Absence of a documented procedure for leave management can cause businesses more than just loss of capital. Lack of validation of acquired leaves is an important element of data that helps to understand the current scenario and affects imminent scheduling and other decision making in terms of human resource. 

Companies that do manage to keep tab of employee absenteeism but are at the mercy of paper trails get penalized for maintaining incomplete or distorted records.

Hence it is important that they resort to automated means of leave management to safeguard the credibility of the firm and dodge unnecessary trouble caused due to poor leave management.

Inadequate leave management can have serious impacts on your business. Have a look:

1. Manpower crunch during important deadlines

2. Legal problems due to Non-compliance to employee leave policy

3. Worker compensation penalties if employees are over worked and call sick

4. Financial liabilities of unused leaves

5. Impeding Employee productivity

6. Discouraged employee morale due to lack of leave management

6 ways how poor Leave management impacts business

You are determined on working towards company goals but how will you get there if your workforce does not resonate with it?

To keep your workforce motivated and empathetic towards the vision you have in mind, you need to set an efficient protocol for workforce management.

The main aim of workforce management program is to extract best performances out of employees at all levels. Designing an effective strategy becomes difficult as companies fail to address the essential challenges that are faced with by the process.

There are certain key aspects which significantly impact the method. Below are the five necessary steps that affect the output of your workforce management strategy.

1. Let the Manager do Talent Management.

He knows people and their skills better!

2. Gauge the role and responsibility of each employee.

Identifying critical roles is crucial for business.

3. Make sure only relevant data is fed to the manager’s PC

Data that helps in recruitment, performance analysis and other aspects of talent management!

4. Intricate developments in succession plan.

Focus on creating descendant roadmaps at multiple levels

5. Harmonize Workforce and company goals!

Craft mutually dependent strategies for talent and business management.

Workforce Management 5 Steps For Getting It Right!

Every individual might be different in their mental structure and ideologies. But when you are looking at a generation exposed to similar conditioning, there are evident traits that fall beyond the rules of idiosyncrasy.   

In case of a Millennial it is vitamin T! T for technology.

Given the fact that they bloom well in the presence of technology, they also think along the same lines when it comes to choosing a workplace.

If you believe you can treat a millennial employee just like the way you deal with Baby Boomers, you need to think again!

With the world being more connected in the present age, ambitions have evolved to become more purpose centric and not just some means to accumulate wealth. Millennial workforce craves a culture rich work environment!

And Brands are yearning for millennial attention.

Here is how you can tweak your work culture to meet millennial standards.

Managing Millennials At Workplace

The endless race of the second hand and the hour hand gets irky when you don’t have an appropriate time management strategy. Time management is important to you get through the 24 hours of the day feeling productive and accomplished.

Lack of proper planning is what creates confusions and causes you to lead a lot of important minutes in vain.

Here are the key factors you need to get right for effective time management.

Pull your thoughts together

1. Tweak your agenda

2. Analyze and prioritize tasks

3. Say no when you cant

4. Whenever you can, Delegate!

5. Save your force for tasks you are good at

6. Avoid doing things that can wait!

7. Planning for tomorrow will give you a head start for the day

Keys to time management

Innumerable business ideas are conceived each day and so many die a hard death owing to not being able to cope up with the feeling of defeat.

What many aspiring minds forget is that the most important traits of an entrepreneur are endurance and determination.

These four biggest sensations of entrepreneurial world were not just patient with their failures but also delusional enough to believe that their vision would one day change the world.

Once delusions, now called the biggest innovations that revolutionized the world of business.

Read Also : Why Is Organizational Planning Important For Your Business?

A glance at the hard side of their success story is a lesson for impending businessmen and all others with a vision to do something different.

What we all have seen is only their glory. Take a moment to know what these wildly successful faces endured before becoming the legends that they are.



Organizations have begun to recognize the significance of employee development program. Millennials invariably prefer working for companies which prioritize professional development along with that of the company.

wifi attendance

A continuous learning process is very important to yield maximum results of productivity from each employee. Studies have shown that improving educational quality of the workforce is far more effective than enhancing equipment quality when it comes to achieving better results in production and efficiency.

Here are the seven essential steps of an effective employee development program.

7 stages of an effective employee development process infographic

Also read : How to Encourage and Inspire Employee Motivation

1. Evaluate the employees by creating an outline of a successful employee. Use the traits of this model to assess employee performance metrics.

2. Acknowledge the strong points and achievements of the employees. It would make sense to tailor the learning programs according individual strengths.

3. Challenges help each of us to push our limits and come up with innovative ideas and strategies to deliver efficient results. Encourage your team to try out new things and deploy some agility in the tasks at hand.

4. Now while you expect innovations and novel strategies, it will obviously go through a stage of trial and error. Be ready for mistakes and failures and do not fret it. Incredible innovation comes hand in hand with experimentation and risk taking. Also, while you push your people to enhance their knowledge, make sure to assist them with the resources and the guidance to carry out the learning process.

attendance app

5. Once the process is up and rolling, occasionally review the set up. This will help in refinement of goals and objectives set for each undertaking.

6. The next stage involves creating an official learning cycle for the employees. The learning program involves performance enhancement and professional development to be included as a measure of employee’s performance.

7. The final stage involves creating an employee development program which is an integral part of the organization’s culture and objectives. As a result of which, the workforce development will not just be done for the sake of it, but will be a beneficial venture for both the employee and the company.