cool would it be to Switch on the AC of your room while you still in the lobby of your residential complex?


To find the stores in a mall with crazy discount sales?

Indoor navigation would speed the game for android to the next level.  And android P is the chosen one by WiFi RTT to launch this incredible new feature.

9. Slices

Google has planned to squeeze in the power of its search engine trademark traits in the OS.

Project your mind to Google search. Remember at times when Google displays bits of information directly while you type in the search box?

Exactly that will now happen with the apps. They call it Slices.

Predicting your search, the apps will give you more than just the search query. It will display an extra slice of the information to ease the process.

10. What more could Google possibly do to make you fall in love with Android?

How about a gesture of care for your well being?

Still in the beta testing phase but would be up and rolling soon. The digital well-being feature has all the qualities of a digital caretaker.

Have a look at the below list

The phone will now tell you how much time you have been glued on to it. All on the Dashboard!

You can set constraints on the usage of certain apps using App Timer .

DnD will be smarter than ever and hush all the alerts.

Wind Down integrates the DnD feature and marks the onset of grayscale implying – off to bed!


The Anti  Addiction Features will only be launched in the autumn crop of pixel phones.

Only a matter of time until a Smartphone user sees a whole new world, with one bite of the pie.

Thoughtful! Adaptive!  Predictive!

The ideal approach to portray Android 9.0 Pie in three words.

The abandoned frequencies over network caused the genesis of the wireless network what we now call the WiFi or 802.11.

The wireless protocol was aimed at providing short range wireless connectivity. The technology was prefabricated and easy to bring into action.

Why WiFi wins the hearts of IoT breeders?

It’s devious features ofcourse!

WiFi is flexible and easily connects to devices . But most importantly it is essential to the very crux of IoT. By crux we mean the sensors that support the IoT tech.

IoT connectivity basically looks for features like low power and wide range.

Let’s weigh

Standard 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac limits the scope of usage when it comes to power consumption, range and congestion issues with spectrum.

The Wi-Fi highways are a lot more crowded owing to the bazillion devices which take the same route for connectivity.

These standard Wi-Fi issues were addressed by introducing two new specifications 802.11ah and 802.11ax.

Why WiFi could possibly lead other networks ?

Successful IoT setup demands certain requirements:

  • Easily manageable network
  • Easy to connect things over cloud
  • Incorporation with other systems
  • Swift adaptation
  • Safety defiance of the network

WiFi fulfills all the above necessities.

WiFi HaLow (802.11ah)

IEEE in 2016 crafted the WiFi HaLow spec to resolve the range and power issues of IoT. This technology provides a broader range along with low power. It is tweaked for expanding the connectivity radius to one kilometer. The power use is moderated with wake/doze periods.

It is loaded with the ability to group stations for decreasing contention and relay. This helps to widen the circle.

Given the plausible upgrades the technology is still not popular among the WiFi mercantile.

HaLow is vigorous and dominates in tricky environments. The low frequency range helps it pierce through any kind of obstacles that other frequencies would bounce off.

IEEE 802.11ax

It is designed to operate in the licensed spectral bands of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrums. The throughput is amplified using higher order 1024 QAM modulation. The new amendment offers OFDMA for enhanced spectral efficiency.

IEEE 802.11ax will hit the stores somewhere in 2019.


The popularity of WiFi is due to its reliable solution to connectivity issues. Amongst a ton of wireless tech currently prevailing the market, wrapped by by the uncertainity of their performances and survival vendors are bound to run towards WiFi. This being for a simple reason. WiFi has dealt with the challenges of progressing tech and displayed the power of security like none other.

Few Campus and on-premises IoT devices can exploit standard WiFi band widths. But usually this is not preferred for IoT technology.

WiFi HaLow, based on 802.11ah is crafted for IoT but demands specialized infrastructure and patrons. 802.11ax guarantees improved efficiency. But the truth will be revealed only once the product is out in the market.

IoT features are looking out for some big leaps themselves.


Organizations now are opting, a tech oriented solution to every functionality.  Marking attendance is one basic functionality unbiquitous across all sectors.

Conventional methods of registering the routine workforce turnout were laborious and time consuming.

The methods started off with paper based attendance marking and evolved to modern means like biometric systems and RFID cards.

The latest intruder is the wifi based attendance system.

What is a WiFi

WiFi based attendance systems are slowly propagating across the channels of establishments. The system offers a host of features that make employee management simple and effective.

Below are the highlights of the system that led to it being so popular and adored by the human resource departments:

1. Handy and efficient

The system is user friendly and works via multiple platforms. WiFi attendance works smoothly on any android or iOS device. The employees can mark their attendance once they are in the range set by the company.

The system is convenient for using – Basic requirement for the software is a mobile phone. The user interface of the systems is simple and hence makes it easy for any person to understand the working. The process is as simple as it can get. One tap and the employee is logged in.

2. More secured than conventional mode of attendance

The data is securely housed on azure cloud server. This platform is the most popular in business owing to the trustworthy features of secure storage. The concerns of security are ruled out right there.

3. Attendance information can be accessed 24X7

The best part about virtual records is that they are not bound by the confines of time in terms of availability.  Your Human resource manager need go fishing through documents to retrieve data from a particular date.

All data is accessible on his computer.  Primarily all he needs is the credentials to log in to the system and retrieve the information whenever needed.

attendance app

4. Enhanced attendance evaluation

The process is automated to cumulate the data and calculates the number of hours the personnel have worked for a particular month.

The HR’s job is thus simplified for the purpose of calculating salary and overtime hours.  The system requires zero human interference for maintaining records and computations.

5. Overtime observances

The easily accessible data makes it possible for the employees to check their number of work hours themselves. The readily available data makes it easier for the HR to restructure compensations and crank down unplanned leaves.

6. Time saving results

We can only imagine the amount of time that is saved owing to automated calculations in place of manual labor. The time saved can therefore be channelized towards improving infrastructure and workforce provisions.

wifi attendance

7. Location Tracking feature

The system is supplemented with employee tracking feature. It is capable of tracing the location of the employee’s device. If an employee marks his attendance from anywhere outside the premises, the authority will be notified regarding the activity.

Not just that, but the HR can manage and track an employee’s location in real time.

Managing work place discipline will thus be a pushover!

Can you visualize attendance app as a centralized information portal?

Ever wondered what benefits it could reap for your business?

Virtual collaboration comes very handy in today’s digitized world.

Information integration and notifications over a common platform improves collaboration and sets groundwork for future alliances.

Here are 7 Advantages in which blogs and news updates over WiFi Attendance app can benefit the functionality of your firm:

1. Employees Know Company Updates

The app is for measuring the man hours invested in your business. Naturally right every being in the premises is liable to use it. What better place to share important notifications and announcements?

2. Each team has a platform to voice out

There is space for more than just business communications like HR, IT, Travel and Operations. Every department can share and highlight their configurations and processes.

3. Promoting products within the firm

The best means to unveil products launched by the company to the folks inner circle!

The company can share updates and important information about the products on a single platform.

4. Say hi to the new ones on board!

Sharon has recently been recruited to a part of your marketing team. The HR has to brief her about company policies and goals. In addition to vocally advocating the policies and terms of the company, she can have a glimpse of business metrics over the past year from the blog shared over the common employee management platform.

This not just gives her a tour of company policies but also helps her ramp up quick. Not to mention a lot of email effort saved on the HR side to be invested in tasks that genuinely deserve serious attention.

5. Better Collaboration between Teams

Each team needs to be aware of the progress made by the other. After all business profit is the measure of the cumulative effort of each member of the firm puts in. Collaboration stems creativity and enhances productivity.  It helps all sections stay connected and organized

Each individual knows what is happening around them and this helps a great deal during challenges. Not to mention, the first step towards problem solving is the complete idea of the system we are dealing with.

6. Company announcements and Policy reinforcement.

Employees have a centralized access to the latest news and updates about the workplace. Besides being a robust medium for communication tool, it keeps the users updated with plenty of information.The blogs have a strong communicational and educational potential.

7. More Ideas

Putting up updates and announcements on a tool that is common to every individual from each department maintains a connection between folks working in a firm.

Once users are served with information, the seed blooms into a tree shadowing a huge number of minds. Ideas nourished below could be capable of seeding a barren yard. You never know!


Apart from the obvious cost difference over a biometric system, which we will dwell upon in a minute, the WiFi attendance system is a superior way to manage workforce effectiveness.

Whether you are a start-up or a giant, this app is built to enhance your organisations performance. As you read further, you will uncover the treasure that a mere attendance app can hold.

wifi attendance

WiFi attendance vs Biometric system

Let’s take a minute here to help you rule out a popular yet limited method of marking attendance – The Biometric system.

Generally, prices range from $5,000 to $10,000 per door for a complete system that includes the biometric scanner, a specialized locking system, software integration and installation.

The WiFi system costs about one-tenth of a biometric system per annum for a firm that is small scale. Take a look for yourself here.

This is one of the most visible and stark differences. But the advantages of having an attendance system that also collects employee productivity data, or let’s say ‘acts as a mini manager’ for your manager, are hard to put a price on.

Helping your workforce focus on crucial tasks instead of micromanaging each employee is a concrete step towards increasing productivity and creating ideal working conditions.

But there happen to be so many Wi-Fi attendance apps in the market.

What makes our product superior?

The thought behind it – to not just be an attendance app.We have built this app keeping in mind each organisational pillar – managers, HR personnel and employees.

Our goal is to give each workplace an edge over other organisations by being efficient, accurate and swift.

Let’s delve a little deeper into what gives this product an edge:

1. Setup and configuration

Setup and configuration is a 5-step online process requiring no additional hardware if your company has an existing WiFi setup.Once the setup is done, it has a user-friendly dashboard which has leave management, attendance management, time worksheet, team preference module and many such amazing features that can be customised.

2. Set up a WiFi range

You can avoid employees punching in leaving from outside the office by setting a Wi-Fi range.  A feature unfortunately absent from most other Wi-Fi attendance apps!

attendance app

3. Managers can use it to track employees within the premises

Tired of Sally spending all her time pruning the office garden instead of working?

While the effort is worthy of appreciation, it is not really what you hired her for. Making sure each individual contributes their fair share to the company is a tedious and daunting task.

This can now thankfully be outsourced to the app with the Live Tracking feature. This feature also helps eliminate buddy punching.

4. Apply and approve leaves

For managers and employees both, this app is a quick and impersonal way to apply for and approve leaves. One can also view the company approved holiday list for hassle free planning.

5. Microsoft Azure

It uses Microsoft Azure. Without getting into the technicality of what cloud computing is, this literally translates to your business not having to invest in additional hardware to maintain massive amounts of data collected over years.

It also eliminates the need to invest in software for data analytics. It measures the efficiency of your workforce with the help of a feature called- Team Productivity Sheets.

6. Assign tasks

This unique app helps project managers as well. This allows them to allocate tasks to team members via Team Preference Module. The module has sections where employees can enter the time spent on a project, which can further be segregated into billable and non-billable tasks.

Allowing managers to focus on the bigger picture and not have to worry about ‘who did what’. Sounds like a dream? Yes, that’s what we had in mind!

7. Cumulative analysis

This app generates data reports that help you take decisions pragmatically. Enabling managers to make the right decisions during appraisals and choose team members for the future.

Final Thought

We call this an attendance app to keep it simple in the minds of our customers, but a quick glance at the features will convince you that it has way more value.

With the advent of technology, a small business decision like how to capture attendance can revolutionise your workplace.

Don’t miss the bus on a smarter way of working!




With almost every house now having a broadband connection, evolution of wifi routers are popular than ever. As you might know, most devices on the market such as smartphones and computers are equipped to use WiFi.

Though Wi-Fi has become an integral part our routine, most of us do not know much about the WiFi technology. Read on to know more about the historical evolution of WiFi Routers.

attendance app

History of WiFi technology

The history of evolution of wifi routers was fascinating and an earlier form of wifi was in existence since 1971. Apparently, “ALOHA Net” accounted for connecting the Hawaiian Islands with aid from a wireless network asset.

ALOHA Net and ALOHA protocol are the early forerunners to the concept of Ethernet which later transcends to the IEEE 802.11 internet protocols.

In the year 1985, US Federal Communications Commission accounted for the release of ISM bands. These ISM Bands were meant for unlicensed use and can be envisioned as the frequencies originating in the 2.4GHz band.

These are the same bands using in microwave ovens. At the same time, these bands are also subject to interference.

Later in the year 1991, NCR Corporation collaborated with AT&T Corporation which led to the invention of the precursor to the 802.11 module, which was designed to be used in cashier systems.

The first kind of wireless products was available in the market under the label of Wave-LAN, which was eventually accredited with the invention of WiFi technology.

An Australian radio astronomer John O’Sullivan along with his colleague Terence Percival and Graham Daniels played a significant role in the development of an essential patent, which was designated to be used in the Wi-Fi technology as a by-product.

However, this venture was a failure since the modification would smear the signal, leading to eventual breakdown.

In the year 1992 and 1996, CSIRO was successful at obtaining patents that would allow for a method to be used in the WiFi enabling the module to avoid smearing of the signal.

Eventually, in the year 1997, the first version of the 802.11 protocol was successfully released. This version was later updated in the year 1999 to the 802.11b module, which became immensely popular.

The WiFi Brand and Trademark at a glance

In the year 1999, the WiFi Alliance, which was formed as a form of the trade association, supposedly held the WiFi trademark. Many products associated with the WiFi technology were sold under this trademark.

The commercial use of WiFi as a name was featured back in early August of 1999. It was among the first instance that this name made a commercial appearance after being framed by a brand consultation firm “Inter-Brand.”

The company “Inter-Brand” was hired by the WiFi Alliance to frame a constructive name, which would appeal to the public and at the same time be easier than “IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence.”

It has been stated by Phil Belanger (founding member of the WiFi Alliance) that the company invented the name as a “pun.”

It was referring to the word “hifi” but somehow seemed catchier the other way around. The same company was later accredited with the design of the WiFi logo which has been persistent till date.

WiFi, which by some unconfirmed accounts stands for wireless fidelity, has changed the way computers and many other electronic devices work together. With it, anyone can create a wireless network in a home or business easily and at a relatively small cost.

Evolution of WiFi Standards

While 802.11 is known to be the standard specification for a WiFi network, it has been subcategorized under several subtypes, which highlight its quality of security and service. As seen earlier, each subcategory is represented by an alphabet in small case, which follows the designation 802.11.

While the first one provided a data speed of just 2Mbps, there was a need of more practicality for processing data via this network protocol. Here are the subclasses for 802.11 standard that originated with better features.

11b: It carries the signals via a frequency band of 2.4Ghz. With the highest bandwidth of 11MBps, this one is the slowest of all these listed standards. It has also been known for showing high susceptibility when interfered. It does have a longer range compared to 802.11a.

11a: This one has more speed compared to the b Wi-Fi standard, with speeds reaching 54Mbps. It shows less sensitivity to interference from other appliances and wireless devices. But, it has a shorter range compared to b. This weakness of short range made it costly, as it had to be installed with multiple access points to cover maximum distance.

11g: This one emerged as a hybrid standard that contained the top-rated features of a and b. Despite a large bandwidth and good speed, it still faced interference from other appliances.

11n: This standard is presently used around the world, which evolved in terms of wireless antennas and signals. With its Multiple-input/Multiple-output technology (MIMO) it has a capacity of transferring data at speeds of maximum 450Mbps. It even has a better bandwidth (2.4Ghz and 5Ghz) and limited interferences.

Future of WiFi

For the future, two significant WiFi standard developments are on their way for a public release. These developments are referred to as the 802.11ad and the 802.11ax.

The 802.11ac is highly sought after because it holds the capability of accessing the 5GHz band, but it has been outdated. The 802.11ad variant, however, takes internet connectivity to the next level. It is capable of accessing the 60GHz band.

802.11 ad: High Frequency, better speed, but short range

The frequency that has been mentioned above is a significantly high frequency. This feature also means that the range ought to get shorter.

Probably the effective range of the WiFi at the end of all would be limited to just one room. On the contrary, the 802.11 ad variant is capable of providing speeds within the range of 7Gbps.

The speed of 7Gbps is referred to as the uniform speed, which the WiFi is capable of producing without inducing much of a strain on the optical fibers.

In simpler words, the rate being referred to would be the lowest available on this variant. Provided with the right circumstances, the 802.11ad will be capable of reaching higher internet speeds as well.

Commercial Usage

At present, there is not any assurance concerning how the 802.11ad would be used in the market. It is also uncertain whether or not this variant will be available for commercial use.

There are several predictions, which refer to the fact that this enhancement in the technology would possibly replace several hardware constructions of the internet technology.

It would mean that the entire internet infrastructure of the future would be wireless and devoid of any physical associations that we may see as of now.

The other forms of prediction refer to the fact that phones might start making use of the 802.11ad WiFi compatibility to provide mobile internet connectivity with a significant boost. The exact purpose of 802.11ad is still uncertain and remains subject to speculations over the time.

802.11 ax: High Connectivity through MU-MIMO Technology

802.11ax is a variant, which mainly focuses on the advanced features including MU-MIMO and enhanced life sustainability. It also highlights advancements such as Bluetooth 5.0 technology and infrared connectivity.

The dominant feature that is lacking in this variant is the improved speed. However, it was later noted for its top speed of 11Gbps at the CES 2018.

The 802.11ax isn’t capable of the massive speed generated by the 802.11ad, but it is capable of providing much better internet connectivity and speed when compared to the 802.11ac variant.

This WiFi technology has been built to suit smart devices which are being used by the conventional people on a regular basis. It is widely expected that this form of connectivity would ensure natural management on a global scale. This standard is also expected to make its market appearance in 2019.


HR managers play a crucial role in the success of any organization. The role of an HR manager includes tasks such as human resources and employee management, attendance management, leave management, payroll management and so on.

But, very often the processes are time- consuming and tedious as well.

So, wouldn’t it be great to have a quality app to make the whole process easier and more efficient?

We have designed a unique app for attendance management as well as HR management – WiFi Attendance App.

Here are 5 ways WiFi Attendance App helps the HR manager

attendance app

1. Attendance Management & Employee Location Tracking

WiFi Attendance App offers an impressive dashboard to manage employee attendance effortlessly.HR Managers will get accurate data of attendance details via this app.

Unlike usual attendance apps, this app works only on pre-set office WiFi range.  Employees can mark their attendance at office WiFi zone. HR mangers can easily track employee location with a few clicks. This ensures real time employee presence at office and prevents buddy punching as well.

WiFi attendance is absolutely a replacement for biometric systems and usual employee attendance apps. Besides attendance management it has several other features to make HR management easier and effective.

Check this video to know how effective is a WiFi attendance system

2. Leave Management

What makes WiFi attendance app different is its easy to use user interface. It‘s easy to apply leaves via this app. Employees would get a clear data of available leave details for the month.

There are separate fields to enter data such as reason for leave and number of days required . This will help employees to apply leave with a few clicks via their smartphone.

A notification message will be sent to the reporting manager or HR manger for approval. HR managers will get the leave details of each employee precisely. This will help them in payroll processing at the end of every month.

3. Employee Productivity Hours

It’s obvious that nobody likes spending time on doing unnecessary admin work. Your employees might be using spreadsheets to enter their task details and worked hours.

It would be difficult for HR managers or Project managers to check each and every spreadsheet to evaluate the performance of employees.

WiFi Attendance App offers you timesheet feature to track employee productivity and worked hours. Project managers can assign tasks to the team members via team preference module.

Employees can enter the time spend for each projects in respective sections. There are sections to enter billable and non-billable tasks. This feature will be helpful for project managers and HR managers to check the workflow.

4. Data Based Actions

Wifi attendance can offer many features that help HR managers in data-driven decision making. Features such as timesheet, attendance management, and leave management are helpful for them to make decisions on actual and accurate insights.

An overview of attendance, leaves and productivity would help HR managers or Project managers to make right decisions at the time of appraisals and picking right employees for projects.

Analysing data can also help to identify the changes needed for overall development of the organization.

5. Useful for Sending Notifications

HR managers can make use of the notification feature to compose and send notifications to an employee or a group of people. This feature allows notifications to be sent immediately at a scheduled date, or as recurring events.

Notifications can be delivered in the form of:

  • Email messages
  • Announcements on homepage or dashboard page

Attendance App

 A Final Thought

Using a WiFi Attendance App can offer businesses many benefits such as smart attendance management and real employee presence tracking. So think about choosing a future proof app for next level attendance tracking and smart HR management.


Frequently interrupted WiFi connectivity might be an issue for most of the users and network administrators as well. A well- optimized wireless network is crucial for making most out of your internet connection. WiFi analyzer apps for Android are a convenient choice for all sorts of users to resolve issues on WiFi networks.

Here are 11 best Wifi analyzer apps to tackle issues on Wifi Network

wifi attendance

1. WiFi Analyzer

Wi-Fi Analyzer is one of the perfect android apps for you to locate Wi-Fi networks around you. What makes this app different is its simplicity.

Unlike, other mobile apps Wi-Fi analyzer doesn’t have many features or options to offer. Well, it’s a good aspect. It just focuses on displaying you the wireless network around you and does it perfectly.

You can see a graphical representation of wireless networks around you via this app. It also shows data regarding the channel each network runs on.

This will help you to identify the channels that are used the least. Since the app is supported by ads you can download and install it for free.

2. Network Signal Info

This app is more like the above mentioned app ‘Wi-Fi Analyzer’. Like Wifi Analyzer, users can see the data about currently used Wi-Fi network accurately. User friendliness and accurate signal strength indication is its highlighted feature.

Network Signal Info gives you the essential data such as SSID (WIFi network name), MAC address, Wifi data transfer speed, Gateway IP address and many other aspects on the connected network.

Both paid version and free version is available for this app. Paid version has no ads and offers you much more features.

3. Open Signal

Open Signal is designed for Wifi as well as cellular monitoring. It is in fact a powerful wifi analyzer app owing to many useful features.

It helps you in,

  • Locating nearest mobile tower
  • Identify accurate signal strength
  • Perform speed & latency tests
  • Getting exact wireless information
  • Detecting connection quality
  • In- depth network analysis

You can download this app for free and it doesn’t support any ads as well. So, install this app if you want to perform a detailed network analysis.

4. ScanFi

Like all other Wifi analyzers this app also helps you scan Wifi networks on your premises. ScanFi provides you many high – end features to perform an effortless Wi-Fi analysis. You can perform 2.4GHz and 5GHz scanning with ScanFi Wi-Fi analyzer.

Know its features

  • Shows accurate data on available access points
  • Graphical representation of wireless network activity
  • Shows data on strength & speed of the network
  • Provides data on hidden access points

ScanFi helps you convert any compatible Android device into a perfect WiFi analyzer. Also, the app is available at free of cost to download.

attendance app

5. WiFi Monitor

Wi-Fi Monitor is another powerful app for analyzing Wi-Fi networks. An attractive user interface is its main feature. The app offers several tabs to enhance the user experience.  It has tabs such as connection tab, network tab, channels tabs and many other useful charts.

Connection tab gives you data about available wifi networks. While the network tab helps you analyse the available networks by various technical factors. You can check the Wifi channel traffic distribution on the channels tab.

Charts such as signal strength chart helps you to find the areas of weak signal, while the speed chart gives you data on sent and received data.

6. WiFi Manager

If you are looking for an app to manage all the Wifi connections, WiFi manager would be a better solution for you.  It offers you many features other than identifying a better solution for your WiFi network.

A well designed graphical channel radar is the main feature of this app which helps you ensure the link quality of the wireless networks.

This app is well suited for your office and home network to manage several WiFi connections simultaneously.

7. WiFi Analyzer – Home WiFi Alert

WiFi Analyzer – Home Wifi Alert gives you a graphical representation of all your configured WiFi networks. This app offers you the best router network utilities. There are in-built tools to check and secure your office and home WiFi networks.

It is designed in such a way to increase your link speed by analyzing your Wifi network signals in DB. This app would be helpful for all level of users, from beginners to experienced network administrators.

8. WiFi Signal Strength

As the name indicates, this app provides you on demand data about the signal strength of your WiFi network. Besides this, the app helps you to locate the ideal place in your home where it is likely to get the perfect and stable wireless signal strength.

9. WiFi Analytics Tool

This is one of a kind app which offers you advanced signal strength graphs and makes it easier to optimize your Wi-Fi network set up.

Best Features

  • Wifi Channel Graph
  • Wifi Signal Strength Graph
  • Wifi Scanner
  • Channel Interference Analyzer
  • Signal Strength Meter

10. WiFi Data – Signal Analyzer

Wifi Data is a highly recommended app for all WiFi users. Like all other Wifi analyzers this app also analyzes Wifi networks around you.

Wifi Data would help you to analyse the signal strength and maintain up-to-date check on the status of your wireless network.

The app includes four tabs such as connection tab, access points list tab, channels tab and signal tab. You don’t have to spend much time to learn the app because of its user friendly interface.

11. IP Tools: WiFi Analyzer

A perfect app to set-up office as well as household Wifi networks.  You can use this tool for detecting issues related to Wifi networks.  This app helps to optimize wireless network even when you are hundreds of kilometres away from the network zone.

Some of Its Features

  • Router Setup Page
  • Traceroute
  • Wifi Analyzer
  • Ping
  • IP & Host converter

Final Thoughts

A perfect WiFi analyzer app should be easy to use and will have to offer essential features for network optimization as well. So, go through the features of these 11 apps and find out the best to optimize your wireless network.

You surely use WiFi in your day to day life. Have you thought of the sensitive information that you transfer all the time over a WiFi network?  Bank passwords, personal images and passwords are all available to third persons if your WiFi is not secured.

According to Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) study, almost 30% of WiFi networks have little to no encryption. This means that your data is easily available to hackers. Korea, US and France were among the top 15 WiFi unsecured countries in the study.

How is Public WiFi Used by Hackers?

Browsing internet through public WiFi is not safe by any means. In 2015 itself, 594 million people were victims of cybercrime and 12% of Americans had their financial data stolen after shopping online.

The threats and costs are even more for businesses. 32% of US organizations were victim of cybercrime in 2016. The average cost of a data breach to a business is around $ 3.8 million.

There are many ways hackers can use WiFi technology to steal your data, money or identity.  Here are the two most common ways.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

When data transfer over a network is unsecure and unencrypted, a third person can easily intercept it. So, data exchanged between the websites and you can be stolen by exploiting the weak network security. This is known as the Man-in-the-Middle strategy.

To avoid this you must only connect to networks with strong security settings. Any public network that does not have a password is susceptible to such kind of attacks. This strategy is also used for private networks by hackers who are within the range of WiFi.

Rogue Hotspots

Anyone can set up a WiFi to mislead users. For example a hacker could set up a hotspot with the name ‘Starbucks’ in a Starbucks cafe. This would be different from the cafe’s real WiFi but the name could easily confuse a user.

Once the victim is connected to the rogue WiFi, the hacker can see all the data transferred over the network and even infect connected device with malware and ransomware.

Hence it’s advisable to be sure of the WiFi you are connecting to and avoid using public WiFi if possible. Only connect to networks of businesses and persons you trust and make sure that it is not a hacker with the name of a trusted business.

How to Secure WiFi Network

 Here are some ways to secure your WiFi network form hackers and data thieves. This will work on both your home WiFi and office WiFi.

1. Have a WPA 2

When data packets are sent over a wireless medium they can be easily intercepted. For this reason, WiFi network have always had encryption of data send over radio waves. The earliest protocol was WEP, which used the same encryption key for each data package. A hacker could easily crack this code in a few minutes.

Starting from 2006 next level security called WPA was started. This used scrambling of encryption key to improve security. The encryption method was further strengthened in WPA2 protocol. This is the latest and best security level available for WiFi. It is not so easy for hackers to break the code transferred under WPA2 protocol.

Needless to say you should ensure that your router has WPA2 level security and AES encryption. All routers manufactured after 2006 have WPA2 enabled by default.

2. Enable Enterprise Mode WiFi Security

The enterprise mode of WiFI Protected Access uses 802.1X authentication for stronger security.

802.1X authentication is a standard protocol for port based network Access Control. It authenticates devices that connect with a server. Connection is established only after device identity is verified and hence it keeps the network safe of third person connecting in.

The architecture includes three parts – a wireless supplicant (connecting device), access device and authentication server. The network is made secure through the communication and exchanges between these three. This rules out Man-In- The-Middle attacks mentioned above. You can configure 802.1X authentication from properties under network adapter in your Desktop/ PC.

3. Secure Password and SSID

Breaking into your WiFi is very easy if the password to your WiFi is known. Hackers have software and tools that run common passwords while trying to break into your network. Easily guessed and default passwords are hence a soft target for them.

Similarly, your wireless network name (SSID) should not be common like ‘‘D-Link’ or your family name. This is because SSID forms a part of your network encryption and hacker tools come loaded with default and common SSID names.

You can change your password & SSID by logging into your router settings by typing “” in your browser. This may be different for different companies and you should check the router manual for this.

4. Add Device MAC Address

All devices have something known as a MAC address that you can add to your router’s settings. This will allow only the specified devices to connect to your WiFi. Although it’s possible to make a spoof MAC address by a hacker, it still adds a layer of security because it’s one more thing that the hacker has to know.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways that hackers can break into a WiFI network. Just like the cyber-security, hackers are also constantly updating their technology continuously.

As of now, the enterprise setting with WPA2 protocol and 802.1X authentication is a safe method. Take additional steps of setting up a strong password and unique SSID name and you are well protected from unwanted data thieves.

Do remember to update your knowledge from time to time and install new firmware on your router to stay secured.

Internet has opened a different world for us. While we as adults have a sense to filter what is available, the younger ones might not be able to do so.

It has become hugely significant to provide them an insight to judge what is safe and knowledgeable for them and what is not. To help you more on the same, here is a list of ways to monitor your child’s internet usage.

1. Check the browser history

One of the most basic ways with the help of which you can track your child’s internet usage is by keeping a check on their browser history. It can help you maintain a note of all the websites they are visiting or have visited.

There is a record of the sites being visited in every browser. In case you use internet explorer, then you can find the option to access history via the ‘Tools’ menu.

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On the other hand, if Chrome is your default browser, then you can easily find the opportunity to look at the history by clicking on the wrench button present on the top right corner of it.

From there you can select an account and have a look at it. Alternatively, there is another thing that you can do, such as press Ctrl + H and the history of the browser will show up.

It is easy to scroll through what your child has been seeing and the sites visited are shown in the reverse chronological order.

However, if your child does not like you intruding or enquiring so much, he/she might delete the browser history. Therefore, you will have to look for other ways to monitor their internet usage.

2. Use Wireless Router for monitoring

There are some of the wireless router models, which keep track of the sites that are visited via the home internet connection. You can set up logging by typing the IP address of your wireless router into the address bar of the browser you use.

In case you do not know the IP address of your router, you can get to know it by opening a command window. Then type ipconfig/all. You will find your IP address listed under the heading, ‘default gateway.’

If you are asked to enter a password, but you have never set one, then you can find the default username and password details on the website of the manufacturer or by searching on the package that your wireless router had come in.

Once that you have been able to access your router, you can view the activity that had been happening on your network by clicking on ‘Logs.’ Some of the routers give you the excellent opportunity of blocking some websites. Due to this, your child will not be able to access them.

Along with this, you can set your router to send you an email whenever your child attempts to reach the website you have blocked. When you are done with customizing the settings, you can change the password to your router so that your child cannot have any access to its settings.

3. Use software to keep a check

Installing software in the gadget to monitor your child’s internet usage is one of the effective means. Many parents resort to this option. Not just a few, but many programs can help you with this. You can get a detailed account of the sites visited by your child along with their online interactions with such software.

By far, using software to keep an eye on the internet usage has been the most successful and helpful way. Here are some of the excellent tools available to assist you on the same.

1. SocialShield

SocialSheild seems to be an expert in determining whom your child is talking to on their social media accounts. The accounts are therefore kept on a check by it, and it will immediately inform you if anyone suspicious tries to contact your child or get in touch with him/her.

It is a paid service which can check your child’s friends in various databases. You will be informed about the same in case the person who contacted your child is not as per his/her claim. It also notifies you if an adult is trying to influence or befriend your younger one online.

2. SafetyWeb

Just like SocialShield, even SafetyWeb is software that manages to monitor your child’s activities on social networking websites, such as Twitter and Facebook. SafetyWeb will send you an alert as soon as some explicit content is detected in your child’s messages.

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Along with this, it also keeps an eye on your child to know if he is involved in cyberbullying, whether as a perpetrator or as a victim. If unsuitable adults contact your child, then you will be identified at the earliest.

3. McGruff SafeGuard

After McGruffSafeGuard is installed on your child’s computer, it can help you gather information on the sites visited by him/her along with the terms being searched.

It also monitors the conversations. One of the key advantages of it is that it straightforwardly presents information. Parents can easily understand what their children read with the help of this tool as it also translates the commonly used abbreviations by their kids.

4. MobSafety Ranger Browser

It is a good option for you if your main aim is to ensure web safety and limit the internet usage of your child. This app lets you see your child’s browser history along with providing you the option of ‘whitelisting’ which means approving of some website and maybe bookmarking them and ‘blacklisting’ which is to ban certain websites.

The additional advantage is that you can limit the time of your child’s internet usage as you want.

5. DinnerTime App

DinnerTime is a free application which helps you to lock or unlock your child’s Android device from your phone, as and when you want.

It is mainly to help your child focus on his/her homework which is received from school or to sleep on time. One thing, which is to be noted is that the child’s device should necessarily be an Android. Although, parents can access the app on Android or iOS.

This application has three modes, namely, ‘Dinner Time’ mode, ‘Take a break’ mode and ‘Bed Time’ mode. The Dinner Time is helpful in pausing an activity for up to two hours. With the help of the ‘Take a break’ mode, you can restrict the internet usage for 24 hours.

The most ultimate is the ‘Bed Time’ mode which lets you pause an activity for any starting and ending time. Though, it still allows your kid to access the alarm clock. This app offers a detailed report of all the apps and websites being used by your child.

4. Talk to your child on the issue of internet safety

In the modern digital world talking, discussing and debating on the subject of internet safety is needed for all the users, of which the kids are also a part. Talking to your child about the problems that you or they might face is the healthiest thing to do.

Final Thoughts

Growing children need help in shaping their opinions, in distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong and the ways to conduct themselves. Therefore, the emergence of techniques like using parental control software has been useful to an extent in monitoring the digital habits of your child.

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Fundamental ways like checking the browser history and using the wireless router for tracking their usage are also helpful to start. However, what ultimately works is your communication with your child and the way you have been able to introduce them to the good and the bad of the digital world.