Internet has opened a different world for us. While we as adults have a sense to filter what is available, the younger ones might not be able to do so.

It has become hugely significant to provide them an insight to judge what is safe and knowledgeable for them and what is not. To help you more on the same, here is a list of ways to monitor your child’s internet usage.

1. Check the browser history

One of the most basic ways with the help of which you can track your child’s internet usage is by keeping a check on their browser history. It can help you maintain a note of all the websites they are visiting or have visited.

There is a record of the sites being visited in every browser. In case you use internet explorer, then you can find the option to access history via the ‘Tools’ menu.

Read Also: Top 20 Parental Control Routers to Use in 2019

On the other hand, if Chrome is your default browser, then you can easily find the opportunity to look at the history by clicking on the wrench button present on the top right corner of it.

From there you can select an account and have a look at it. Alternatively, there is another thing that you can do, such as press Ctrl + H and the history of the browser will show up.

It is easy to scroll through what your child has been seeing and the sites visited are shown in the reverse chronological order.

However, if your child does not like you intruding or enquiring so much, he/she might delete the browser history. Therefore, you will have to look for other ways to monitor their internet usage.

2. Use Wireless Router for monitoring

There are some of the wireless router models, which keep track of the sites that are visited via the home internet connection. You can set up logging by typing the IP address of your wireless router into the address bar of the browser you use.

In case you do not know the IP address of your router, you can get to know it by opening a command window. Then type ipconfig/all. You will find your IP address listed under the heading, ‘default gateway.’

If you are asked to enter a password, but you have never set one, then you can find the default username and password details on the website of the manufacturer or by searching on the package that your wireless router had come in.

Once that you have been able to access your router, you can view the activity that had been happening on your network by clicking on ‘Logs.’ Some of the routers give you the excellent opportunity of blocking some websites. Due to this, your child will not be able to access them.

Along with this, you can set your router to send you an email whenever your child attempts to reach the website you have blocked. When you are done with customizing the settings, you can change the password to your router so that your child cannot have any access to its settings.

3. Use software to keep a check

Installing software in the gadget to monitor your child’s internet usage is one of the effective means. Many parents resort to this option. Not just a few, but many programs can help you with this. You can get a detailed account of the sites visited by your child along with their online interactions with such software.

By far, using software to keep an eye on the internet usage has been the most successful and helpful way. Here are some of the excellent tools available to assist you on the same.

1. SocialShield

SocialSheild seems to be an expert in determining whom your child is talking to on their social media accounts. The accounts are therefore kept on a check by it, and it will immediately inform you if anyone suspicious tries to contact your child or get in touch with him/her.

It is a paid service which can check your child’s friends in various databases. You will be informed about the same in case the person who contacted your child is not as per his/her claim. It also notifies you if an adult is trying to influence or befriend your younger one online.

2. SafetyWeb

Just like SocialShield, even SafetyWeb is software that manages to monitor your child’s activities on social networking websites, such as Twitter and Facebook. SafetyWeb will send you an alert as soon as some explicit content is detected in your child’s messages.

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Along with this, it also keeps an eye on your child to know if he is involved in cyberbullying, whether as a perpetrator or as a victim. If unsuitable adults contact your child, then you will be identified at the earliest.

3. McGruff SafeGuard

After McGruffSafeGuard is installed on your child’s computer, it can help you gather information on the sites visited by him/her along with the terms being searched.

It also monitors the conversations. One of the key advantages of it is that it straightforwardly presents information. Parents can easily understand what their children read with the help of this tool as it also translates the commonly used abbreviations by their kids.

4. MobSafety Ranger Browser

It is a good option for you if your main aim is to ensure web safety and limit the internet usage of your child. This app lets you see your child’s browser history along with providing you the option of ‘whitelisting’ which means approving of some website and maybe bookmarking them and ‘blacklisting’ which is to ban certain websites.

The additional advantage is that you can limit the time of your child’s internet usage as you want.

5. DinnerTime App

DinnerTime is a free application which helps you to lock or unlock your child’s Android device from your phone, as and when you want.

It is mainly to help your child focus on his/her homework which is received from school or to sleep on time. One thing, which is to be noted is that the child’s device should necessarily be an Android. Although, parents can access the app on Android or iOS.

This application has three modes, namely, ‘Dinner Time’ mode, ‘Take a break’ mode and ‘Bed Time’ mode. The Dinner Time is helpful in pausing an activity for up to two hours. With the help of the ‘Take a break’ mode, you can restrict the internet usage for 24 hours.

The most ultimate is the ‘Bed Time’ mode which lets you pause an activity for any starting and ending time. Though, it still allows your kid to access the alarm clock. This app offers a detailed report of all the apps and websites being used by your child.

4. Talk to your child on the issue of internet safety

In the modern digital world talking, discussing and debating on the subject of internet safety is needed for all the users, of which the kids are also a part. Talking to your child about the problems that you or they might face is the healthiest thing to do.

Final Thoughts

Growing children need help in shaping their opinions, in distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong and the ways to conduct themselves. Therefore, the emergence of techniques like using parental control software has been useful to an extent in monitoring the digital habits of your child.

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Fundamental ways like checking the browser history and using the wireless router for tracking their usage are also helpful to start. However, what ultimately works is your communication with your child and the way you have been able to introduce them to the good and the bad of the digital world.

Can you imagine your table lamp streaming data into your smartphone? This is already possible today with LiFi technology.

You must be already using WiFi technology to access the internet on a daily basis. LiFi is an alternative to WiFi that is expected to be in wide use in coming years. We will understand the technology and look at its advantages, applications and limitations in this post.

Let’s first understand what LiFi is.

What is LiFi?

LiFi (Light Fidelity) is a technology that uses visible light to transmit data. It is similar to WiFi in its application but differs in how the data is transferred.

Whereas WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) uses radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, LiFi uses the visible light, infrared and ultraviolet waves to transmit data. What this means is that a simple microchip in your home lamps or office lighting can turn them into a LiFi router.

The hardware required for this is just an LED light and a receiver that can convert light signals into electric ones. Solar cells already do this and can work as a receiver in LiFi technology.

In fact this technology is already used by your remote control to communicate with Television by sending a stream of data to it. In LiFi thousands of data stream are sent simultaneously at higher speeds.

Visual signals are communicated by flickering of light at very rapid speeds. This disturbance is not detected by the human eye and hence a LiFi technology LED bulb will look like just another bulb to us. Since visible light travels in straight line a clear line of sight is preferable for best connectivity.

However, even in case of no direct line of sight, the signals are picked up after bouncing off from the walls/ surfaces.

The signals are obviously limited within four walls as light cannot travel through walls. As we will see below, this can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the use of LiFi.

Visible Light Communication (VLC) has been a topic of research for long but LiFi as a viable technology was invented by Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He presented the technology in his famous TED Talk in 2011.

He built a technology to overcome the current limitations of WiFi and envisioned a world where everyone could access the internet through the LED bulbs at their home.

The technology is still new and in its nascent stage. Currently there are only six companies across the world invested in this technology (2 in USA, 3 in Europe and 1 in India).

However, going by the current rates of advancement, LiFi is set to be adopted as a mainstream technology by 2022.

It is already being tested in industrial and commercial setups throughout the world. In Estonia, LED based LiFi testing reached a speed of 1Gbps data transmission rates in 2015.

This is 100 times faster than the average WiFi speed! Continuous research in the LiFi system is pushing for even faster speeds and commercial viability.

A PhD student in Netherlands has already succeeded in achieving download speed of 42Gbps in 2017 using infrared light instead of LED.

WiFi vs LiFi

Here are the main differences in LiFI and WiFi

Advantages of LiFI Technology

Ready Infrastructure

Wi-Fi technology requires routers, cellular radio masts, modems etc. LiFi on the other just requires LED lights which are already present all around us. As such adapting LiFi will not require any additional cost. This technology can be embedded in the illumination interiors of our home and office.

High Security

Unlike radio waves, visible light cannot pass through walls. Due to this LiFi data cannot be hacked by third persons outside your premise. This gives more security and is especially advantageous for sensitive boardrooms, industrial systems and privacy at homes.

High Speed

LiFi has the potential to be 100 times faster than WiFi. The fastest recorded speed in lab has been 224Gbps although commercially available speed is far less than this currently. But with advances in technology the potential of LiFi can be huge benefit over WiFi.

Lower Energy Consumption

Cellular base stations and cell towers are major consumers of energy and power. According to TechRadar they make up 60% of total mobile network power consumption. Cooling these base stations is another major consumer of energy. These costs will be minimized with introduction of LiFi technology.

Supports Internet of Things

LiFi and smart devices fit together like hand and glove. As we will in the applications below, smart devices like cars, house lighting system, laundry machines etc., can easily communicate with each other using the LiFi system. Each of the smart devices can be fitted with a light receiver and the lighting of house can be done using LiFi LED bulbs.

Unlimited Bandwidth

LiFi is the future of the communication because of its unlimited bandwidth. The spectrum of visible light is 10,000 times bigger than radio waves. Radio wave spectrum is getting saturated and the US Federal Communications Commission has even warned of a potential spectrum crisis because WiFi is close to full capacity.

When this happens, companies will have no option but to turn to visible light spectrum with its unlimited bandwidth.

Applications of LiFi

There are many potential applications of LiFi technology. LiFi is the right solution wherever radio waves cause disturbance or privacy is an issue. Here are some practical scenarios to give you an idea of LiFi in coming years:

1. Self Driving Cars

LiFi will turn out to be crucial for self driving cars. Cars already use LED lights in their headlights and brake-lights and can be easily designed to use this to communicate with each other.

This will help in preventing accidents, diverting traffic and avoid breach of traffic rules. This is perfect for remote highway stretches where there is no WiFi signal. Cars can simply send and receive data using their own lights.

Street lights and traffic signals can also be integrated in the system to form a secure traffic system that talks to each other without human intervention.

2. Deep Sea Exploration

LiFi presents exciting opportunities in sea exploration. Currently the capacity of rovers is limited by the cables. WiFi cannot be used in deep sea as radio waves get absorbed in water.

Visible light on the other hand can travel in water. It can be used to communicate between divers, remote control vehicles and base ships.

3. Data Connectivity in Sensitive Areas

Some premises like hospitals, aircrafts, petrochemical plants etc., are not safe to use WiFi. Radio waves interfere with critical devices or pose a risk of spark in these areas. LiFi is best for these places as visible light does not pose any of these threats.

Drawbacks and Limitations

 This technology is not free from its limitation and there are reasons why LiFi is not yet in use everywhere. Here are the obstacles that need to be worked around if large scale adoption of this technology is to be made possible.

1. Range

LiFi is not a good option if one is looking for wider range. Because light in room cannot penetrate your entire house, you will have restriction of movement. So getting connectivity in your balcony or bathroom is a problem unless you install a LiFi LED in each room.

Also the speed of connection is better with close proximity and direct line of sight. The range of LiFi takes away freedom of movement as of now. This can be worked around with rewiring the whole infrastructure of a house which brings us to the next point.

2. Cost of Installation

Although the cost is low for a large scale industry, restructuring houses for LiFi can turn out to be costly. This is because even after installing a LiFi LED bulb in each room you will have to install a receiver on each device.

However, a LiFi freindly home is much easier to build. Alternatively a technology called Power of Ethernet (PoE) allows transmission of power and data via a single cable. This can make LiFi lighting at home possible.

LiFi friendly home is a possibility in future but as of today there are just too many devices that need to be installed and are not even available widely.

3. Interference from other Lights

Interference from brighter sources can weaken the signal from LED bulb even though receiver is able to differentiate between sunlight and the LED light. Not only this, even any physical obstruction like a piece of furniture can dampen the signals. This makes it difficult to work next to a window or other outdoor places.

4.Speed in Practical Settings

Although LiFi shows potential for a speed 100 times faster than WiFi the commercial option available is way below the WiFi Speed. Even pureLiFi, the company found by inventor of LiFi, Harald Haas, offers products with speed of 40mbps.

Tying It All Together

LiFi technology makes use of visible light to transmit data wirelessly. With its unlimited spectrum capacity, security and high speed it is set to be an alternative to WiFi. However, WiFi has its own set of advantages and because of this,  LiFi may end up complementing WiFi rather than completely replacing it.

LiFi has potential for unlimited applications and it’s just a matter of when the technology is made commercially viable. As of today, LiFi seems more suitable for industrial use.

Industries can buy LiFi receivers in bulk and design a layout for maximum LED access by smart devices. Penetrating households might be something that will take time for this innovative technology.


What does BMW and 90% of Fortune 500 companies have in common? They all use Microsoft’s cloud computing. The service, known as Microsoft Azure (earlier known as Windows Azure) has been used by many corporations since its launch in 2010 to manage data, develop applications, perform predictive analysis and much more on the cloud.

In this post we will explain on what exactly is Microsoft Azure, how it is used by businesses across the globe to save time and costs. We will also touch upon cloud computing as a market broadly and how Microsoft Azure fits in this $210 billion market.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud services were the buzzword in business and IT industry about a decade ago. Whether your work is related to technology or not, you have definitely heard of cloud computing. Cloud computing is model to provide sharable computing resources such as storage, applications, software, services etc. that can be used on-demand.

Cloud computing was envisioned in the 1960s as ‘ Intergalactic Computer Network’. However, the idea only took off after internet could offer sufficient bandwidth to access this service in the late 1990s. was the first one to offer enterprise applications through website in 1999. This paved the way for cloud services and many players small and big jumped into the market.

Amazon Web services was among the first few to offer web based services that could be accessed by anyone via internet.

Soon a suite of services were offered to business. Data storage, application development and software applications could all be hosted in the cloud. This meant that companies no longer needed to own tools and software. Instead, these were offered on a pay-as-you-use basis or Software as a service (SaaS).

Take cloud storage for example. Earlier companies had to buy or lease their servers to store their own data. This is known as on-premise computing. With cloud storage data is stored in cloud; that is, in the servers owned, managed and maintained by cloud service providers.

This is also known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) as it is essentially renting out just the required space needed for your data storage.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft already had a huge share of enterprise software market by 2007. Most of the big corporations were already using Microsoft’s Exchange E-mail software offered as SaaS (Software as a Service). In 2008, Microsoft announced its cloud service Microsoft Azure and launched it in 2010.

With Azure, Microsoft envisioned to offer much more than SaaS. With Microsoft Azure developers could develop, deploy and manage applications; create Virtual Machines; create and host websites; develop applications for mobile devices.

Microsoft has added many more services with each passing year. Here is what Microsoft Azure has to offer to companies all sizes and at any location.

Azure offers hundreds of features and services. They can be classified broadly under four categories:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

This is simply providing physical infrastructure on a shared basis. Azure provides computing infrastructure such as server, networking and data center management as a service. Virtual Machines are also a service under IaaS.

Examples of services provided under LaaS are – storage, backup & recovery of data, high-performance computing, website hosting, big data analytics etc. All of these require a high computation power and additional hard-disk space. This can be easily provided by LaaS providers.

Additionally LaaS gives the flexibility of scaling up or down the infrastructure as per the demands of business. This means that companies only pay for what they use and do not have to block resources in extra capacity.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

In addition to resources provided under IaaS, this provides the development tools, database management systems and middleware. This gives developers tools to build, deploy and manage applications. Azure manages all the software licenses and application infrastructure so that you can concentrate on developing amazing applications.

From building to testing and updating; PaaS supports you throughout while cutting coding time and adding capabilities to your development teams.

Microsoft Azure and its Applications

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS goes a step further and provides cloud-based apps over internet. Microsoft Azure manages all the software and hardware requirement for app. Users can connect to the app via the internet and companies are billed on pay-as-you-go basis.

Microsoft Office 365 is an example of SaaS.  Customer Relationship Management software and ERP are other examples that you might be familiar with.

4. Mobile Service (mBaaS)

This is similar to PaaS. The only difference being that mBaaS or mobile backend as a service give tools to build and deploy application meant for mobile devices.

There are hundreds of services that Microsoft Azure is offering under these broad headings. Here are a few important categories to give you an idea of how Microsoft Azure services can be used for:

1. Database Services

Manage, store and secure data in a business. Azure provides service to manage SQL database so that you can concentrate on using the data rather than managing it.

Data backup, disaster recovery and data migration are some of the other services that are offered under database management services.

2. Computing Services

Azure can host Virtual Machines for processes that require super computing power. Azure supports up to 9 operating systems and gives a choice of various languages to build, deploy and manage applications.

3. Analytics

With Azure, businesses can stream and maintain big data from smart devices. Services are available for predictive analysis, machine learning and statistical modeling to help businesses make sense of the stream of big data coming in.

4. Media

Companies such as NBC sports, Xbox and Fuji Television Network are using Microsoft Azure’s services to encode and stream video at a massive scale. Azure’s Media services allow companies to deliver live and on-demand content with any scalability.

5. AI & Machine Learning

Azure offers a plethora of services under AI and Machine Learning so that clients can build and manage predictive analysis, build and scale bot services, train deep learning and neural networks.

Some of the services under this are Azure Batch AI, Machine Learning Studio, Azure Bot Service and Azure Data bricks.

These are just some of the broad categories to services available in Microsoft cloud. Some of the other categories are Database Management, Internet of things, Migration, Mobile, Networking, Security, Storage, Web, Developer Tools and   Management Tools.

As you can see Azure offers everything a business could possibly need. Whether it’s a simple ERP to run your day to day business or complex machine learning to develop cutting edge apps; Microsoft Azure can support you in its services under IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

How does it work?

Companies that have all their data and processes up and running in cloud call themselves ‘cloud-native’. From application building to machine learning companies are uploading everything to cloud. So how is running businesses in the cloud made possible?

Cloud computing is enabled by virtualization technology. It allows a CPU to run multiple operating systems (OS) at once. This process performed at a massive scale at Microsoft Datacenters is what makes cloud computing possible.

Here is a video that clearly explains how Microsoft Azure works on Virtualization technology.

The Cloud Computing Market.

The cloud service market is set to grow to $555 billion by 2020 according to Allied Market Research. SaaS is expected to grow the fastest as a segment of cloud services. With adoption of cloud services by all companies large and small and increasing demand for technology services across all industries, cloud services are expected to grow at a fast pace in coming years.

Big players such as Amazon, Google, and IBM are all in the race along with Microsoft Azure. Amazon Web Services is the market leader with 47% share in the market. Microsoft Azure is still behind with little over 10% market share.

However Microsoft is growing at a pace faster than Amazon is expected to catch up soon. In fact, Microsoft Azure has grown at a triple digit growth rate since its launch. Google Cloud Platform is another big player with a much smaller share of 4% as of now.

The cloud services space is expected to remain competitive with each player aggressively adding data centers and dropping prices. Microsoft is set to capture a major portion of this market which is still in its early development stage. Each player is launching cutting edge capabilities in order to stay ahead in the game.

Because of the following advantages the adoption of Azure and other cloud services will only grow in the coming years:

1. Cost Savings

It is estimated that cloud service would save as much as 35% of annual operational costs. Cost savings is the one of the main factors driving adoption of could services in enterprises. With cloud services, companies can do away with infrastructure cost, server cost, maintenance & repair, floor space, staff for upkeep. All these are taken care of by the service provider and businesses only have to pay for the capacity they use.

2. Scaling

Take the case of problems faced by AtmanCo which offers personality testing application for improved job placement. The start-up had to turn away customers because their servers could not scale to support customer demand. Seasonality in demand and sudden traffic can be a problem with fixed infrastructure in a company.

These problems are non- existent in the cloud enabled world. Companies can easily scale up their IT infrastructure using pooled resources in the cloud. In times of less demand they can cut back extra capacity just as easily. This flexibility is vital for start-ups and companies with a seasonal demand.

3. Security

The risk of losing all your data and work is increased in an on-premise infrastructure. Disasters like fire, flood, cyber attack or server breakdown are real threats to a business. This risk can be taken care by cloud storage since the data is stored in multiple remote locations.

Disaster recovery plans offered as cloud service ensures everything from major attacks to a minor power outage is taken care of. Azure Advanced Threat Protection is even able to detect advanced attacks on database.

4. Innovation

Perhaps the best advantage of cloud is the freedom it gives employees to put ideas into practices quickly. With IT infrastructure up and running in the cloud, IT does not have to waste their time in maintenance, routine tasks and fire fighting incidents. Instead they can concentrate on implementing valuable business ideas with hundreds of tools available to them on the cloud.

How is it priced?

If you are running your own servers and licensing software currently, Microsoft Azure will definitely turn out to be cheaper for you. With flexible purchase and all the advantages mentioned above choosing cloud over on-premise is a no-brainer.

The pricing is pay-as-you- go basis with each service being charged separately by hour. Some services may be charged per execution. For example, Virtual machine is charged $0.5/hour whereas compute functions are charged at $13.22/ million execution. Many services are free for 12 months in a limited capacity.

Microsoft gives its client up to 72% cost savings on entering a lock-in period of one to three years. This means that you book your services in advance instead to the pay-as-you-go model. This is a good option for clients who are sure of using Azure services in the long run.

Future of Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure currently has 54 datacenter regions with more additions announced regularly. This is one of the USP of Azure as there global infrastructure is larger than any other player in the market. With aggressive marketing strategy and continuous additions of new capabilities, Azure market share is expected to grow to over 20% in the coming years.

Over 70 compliance covering and US government’s trust as cloud service provider the future of Microsoft Azure looks bright and promising.

Final Thoughts

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service fit for companies big and small across all sectors. From cutting edge machine learning of Virtual Machines (VMs) to streaming on-demand content, Azure is making everything possible with shared platform.

What’s more! More than hundreds of services are available cheap, scalable and within minutes for everyone now. The playing field has leveled up for startups too, who don’t need to spend on expensive infrastructure or software licensing. Microsoft Azure makes everything a business needs available through SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.

With the next wave of big data coming from smart devices, cloud services are going to be more than just remote platforms. They are going to be critical infrastructure and enabler of technology. Although Microsoft Azure is second in terms of market leader, its global footprint and stronghold in enterprise line-of-business will definitely give it a boost in coming years.


The two truths that we have to acknowledge today are that children are addicted to the Internet and the Internet is a great place to learn new things. What if the new ‘things’ are all about malware and inappropriate content? Parents should be more concerned about keeping their children away from harmful stuff.

We have attempted, in this article, to list top 15 parental control routers for the year 2018 and their most exciting features.  Read on and take your pick from the lot.

Read Updated Version: Top 20 Parental Control Routers to Use in 2019

1. Circle with Disney

Circle with Disney

Costing a little over $80, Circle with Disney is fine if you do not want to immediately purchase a new router. However, some of you may want to infuse a few parental controls into an already existing network. The small white cubes fit into slots in your router to inspect the connection between the Internet and the devices in the house.

Once this is done, you would also need to download the app ‘Circle with Disney’ into your smartphone which could be an Android device or an iPhone. Once this is done, you can monitor the happenings on the network, filter content and also peek to see who is on the Internet at any given point in time.

wifi attendance

For the purpose of filtering content, the Circle with Disney has many pre-set filters that are age-based. For a child aged 5, a Pre-K setting would be ideal. ‘Teen’ setting for teens is available and you can set the filter for ‘Adult’ for your own devices.

It is possible to create your own customized filters and these cubes also help to turn off the Internet connection at pre-set times to specific devices. The unique point about Circle with Disney is that it is best for any age.

2. Router Limits Mini

Router Limits Mini

In case you are on the lookout for a router that has some necessary parental controls that you want to add to your router but is easier on your pocket without an overrun on the budget, you can, perhaps, take a look at Router Limits Mini.

This router is a small device that connects LAN ports of your router at home and gives you complete control on the content that flows into all the devices at home, all for just $80.

Router Limits Mini acts in between the Internet and your children’s devices. However, this cannot help to improve speed or performance like a conventional router as it is merely an add-on device. It will allow you to pre-set times at which the devices will either connect or disconnect.

You can pause Internet connectivity at will and you can monitor all activity on the Internet. Internet searches can be locked and only enabled through Google or Bing Safe Search mode and Restricted Mode on YouTube.

3. Netgear Nighthawk AC1900

Netgear Nighthawk AC1900

This is a dual-band WI-Fi router that is able to deliver Internet speeds up to 1.3 Gbps. This has an option by which you can optimize bandwidth for streaming and gaming videos.

There is also an option to boost coverage indoors. The most prominent feature of this router is its ability to support Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. This allows you to control the network with your voice commands.

Another interesting feature is that this router is adaptable with the parental controls of Circle with Disney. This means you can download their app on your iPhone or Android phone and access the Internet to monitor the children’s activity when they are online, and even cut Internet access at will through the app. It costs around $160.

4. Linksys AC1750

Linksys AC1750

The Linksys AC1750 router comes with all parental controls and with an affordable price tag of over just a $100.  This dual-band wireless router can render speeds of up to 1.7 Gbps.

It also senses and delivers maximum speeds to individual devices that are connected according to the capacity they can handle at any point in time. It can boost coverage in small homes.

The router can be controlled via an app (Smart Wi-Fi App) that can be downloaded on your iPhone/Android smartphone. Therefore additional features such as being able to set passwords, prioritizing traffic to chosen devices, create guest Wi-Fi networks, are available.

The basic parental controls such as allowing only specific content to flow through to the devices and cutting off specific sites are also possible through the Smart Wi-Fi App.

5. Asus AC3100

Asus AC3100

If you are a parent looking for the most powerful one in the market, then Asus AC3100 is the one for you. Equipped with dual-band functionality, it delivers speeds of up to 2.1Gbps. It can boost coverage for an area of up to 5000 square feet.

The Asus AC3100 comes with a dual-core processor that facilitates fast data transfers through USB to connected storage devices. The Gigabit LAN ports help to make fast instantaneous connections with all devices connected to the router.

AiProtection is a feature incorporated into the Asus AC3100 that handles all the parental controls. With the help of this, you can pre-set the content that can flow into your children’s devices. You can also monitor all the happenings on the network. The settings can be changed at will.

This sophisticated router is built to optimize video games to their highest speeds and it also allows you to take advantage of the fastest connections available from any devices.

6. Symantec Norton Core

Symantec Norton Core

If security when on the Internet is your prime concern, then you should pick up the Symantec Norton Core Wi-Fi router. It is globe-shaped and beams the wireless signals around your home. It is equipped with 2 USB 3.0 ports placed on the rear of the router. It also has a 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports that help to connect devices.

Through an app that you can download into your Android/iOS phone, you can monitor network activities, pre-set time limits to be spent on the Internet and even filter only specific content to flow to the devices.

Additional benefits offered by Symantec Norton Core include very advanced security features with the help of software that keeps hackers out of the home. The router costs a little over $180.

7. Netgear R7000P Nighthawk AC2300

Netgear R7000P Nighthawk AC2300

This router that costs about $160 is dual-band and offers high-speeds of up to 1.6 Gbps. It helps to connect to the fastest speeds from devices by maximizing bandwidth. The 2 USB ports on the rear allow for high-speed data transfer onto storage devices. The router comes with 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports to connect to devices.

Beamforming+ Technology that is present in the router helps to stream large files (e.g., 4K video) in a better manner.  Time limits for Internet activity can be pre-set, the ‘Bedtime’ feature will help to turn off the Internet at night, and filters help to decide what sort of content will flow through the network at home.

attendance app

8. Linksys EA6900 AC1900 Wi-Fi Router

Linksys EA6900 AC1900 Wi-Fi Router

This Linksys router is the safest one that you can bet on but not a very cheap one. With 3 antennas that can vastly improve coverage in the home.

It has a dual-core processor for transferring data at high speeds and also has a USB port and a 2.0 port for printing, storage and sharing of data. Another interesting feature is the cloud storage that all owners of the router are eligible for.

The Linksys EA6900 router is updated every now and then and all the latest safety protocols are available. The Smart Wi-Fi feature allows all parental controls required for access, setting the time limits and controlling Internet access. The changes are Instantaneous and show up without any time delay whatsoever.

The connections to the devices are stable and the device maintains a balanced network.

9. Buffalo Airstation Extreme Smart Wi-Fi Router

Buffalo Airstation Extreme Smart Wi-Fi Router

This is for users who can manage this router’s complicated adjustments. However, the performance is great and Internet speeds can go up to 400 Mbps. The range offered by the router is about 15 feet. The range, however, decreases with increase in spatial distance (223 Mbps at 100 feet of space).

One interesting aspect of this sleek router is that along with a full support from DD-WRT, there is no requirement for firmware installation and also filters inappropriate advertisements. In addition to these capabilities, this router can also act as a bridge or access point.

It is very easy to set it up on a desktop and to configure the router it takes about two minutes of your time. The app that is used to control this router is a little more complicated than usual and may take some time for the user to get used to. Many devices can be connected to this router.

10. Netgear AC1750 Smart Wi-Fi Router

Netgear AC1750 Smart Wi-Fi Router

This one is a simple but powerful parental control router.  It offers high speeds of up to 1750 Mbps and the coverage range is about 40 feet. It comes with three antennas to support the extensive coverage that this router offers.

This router can be connected to 12 different devices. The Beamforming technology helps the router to connect selectively to the device that needs it the most. The router is compatible with both WLAN and VLAN networks and the installation is easy and simple.

The parental controls help to filter content to all the devices that are connected to the router. It is possible to apply time limits from any type of connected device. These parental controls have been reviewed as being basic. It is possible to access the router remotely.

11. D-Link Gaming Router AC1300

D-Link Gaming Router AC1300

This gaming router offers dual-band speeds up to 450 Mbps and 867 Mbps. The router comes equipped with the StreamBoost technology that helps to manage the Internet connection. The router can be easily set and configured with the help of a Wizard.

A user interface has to be studied properly before going on to apply parental controls using this router. Customizing and blacklisting content and setting the Internet access time limits can be done with a little bit of effort.

The bandwidth in the D-Link gaming router is distributed effectively between the different applications (real-life and games). This is a router with parental controls for those parents with gamer habits.

12. Tenda AC9 Wireless AC1200 Router

Tenda AC9 Wireless AC1200 Router

This router comes equipped with two antennae for increased coverage and is powered by the Beamforming technology. All the features of this router can be managed via the Tenda app.

Parental controls such as whitelisting or blacklisting content and websites are possible. You can set time limits for Internet access by using the app. The restrictions can be disabled only through the app.

The cost of the router is pretty cheap for the parental controls and the other facilities that it offers. The router is easy to set up and takes only a few minutes to configure. With a consistent Internet speed, the Wi-Fi coverage offered by the router is very good.

13. Clean Router

Clean Router

Clean router is a Wi-Fi parental control standalone router that can be plugged into a modem. Once this router is configured, it covers all the devices including gaming consoles (in case they are also attached).

It is equipped with an ‘Intellifilter’ system that helps the parents to filter sites and only let appropriate content flow through to the devices. The filtering is active for up to nine categories. It is also equipped to filter videos from YouTube.

14. Torch


This is a WI-Fi router made of wood veneer and it offers dynamic filtering of the Internet. It does not require any app or any other software for it to work on the devices of the house.

It provides standard Internet monitoring features such as pausing Internet activity, locking of websites, and pre-setting Internet access times including cut-off times.

The router also offers high Internet speeds and about 4000 square feet of coverage. The parental router comes free but there is a monthly subscription charge that is to be paid.

15. Screen


Screen is an app based content blocker that can be installed on different devices. It comes with a small box that is connected to the gaming console, TV and other streaming devices. Thus, every device in the home can be monitored.

Once installed, it offers parental controls including Internet access time limits that can be set, bed-times or cut-off times that can be set, device usage tracking facility, etc. Remote access and control are possible.

Tying It All Together

Manually protecting kids from the wrong content on the Internet can be both exhausting and ineffective. The parental control routers detailed above help you to do this job effectively and easily and most importantly protect your children from the wrong kind of Internet exposure that you as parents are worried about.



Currently, Wi-Fi is the most sought after means to connect other mobile devices to the Internet. Recently there have been a number of surveys that were conducted to see the kind of activity taking place and the kind of devices that are connected. These surveys had some startling results to reveal.

Whereas tablets and e-Readers were the fastest growing category of devices that were being connected, the home was found to be the place where most people used their own mobile devices.

WI-Fi was the most preferred means to connect to the Internet. However, the respondents of the survey wanted a more seamless Wi-Fi integration with their mobile devices.

So much so, these surveys have managed to gather data as the basis for a few predictions as to how Wi-Fi and mobility will change in the next couple of years. Read on to know what is going to be different and what changes are in store.

1. Wi-Fi will become a business cost for business owners

Just like providing utilities such as lighting and heating, customers in restaurants, hospitals, public spaces, shopping malls, sports facilities will expect Wi-Fi to just be present there.

Therefore, very soon, for any organization that expects customers, providing Wi-Fi will add to the cost of doing their business.

2. Wi-Fi is going to be ‘omnipresent’

The prediction is that Wi-Fi public hotspots will increase exponentially over the next four or five years. Wi-Fi will be omnipresent. There are over 500 million hotspots expected by the year 2021. Currently there are an estimated 100 million hotspots worldwide.

You may not, perhaps, find it on the top of mountains, other remote places or along some highways. However, it is going to cover you like a blanket everywhere else that you spend your life: at home, schools, offices, hospitals, malls, and other public spaces.

3. People are likely to access all entertainment using their mobile devices

  • Predictions are strong that about 50 percent of mobile device users are more likely to read eBooks in the next couple of years
  • More than half of the mobile users will be watching recorded videos and streaming pictures
  • At least three-quarters of mobile users worldwide will access social media networks

4. Customers would want Wi-Fi to be ‘free’

In all likelihood, customers would not want to pay for Wi-Fi. Most of them would expect that it is part of the overall service that has been provided like in bus stations, malls, hospitals, public spaces, etc.

5. Wi-Fi Wave 2 will take over

Wave 2 802.11ax is the latest Wi-Fi standard that has been certified by IEEE. The most unique new point about this standard is MU-MIMO.

It means, manufacturers can create access points that will be able to talk to multiple devices at the very same instant. In the earlier times the technology could handle multiple streams only in a sequential manner.

Though the new standard has not yet been formally ratified by IEEE, it is predicted that vendors may start releasing some gear (pre-standard) for 802.11ax version soon enough.

6. Quality of Public Wi-Fi will improve

Right now, many public-space Wi-Fi equipment and technology are on ‘trial mode’, meaning, their infrastructure is not top-class. However, with the predicted rise in the number of users, the level of expectations will be much higher.

Therefore, the authorities will have to deploy high-quality equipment and upgrade existing systems to better the performance to match the expectations of discerning customers.

7. Wi-Fi monetization ideas will emerge

Service providers will have to attach another cost component for provision of free Wi-Fi services. However, now monetization ideas such as data analytics, location-based services and advertising may come to the fore to recover these costs.

8. New models of Wi-Fi – based mobile offerings will come up

Mainstream cable and landline service providers are likely to make Wi-Fi centric mobile plans with cellular backup for customers. That is to say, more mainstream providers will opt for such models than ones that are already functioning in this niche.

9. Outsourcing of Wi-Fi operations to service providers will become more common

It is likely that Wi-Fi networks will grow more complex than before. In such a case, most businesses are likely to rope in service providers as partners to who they will outsource the operations and deployment as a managed service. In the meanwhile, the service providers will also be simultaneously expand their Wi-Fi networks.

10. Internet of Things will dependent on Wi-Fi

Internet of Things will depend on Wi-Fi for easy access. The Wi-Fi will be the key technology used to enable and access IOT deployments both at home and for businesses.

Wi-Fi technology will not have any of the challenges of coverage, cost and bandwidth presented by conventional mobile cellular networks.

11. Wholesale and retail Wi-Fi will emerge

Wi-Fi network operators will work to provide network capacity in wholesale and will get licensed mobile operators will work in small site locations or cells to expand their networks. The experience provided will be more mobile-like.

There would be agreements for domestic and international roaming facilities and access rates would differ. With global agreements, a consumer can roam out to different international Wi-Fi networks just like they do with mobile cell networks.

12. WI-Fi indoor mobile coverage will gain importance

Mobile operators are vying to increase their indoor mobile coverage by using the Wi-Fi calling facility. Some of the mobile companies are sending wireless routers to homes to provide high coverage.

13. Quality of mobile service will come down

In spite of increased data speeds, better access, security has become a big concern. It is also predicted that the quality of mobile services will take a hit. Handsets that are feature-rich, use of 3G technologies, and out-dated roaming service options have degraded mobile service quality over the years.

This trend is predicted to continue with introduction of newer mobile technologies. Even the use of feature-heavy handsets will degrade the quality of calls.

Complex applications will work to drain battery life and calls are likely to drop frequently. The call quality is also likely to be poor. Demand for phones that work on a single band is predicted to increase.

14. Smartphone access will mainly happen through Wi-Fi technology

It is predicted that over three-quarters of smartphones will use Wi-Fi regularly. Smartphone owners are likely to use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet for nearly fifty per cent of the time.

15. There will be an exponential growth of Wi-Fi connected devices

According to research, there are expected to be close to 41 billion active Wi-Fi connected devices by the year 2020. Therefore, just from being a simple method to connect different devices, Wi-Fi will emerge as an extended and integrated customer-centric technology.

Final Thoughts

With the above trends in mind, it is important for service providers to take advantage of the propositions that Wi-Fi offers to better their services and reward better customer experience. This would help to increase customer loyalty and optimize costs in the future.


Google introduced the concept of Google Wi-Fi in October 2016, and now it has been on sale across all of the US. The fundamental principle of Google is mesh networking.

It is a term, which has been quite common in the past few years, and you may have come across it as well. However, it is time to gain a better understanding of Google Wi-Fi along with where you can buy it.

This article explains all the features of Google Wi-Fi and highlights its differences from that of a conventional router. On a surface level, Google Wi-Fi is designed to be expandable. It means that you can use several such Wi-Fi in your home.

Google Wi-Fi is also capable of handling multiple devices at the same time. This feature is quite common in average Wi-Fi routers as well, but what makes Google Wi-Fi different is that it can avoid network congestion or network constraint even when dealing with multiple connected devices.

Fundamentals of Google Wi-Fi mesh network

Google Wi-Fi, in general, is pretty cool and capable of carrying out a wide range of activities. Here is a list of what the Google Wi-Fi is capable of doing and why it tends to be pretty cool.

  • Google Wi-Fi can be envisioned as a typical home-based Wi-Fi system, which is capable of replacing the traditional Wi-Fi routers. It provides for a seamless experience through uninterrupted internet connectivity and Wi-Fi coverage at every point.
  • It is to be noted that to access the feature mentioned above; you will require an ISP and a compatible modem so that you can access the internet over the Google Wi-Fi.
  • You can also set up several Wi-Fi access points or “Google Wi-Fi devices,” which will enable you, access internet right where you want to. In more straightforward terms, setting up such ‘Wi-Fi points will allow you to access the internet in your office, gym, basement, kitchen or wherever you want.
  • The prospects of Google Wi-Fi have been built on the “mesh network.” With aid from the mesh network setup, the Wi-Fi points create a robust Wi-Fi network, which ensures that all of the devices stay connected to high-speed internet connectivity.In simpler terms, these Wi-Fi points orchestrate a clear connectivity channel, which is linked to the fastest bandwidth channel.

The points that have been mentioned above ensure a seamless experience concerning internet connectivity. Thus, you are relieved of unnecessary buffering, loss of connection and slow fluctuating internet connections.

Next time when you are making a video call from one end of the house and heading to the other, you won’t experience flickering connectivity on the internet.

How to Set Up Google WiFi

How many would such routers be ideal for your home?

Well, the Wi-Fi points made across several parts of the house ensure seamless connectivity. However, each apartment has different area per square feet, and therefore a different number of Wi-Fi would be required.

When the cumulative is of your house is around the mark of 1500 square feet, it is recommended that you begin with one Google Wi-Fi router. However, when the area of the home increases beyond 1500 square feet, you are going to need more.

At present, Google is offering a pack of three Wi-Fi routers on retail, which is capable of functioning smoothly for areas up to 4500 square feet.

Placement of Google Wi-Fi routers in the house

The primary idea of the Google Wi-Fi device is to provide for seamless connectivity across all corners of the location. The concept of the mesh network allows you to amplify and strengthen the web using multiple compact devices, which belts the Wi-Fi signal.

The Google Wi-Fi pack for larger homes comes with multiple devices or routers, which are similar and compact in design. If you wish to gain the most out of the benefits, then you need to place these devices strategically. The primary unit or the “mother unit” is the one that the sub-units connect. And provide seamless internet connectivity.

Thus you should identify those places where the network speed is unusually low or weak. These can be referred to as the “blind spots.” These blind spots could be anywhere, and therefore you need to make a list of them.

Once you have identified the blind spots, place the Google Wi-Fi routers in these blind spots so that circular connectivity is established across the house.

Intriguing features of the Google Wi-Fi

1. Addressing dead spots

The Google Wi-Fi is an excellent device for medium to large sized houses. It helps in resolving issues with dead spots and weaker connectivity. The Google Wi-Fi has a working range of 1500 square feet for the single unit and 4500 square feet for the three-piece group.

2. Easy installation

The process of setup for the Google Wi-Fi is a breeze and can be done without facing any hassle. The method of installation can be initiated using an app, which is compatible with both Android and IOS platforms. All of the settings and configurations can be done using the app, which turns the entire setup process into a very simplistic one.

3. Prioritizing the bandwidth

One of the other elemental features is the fact that you are also allowed to prioritize the bandwidth for a certain Wi-Fi point. For instance, if you are indulged in any work, which calls in for better internet connectivity, then you can only tweak the setting using the app and prioritize the bandwidth for the Wi-Fi router near the place of activity.

This feature means that when you are streaming online videos in 4K or playing online games in the living room, you can prioritize the network for the living room and thus bring about a seamless surfing experience.

4. Scheduled Pause

Nowadays, it has become quite common for the people to stay engrossed in their phones addicted to the internet and social media. Sighting these issues, Google has introduced the feature of “Scheduled Pause,” which will help you bring forth the essence of quality family time.

The feature mentioned above allows you to temporarily shut down the Wi-Fi network automatically for a specific timeframe. You can change or adjust the timescale using the app liked with the device on your cell phone.

It means that when the family is at the table, you can shut off the Google Wi-Fi so that everyone eats together and has a good family time. You can also ensure that your kids do not linger on to their phone for a long time in the night and in return get a good night sleep.

5. The aesthetics

Coming to the aesthetics and feel of the device, the Google Wi-Fi isn’t a letdown either. The cylindrical shape of the invention provides it with a unique and equally impressive outlook. The apparatus in all is smart looking, sleek and modernistic. The white coloration further enhances the simplicity and modernity of the device.

At the same time, the device is extremely compact and takes up very little space. The minimalistic outlook is ideally suited for small to medium-sized houses.

6. Network Assist

One of the other most intriguing features of the Google Wi-Fi device is the “network assist” option. This feature allows you to optimize and manage the network in an intensive manner. It further ensures that you do not have to go into the settings panel every time manually.

The Google Wi-Fi is capable of handling the networking automatically. It further helps to keep the network strong in every part of the establishment since the device is transitioned to the best router (regarding connectivity and bandwidth).

Tech-savvy people might find the features to be very simplistic, but when it comes to everyday use by the general public, the Google Wi-Fi is more than just a capable device.

Google Wi-Fi is capable of self-optimization, but at the same time, manual changes can be made using the Google Wi-Fi app. The companion app allows you to manage several features inclusive of Wi-Fi access to kids.

The application will enable you to remotely stop the Google Wi-Fi for the designated period without having to shut it down physically.

Requirements for using Google Wi-Fi

The necessary things needed to setup and use the Google Wi-Fi are the Ethernet Cable and the Google Wi-Fi points. A power adapter is provided along with the package. Apart from those above, the other requisites include the following:

1. A modem

A modem is among the basic needs for operating the Google Wi-Fi. Often people confuse the Google Wi-Fi to be a modem, which isn’t the case. Using an Ethernet cable, you can connect the primary Google Wi-Fi router to the requisite modem.

The additional Wi-Fi points available in the Google Wi-Fi package is wireless and require no external connectivity measures.

The additional Wi-Fi points only need to be connected to a power outlet. At the same time, you are also provided with the option of attaching them to each other using the Ethernet cable provided along.

2. Broadband Connection

A broadband connection is among the other fundamental requisites, which are needed to operate the Google Wi-Fi. Since the Google Wi-Fi amplifies the existing network coverage and strength, it isn’t provided with its network. Therefore a broadband connection to your ISP is mandatory.

3. Google Account

To be registered as an active and gain access to the functions of the Google Wi-Fi, you need to have a Google Account. The Google Account will be required to log in to your companion app.

4. Google Wi-Fi App

The final requisite for using the Google Wi-Fi is the Google Wi-Fi companion app.

In case you have a modem and a router combo, some additional measures need to be taken. You will be required to connect the primary Google Wi-Fi point to the ISP modem. It is recommended to turn off the modem plus router functionality if you want to connect all the devices to the Google Wi-Fi for future use. You can also configure your devices to forget the previous by manually inducing the settings on the devices.

It is equally important to purchase the Google Wi-Fi from the country where you are planning to use it. The internet connectivity regulations and ISP regulations tend to differ from country to country.

Therefore, it is possible that you may face connectivity issues if you plan to use the Google Wi-Fi in other locations apart from the country where you have bought it. It is therefore recommended to purchase all Google Wi-Fi points and primary device from the state where it is to be used.

The Final Take on Google Wi-Fi

It is entirely possible that tech-savvy individuals might want enhanced features and more accessibility. However, the device has been designed to suit basic needs and enhancements can be expected in the future.

The Google Wi-Fi pricing varies from nation to nation. At present, it has been priced at $299 in the US (for the three pack item) while the two-pack variant is offered at £229 in the UK.

It is thus understandable that the pricing tends to be more tempting in the US, rather than the UK. The three-pack variant for larger houses is priced at £358, which is a massive £129 more than that of its counterpart in the US.

However, the conventional house sizes in most of the countries are not that big. Therefore, it should work pretty decently with the two-pack variant of Google Wi-Fi. The cheapest option is available in the US, which can be quite tempting, especially if you are not a resident of the country.

The Google Wi-Fi needs to be envisioned as the device of the future, which is set to enhance network connectivity using a very simple ideology.

The mechanism is hassle-free and requires insufficient time for setup. While internet connectivity costs are soaring every day, the Google Wi-Fi can surely make your experience much better than before.



 Wi-Fi Networks

The growth of technology and communication has presented the opportunity for young entrepreneurs to flourish. When you peek inside a traditional small start up, you would find many devices operating without wires. Those cumbersome wires and their complex networking have been left behind for a while.

If the business is towards home user based, wireless networking proves to be a major factor for the firm’s productivity. It is important towards smooth functioning of the business.

Wi-Fi has been a great service for providing networking access for many computers. This is specifically useful for small businesses in which the number of users is quite less as compared with larger companies.

For connecting the users and clients, small businesses look to set up Wi-Fi. However, a seed of doubt always comes to the mind before setting it up.

However, one thing always to be considered is that even the best of the set ups crumble under heavy usage. This point can affect your choice as the one picked from bargain bin would hardly sustain a heavier load.

Access points are the centre of your set up. They are the site where all users send and receive their data. Even the professionals of IT would tell you that access point is the main target of heavy usage. It is the component most likely to crumble when put under serious usage.

Access points, which are developed specially for business offer a variety of features to explore and resistant to heavy load. Before setting up a Wi-Fi for your business, you should first be aware about some of the capabilities your Wi-Fi can provide.

1. Understanding the variables

Before setting up a Wi-Fi, it is quite important to understand and clarify the variables. Not every Wi-Fi system is the same. The basic question to be understood is the nature of customers. You should have a clear idea about the users and in what manner they would be using the Wi-Fi.

The number of people, the duration of usage and the nature of usage should be taken into consideration. Once you find answers for these questions, it becomes easier to lay down a plan. It will guide you for right package and better service equipment for your network.

2. Multiple SSID access

Typical consumer access points generally support one just a single network without wires. However, it is not impossible to create an array of access points and wireless network, which you can call Service Set Identifier (SSID). If you set up these on a business grade, you can assign different set of access policies for each SSID.

 You can create separate network for LAN and different encryption processes for different SSID. This would provide you a layered security, which would not be easy to break.

The best feature it provides is the guest mode. In this mode, new users can use the network as per their needs but they are not allowed any access to the system of network hiring.

Businesses can deploy Internet using SSID for their network. It provides very rich feature- isolation from the corporate world.

Using SSID enables you to isolate your business network from outer world. It shields you from outer risks and you can disable it when the deployment is over.You can also set up different networks for speakers and cameras, leaving your main network untouched.

3. Better management

This is an important advantage of access points in a Wi-Fi system. It allows better management of various networks. It can even transfer users from busy and slower ones to less congested ones. It customizes the user experience and add to its quality. This can be done by various controlling machines, which switch over the networks in a flash.

4. PoE

PoE refers to Power over Ethernet. It eliminates the need for those power cables for each system. It creates an integrated system for power management. Standard PoE switches are very easy to replace when they go faulty.

Traditional external power adapters are cumbersome to replace, as you have to look for each different circuit and power output, which is not an easy process to operate.

5. Equipment and support materials

When you go shopping for your Wi-Fi equipment, always look for materials, which are easy to manage. If you set up your Wi-Fi in a proper way, it will run smoothly.

However, in case of any problem, you should have the resources to log into SSH system and address the problem sooner rather than later.You should opt for a low maintenance hardware and cloud controller.

A cloud controller helps the various access points to communicate with each other. Though the features are similar, the durability and price vary widely from manufacturer to manufacturer.

It does not mean that the hardware will not be fit if the features are limited. It all depends on the need and demands of your business.

Choose firewalls, gateway and switches which are easy to maintain. Shop your equipment from those manufacturers who are well known and offer better support services.

If you get your services from a local provider, issues might creep in the future when you would want to change your service provider.

6. Performance boosting

Though the bandwidth for wireless operation is increasing slowly, still it is finite only. It is still subject to external applications and shared among many devices. Poor quality hardware has the most bugbear on system. It delivers poor wireless network service and user experience might be a horror.

Though devices makers are coming up with different hardware and services to claim superiority, the basic requirement remains the same, a good Wi-Fi service.

Device manufacturers have launched Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) which allows a number of users to simultaneously send and receive data. The access points can transmit and receive data continuously in real time.

There will hardly be any lag in the system, if the system uses MIMO of good quality. You should use access points that support multiple radio/antenna chain, which will allow it to send and receive data from multiple servers at the same time.

 Better support for data services is always appreciated. The client system should also be able to utilize the services. MIMO access points are good for Wi-Fi system if the need and budget of your office allows it.

7. Using multiple access points

 In case your office has not many systems to operate or your work area is rather small and compact, you should be willing for multiple access points. It would create multiple layers for various works and help in smooth functioning of the system. It is not compulsory that you should be opting for manual channelling for access points.

 These systems incorporate some built in channel management systems, which are not too bad either.The channelling system includes monitoring the Wi-Fi system, opting for minimum congested channel and even looking at neighbour access points so that they do not cause any interference.

Some are completely automatic while some allow modifications according to need.

8. Positioning of access points

There is hardly anything properly utilized when not placed at appropriate position. This is the same case with access points also.

This aspect is often look over by businesses and it is almost a bane for networking systems.You should never be placing access points next to walls or anything, which may cause interruption for the signals.

The RF radiations from each access point, travelling in a straight line can help you estimate the coverage. Obstruction hit spots are virtually dead for wireless network.

Locating the access points high on the wall or ceiling is a good option, as very few obstructions would incur at those places. Installation of a few access points would not bother you really.

9. Wiring of Workplace

 Proper and efficient wiring of the workplace is a necessity for proper working of Wi-Fi system.It should be able to provide necessary bandwidth as well as sustaining power through PoE. It should also be ensured that other devices as if printers and scanners should be connected though wires up to optimum capacity.

This would leave greater bandwidth for more usable devices such as tablets and laptops. LAN wiring should use latest technologies for optimum utilization.

10. Access to internet

Some access points, which are business grade offer basic routing. However, for more compact use and data transfer, you may look for external internet router, which has built in local networking channels, which route the devices to external internet.

11. Concerns for security

As the size of the company and users increases, it becomes quite unrealistic to use the old and same passcode for the whole of organization. The solution for this problem can be using separateSSID as mentioned earlier.

It should be configured as per the user authentication and encrypted with proper security measures. For each user, RADIO server should be installed at the back end.

Accounts of the users can be stored on RADIO server or it can be synchronized on directories. This allows easy access for Wi-Fi to manage the accounts of the users.

When the employees leave, their account can be deleted and new accounts can be added at utmost ease.

12. Wi-Fi passwords

This is also an aspect of setting up Wi-Fi for your business. Having a single password for all the systems connected with Wi-Fi is not considered the best of the options. Use servers to customize user id and password for each system.

This would add only to the security of the system and help you keep the valuable data of your company secure. In case of any data theft, it can be tracked easily and the system bearer cannot refuse claims for the responsibility.

13. Watchdog for usage

In case you set up Wi-Fi for business purpose, you would never want your employees logging into their social media accounts and wasting time there.

You would also not be pleased when your employees would listen music or watch videos using the Wi-Fi of the company. Therefore, there is a definite need to watch what is going on which system.

Undesirable content should definitely be blocked and any unwanted attempts to reach them should be reported soon. There also should be a monitoring system doing all these.

14. Public Wi-Fi

 If you run a business involving direct contact with customers such as malls, shopping complexes, you would want to set up a public Wi-Fi.

This would not only attract customers but also tempting them to stay longer. The longer they stay, the more you benefit. This is also a part of business and a way to keep customers engaged.

15. Hotspot gateway

It is the body and bone of your Wi-Fi system. It refers to the route by who a guest gets access to your Wi-Fi and leaves it. It connects users with the server and creates a virtual portal so that the user may browse.

When the guest choose your Wi-Fi, the set up will automatically take him to a virtual portal, which would demand some details before allowing him access.

The details might be email address or phone number and the user’s consent for the terms and conditions. It is very much safe and keeps hackers and data thieves a distance away from your setup. It also gives you some legal hands in case of any discrepancy, courtesy to those terms and conditions.

It generally comes in the form of software allowing various services and hardware for configuration.Another option you can look for is public Wi-Fi providers. They provide access to users varying between 100 to many thousands.

16. Actual setup

 Once you have figured out all these, it would require a real world set up. Actual installation of the hardware and software needs to take place. Extra firewalls should be installed with the setup so that no one unwanted would get access to the system.

The main router should be kept away from everyone’s reach and the passwords frequently changed. One very efficient way will be generating one time password (OTP) for providing access. This would cause users to submit their details.

 You can look for that personal responsible by using those details, in case any unfortunate happenings. It is also quite necessary to hide the mode of operation of your Wi-Fi from people other than official staffs.

You should also be able to control the strength of signals emitted by your Wi-Fi so that it covers premises only within your business area.

Generally, hotspots come up with their own security and safety measures. They also provide features to add up to those security measures.

Some more security features can be bought for your Wi-Fi. Though it may cost you a bit, it is important to safeguard your system form unwanted data thieves.

17. Seeking help of professionals

It would ruin all your planning and purchasing if you hand over the setting up of your Wi-Fi to some amateur individuals. For planning the setup as well as equipment to be bought, you should consult some professionals who hold good expertise in this field. For that, you can look forward to many firms who provide these services at an affordable rate.

You should clearly lay down a working plan before setting up your Wi-Fi. A vivid description of all the processes should be worked out.

The manufacturing company should be decided with consultation and research. The opinion of the expert should be heard and the place to shop the devices.

The cheaper and affordable ones should be preferred. You should also take into consideration the previous record of the selling firm.

Replacement facility should be available and people repairing service should be there by the firm. No one would like the devices purchased go down in a couple of weeks and the selling firm not giving a word about it.

18. Proper maintenance

 Once you have set up your Wi-Fi, you are definitely going to need some maintenance work. For proper maintenance, you can give contract to a firm who holds good reputation in this field.

As of now, not many firms give proper attention on Wi-Fi and wireless networking for a small company. Professionals with enough work experience and better reviews should be appointed for the maintenance as well as setup.

Bringing It All Together

Wi-Fi has become an integrated part of business in the current times. Public as well as private Wi-Fi is important for proper functioning. It depends according to the needs of your company. Private Wi-Fi helps connect all the users to a common system.

Sharing of work becomes easy and teamwork can be efficiently visualized with the Wi-Fi system. Tick the boxes of everything required for Wi-Fi and get the job done.

When everything is doing well in your organization, you do not think too much about it. However, when productivity slackens, the pace slows down, may even grind to a halt and cost you your business.

Productive work and unproductive work are separated by a hazy line. Most times, unproductive cannot be discerned from productive work. Many tasks in the workspace are not clearly defined and many other tasks are of a collaborative nature.

In this context, it is important to realize that workplace monitoring is an important activity which ensures that employees end up doing the work that they are actually paid for.

Whereas employee monitoring is manually possible for those organizations with only a few employees, the same is impossible for an organization that employs thousands of employees in many different locations on regular and other shifts.

Such organizations use monitoring (oversight) agents installed on computers that help to provide complete visibility. They help to improve the office metrics and employee productivity and consequently the efficiency of the organization.

What Does Employee Monitoring Software Packages Do

In addition to the simple function of tracking time by recording clock-ins and clock-outs or managing employee schedules, the modern employee monitoring software packages are more extensive and possess monitoring functions such as logging in keystrokes, track the locations, and take screenshots.

The software can be customized according to different employee groups so as to suit their functions.

The data that is generated can be aggregated and interpreted as reports and dashboards and help to distinguish between productive and unproductive employees. In the rest of the article, we are going to discuss some of the most popular software tools that are used in corporate organizations to improve employee productivity.

1. Time Doctor

This is a time management tool that allows for real-time tracking of various jobs and works to prevent waste of time. It is best used by those organizations or individuals that want to remotely track a team’s work time. It helps to assess the productivity of the team as well as its time management.

Some of the metrics that are measured include Internet use time of the employee, a list of the websites that were visited, and the applications that were used.

Time Doctor is programmed to take screenshots once in every three minutes to ensure that employees are continuing to do their work. There are other features such as setting priorities for tasks and removing multitasking options.

2. BaseCamp

BaseCamp allows the employees to add tasks as they are scheduled for the coming week, month or even on a day-to-day basis. The tasks can be ticked off as soon as they are completed.

It gives a chance for the management as to how much an employee has been able to get through with their marked tasks without any direct intervention. The employees need to be taken into task only when they do too little work in a day.

3. WorkZone

Touted as an alternative solution to Microsoft Project, this software tool allows managers to define task/subtasks in a way that they understand. However, at the level of the employees, these tasks are broken down into smaller jobs that they would understand.

Sharing documents and framing comments are possible. In addition to all of these, one can feed in personal projects which allow him/her to collaborate with their managers.

4. WorkiQ

WorkiQ is built to study an employee’s computer behaviour and generates reports about how much time has been spent on non-productive sites as compared to productive work done.

Their dashboards are designed to display at a glance as to which of the employees are involved in work and which others are distracted from their work.

It is also possible to categorize activities across different applications and gives options to compare how the different workers handle the same type of work.

This helps to acknowledge and reward productive work and spot unproductive work when it occurs. True productivity can be measured even when it is a mix of complex tasks.

5. DeskTime

DeskTime is an application that allows for tracking jobs in real time and classifying each task as being productive or otherwise. In turn, this leads to finding out just how much productive each employee is. Agencies can also track billable hours among the employees.

6. 15Five

15Five is a web tool that helps the manager to link with all of their employees even at times when they are very busy. The software package works towards developing the employees so as to drive the business forward.

The package is designed so that all the employees are aligned to work towards the company’s top helps to spot top-performing employees and acknowledge their good work.

The feedback is a lightweight affair (15 minutes a week) that helps the employee to focus on self-development as well as improve the team’s morale. Managers are allowed to pass comments as responses so that they create improved business results by removing roadblocks and coaching the employees.

7. SaneBox

Replying to emails is an activity known to be a time waster in most businesses. Reading and replying to emails as soon as they arrive at work is a common practice.

Many messages are irrelevant and redundant. Employees that batch up their emails and read them at one point in time are found to be more productive in their work. However, this may not be possible every single time. SaneBox can step in here to help.

SaneBox is more than just a spam filter in that it learns from a user’s previous email behaviour. SaneBox automatically filters emails according to what you tend to open first and what you tend to keep away for later.

The latter type is stored away in a separate folder and a summary of each of these messages is displayed to you. The software package has provisions for users to unsubscribe themselves from sites with just a single click.

8. Trello

Trello is a clear work organizer package. The software is cloud-based and helps to organize small and big tasks. It allows the teams to move in synchronization and works much like a project management software program. Processes and functions as and when they are started can be easily accommodated in Trello.

Many a time this does away with the need for unnecessary emails to fly across and is a definite time saver. The package is robust and enthusiasts can try out a free version.

9. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based site and is specifically suited to those organizations dealing in sales and CRM. A sales manager can run up as to how many calls were made by his team in a day, how many emails were despatched, how many opportunities were handled and how much income was generated.

These metrics help to generate several relevant reports, automatically and is a great time saver. Similarly, customer data can be viewed optimally that ultimately helps to get more new clients and service the existing clients in a better manner. The Community Cloud aspect of Salesforce helps to redefine employee engagement with a view to improving productivity.

10. Todoist

Todoist helps an individual to follow up with every task that we need to accomplish on a day-to-day basis. Team tasks can also be planned and executed using Todoist. Deadlines can be input and productivity can be gauged with the help of the tasks that are completed on time.

The best part about Todoist is that it can be used on any platform. As the software package is cloud-based, you can access it using any device and you can practically monitor your workforce just about from anywhere.

11. Assembla

If your aim is to keep your entire team in constant communication, and want to know the latest of the workload, then Assembla is the right tool. Assembla helps you to enjoy repositories from just anywhere as it is cloud-based.

Project managers can work without intervening in the work of the development team as all the metrics are available anywhere. Moreover, it means less time on emails and improved productivity.

12. HipChat

HipChat boils down to an ‘instant messenger’ type of application at the workplace. It enables instant one-to-one communication.  This time tracking and management tool provides a complete chat history.

Any employee that missed out on important meetings or communication can catch up using the history without actually having to disturb anyone.

This becomes a tool to measure employees’ performance on a daily basis and also decide as to what strategies would work to improve productivity. Productive and unproductive groups can be segregated and some of them can be driven to better their own performances to improve total productivity.

13. Asana

Asana is a time-tracking software package that ultimately helps to control the expense budget. The Harvest Timer is a notable option in the package that comes with integrating Asana with Harvest, the time-tracking software. It enables an individual to determine the amount of time that is spent on every single task in a day.

Tasks can be assigned to individuals and thereafter tracked. All the project members can be kept in the loop. All issues surface immediately and can be corrected without any loss of time. This helps to complete the projects on time and stay within the budget. Above all, it keeps clients and the employees happy.

14. Google Streak

Everyone knows of applications that work to control big projects so as to finish them on time. However, the smaller jobs of a mega project almost always never make any entry into any app. Many of them are tracked only through emails.

In such a case, Streak helps to track emails and solve the unresolved jobs that come through them. Reminders for such emails are marked and follow-up is set up collaborators. This application helps one to see all the jobs through, both big and small.

15. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is an application that helps to monitor the performance of those working in sales organizations. The advantage of the app is that it is easily customizable and the data reporting function is extremely robust. This facility generates many metrics for employees as well as the management and these can be used to improve the productivity.

Final Thoughts

As many as 15 tools that help to improve business productivity have been introduced. However, it is crucial to understand that a tool by itself is not responsible for increasing the productivity of an organization.

The culture of productivity has to be instilled into the employees by making use of the right type of incentives and making them aware of the moral responsibility. Employee monitoring tools cannot be draconian tools that drain the morale of the workforce.



Most businesses focus on external growth and ignore the aspect of time and attendance management. An outdated attendance monitoring system that cannot accommodate flexible options and is difficult to use can negatively impact the growth of the company and its bottom line.

A business can be successful only when its managers look at the big picture. While sales are important, business owners must not ignore the development of efficient systems. HR and other internal teams must be able to productively coordinate and complete their tasks.

Here are 5 must –have features of an employee attendance app

1. Clocking In and Out

The most obvious feature, to begin with, is the ability to clock in and out. Employees must be able to record their working hours with the help of the app. Depending on the employee attendance app you choose, this feature may have its own style of use.

In certain apps, employees can remotely mark their time and attendance. In case of others, the employee needs to be in office wifi connectivity range.

2. Flexible Schedule Options

Some organizations allow flexible schedule options. This means that employees can start and end their day at different times. Time and attendance apps must be able to mark and monitor the working hours of employees accordingly.

A feature incorporating the different schedules and rosters must be inbuilt for improved functionality. This feature is a lot of times equipped with the option for notifications and alerts.

3. Management of Absenteeism

An employee attendance app must monitor absenteeism as well. Employee absence could be because of sickness, vacation or holidays, or paid leaves. In either case, the HR team must be able to track who’s in, who’s out, who is working overtime, and what are the allowances to be set for each.

4. Payroll Management

The process of payroll is automated in most organizations today. An integrated employee attendance app must seamlessly generate attendance data. This data is essential for calculations of payroll cycle, salary, and other benefits.

If your employee attendance app and payroll module are not appropriately integrated, you are missing out on these advantages.

In the absence of an integrated HRMS, chances of data loss in between the different steps are high. This is because different people are managing different activities from timekeeping to payroll.

An automated process ensures that information is at all times available to the employee, the Human Resources team, and the managers.

5. Mobile

The workforce today is generally scattered. They are working in the field, in the office premises, or even from home. An employee attendance module must have a mobile version that allows employees to remotely clock in and out, managing the number of hours the whole workforce has operated for.

This also includes data from those who are not on the premises. Some employee attendance apps also provide GPS tracking system keeping location monitoring and worker safety in mind.

One of the popular employee attendance apps that fulfill all features giving you the ability to manage your employee productivity better is Wi-Fi Attendance apps.

These apps are efficient solutions with all the necessary features to help you track your employees. There are two versions of the mobile app along with a web version.

1. Employee Attendance App

The app is for employees making it easier for them to mark attendance. All that employees need is an office wifi connectivity range. This feature ensures that any kind of fraudulent activities are eliminated and right tracking and monitoring of employees can be recorded.

2. HR App

This is for HR professionals. It makes their work efficient and allows them to make decisions on the go. Not just that, professionals can also focus more on strategic workforce instead of administrative work.

The web version offered for Wi-Fi Attendance apps has more features as compared to the mobile version. This can be accessed by both the employees and the HR teams.

Its dashboard is user-friendly and there are features for managing leaves, attendance, time, team preferences and more. Check out more details about the apps here.

Are we all aware of listening skills? Probably most of us do not have a clear idea about listening skills. You might have missed some business opportunities or job opportunities owing to poor listening skills.

Make sure you do not miss your next opportunity because of your unawareness on listening skills. Here is a detailed guide to hone your listening skills

Listening Skills

Listening can be defined as the ability to receive and interpret messages accurately, in the communication process. It is the key to effective communication. When one is not able to listen effectively, messages can be misunderstood.

Due to this, the message breaks down leaving the sender of the message in a frustrating state. If you wish to improve your communication skills then listening is a must. They are important in every walk of life.

Listening skills are highly important, so much so that employers provide listening skills training to their employees. It is well known that effective communication can lead to greater productivity with fewer mistakes and increased sharing of information, which leads to more creative and innovative work. So many successful entrepreneurs and leaders credit their success to their good listening skills.

Listening skills can also prove to be very beneficial in everyone’s personal lives. It helps one in maintaining a greater number of friends, colleagues and social networks. It gives an increased confidence and self-esteem. It also helps students to get higher grades in school or college or in academic work.

It leads to better health and overall a greater sense of well-being. According to some studies, it has been shown that speaking raises blood pressure whereas listening can bring it down.

Listening vs. Hearing

Listening vs Hearing

Many people mistake listening as the same as hearing. However, both of the processes cannot be termed as same. Hearing is when sound enters your ears. It is a physical process, which happens automatically, provided that you don’t have any hearing problems.

On the other hand, when listening is being talked about, it requires more than hearing. Listening requires focus and a concentrated effort, mental and sometimes physical too.

Listening is not only about paying attention to the story. It is about the way story is being told, how the voice and language are being used along with the body language of the person telling the story. It is about knowing and understanding both, verbal and non-verbal messages.

The ability of each person to listen differs according to the degree to, which you are able to perceive and understand those messages. Listening cannot be called as a passive process. It is a process in which a listener should be involved as much as the speaker.

One would often hear about the term ‘active listening.’ This term can be defined as the process of being fully involved.

The famous author, Rachel Naomi Remen has described learning in one of her quotes, which says, “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.  Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.”

Time spent on listening

On an average, a lot of time is spent on learning. Adults spend 70% of their overall time in being engaged in some kind of communication or the other. A research has shown that, of this, 45% of the time is being spent on listening, 30% speaking, 16% reading, and 9% writing.

Therefore, there is a lot of time for listening. It is worth taking a little extra time to ensure that you listen properly and effectively.

Time spent on listening

This has been proven by the research of Adler, Rosenfeld, and Proctor in 2001.

Interplay: the process of interpersonal communicating (8th edition), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt.

Hurdles to effective learning

Hurdles to effective learning

There are some hurdles or barriers, which lead to ineffective learning. For example, it is a very common problem that a sentence distracts us or two instead of listening effectively to what the person is saying. That time is spent in thinking of the reply that one is going to give.

This clearly means that one did not pay attention to the rest of the message of the speaker. There can be a lot of other distractions as well, such as one might find the message of someone else speaking to more interesting. The speaker’s appearance can also distract you.

When you indulge in any of these, it shows in your body language too. The lack of attention is itself projected in your body language. It is harder to control body language. You may be showing lack of interest by not making an eye contact or the lack of posture.

The speaker will realize this sooner or later. He will probably stop talking due to these reasons. At the worst, they can be upset and offended.

The Listening Process

The Listening Process

Listening is a very active process. It involves the following three basic steps.

1. Hearing

It is just a process by, which you absorb the words and voice of the speaker. You should be able to catch what the speaker is saying. For example, you were listening to a documentary or a report on zebras. The speaker said that no two zebras are alike.

If you are able to repeat the fact then you were listening to him carefully. In case you are unable to, you were not listening carefully.

2. Understanding

The next part of the process is that you are able to make sense of what is being said. It is when you have heard what the speaker has said and you are able to understand it in your own way. For example, when the speaker said that no two zebras are alike, you tried to get a meaning out of it. You try to understand that it could possibly mean that the stripes on each zebra are different.

3. Judging

Analyzing and judging what has been said is the last part of the process. After understanding what has been said, you tend to realize whether it can be true or not, whether it makes a sense or not. For example, when you thought after listening to the speaker that each zebra might have a different pattern of stripes, you tend to analyze if that can be true.

You might relate it to the fact that each human has different fingerprints so it might seem believable that zebras might have different kinds of stripes too.

Importance Of Listening Skills In Business Communications

Listening Skills In Business Communications

Verbal communication constitutes an important part of business communications. One needs to constantly interact and listen to so many clients as well as colleagues in the office. The ability to not only listen but also listen effectively is what works in business communications. One needs to build up this skill to be able to work in a team environment or even individually.

Listening is such an important component in establishing commendable working relations between employee groups along with the management and the staff. Also, a small business cannot afford to alienate its customers and clients. It is very important to maintain an eye contact and give your full attention to your clients.

Good listening skills obviously have an effect on your customer relations. They define majorly whether a customer will stay with you or not. Therefore, to help you know more on the same, here is a list of a few ways in, which listening skills are important in business communications.

1. Active listening works

Active listening is when the entire attention of the listener is focused on the speaker; he tries to avoid interrupting the speaker, shows genuine interest in what he is speaking by remaining non-judgmental.

Instead of the just hearing the word, when you can imply and make sense of what the speaker is saying is when you are paying attention. This includes being able to read non-verbal clues such as the body language and facial expressions.

It may happen sometimes that facial expressions might contradict what the person is saying. It is significant to engage fully in a conversation or discussion and this is what makes it a key part of active learning. You can uncover the root of most problems by just being an attentive listener and being polite in your reply. Your inviting posture can make a big difference.

2. To Gain Information

Listening is very helpful in acquiring facts, which can help you to take better decisions for your business. For example, when you take an interview of a job applicant, you will discover his attitude for the job when you listen to him carefully and perceive what he is saying with the help of your listening skills.

You will be able to judge how he must have performed in his last job and his achievements on his resume. When you listen to him/her and analyze what he has been saying and the way his personality is, you decide whether he/she is fit for your company or not.

3. Conflict Resolution

Workplace disputes always disturb the atmosphere. Unhappy customers can also disrupt productivity and all of this can lead to an inefficient work environment. However, if one has an ability to listen he/she can convert the situation of a disruptive conflict into an opportunity in, which there can be growth.

If the upset colleagues or dissatisfied customers feel that they are being heard, it can automatically calm them down.

It can relieve their unwanted negative feelings along with providing an opportunity for the problem-solving process to begin. When you listen effectively, the clients and the co-workers get an impression that you are concerned. This forms a basis of trust and commitment.

4. Motivation and Productivity

When one learns to listen effectively, it can bring benefits to the business and the speaker. When a department listens to what the employees have to say, it does not only hear what they have to say but they also get an insight into what makes each worker tick.

If the manager is a good listener and communicator, he can motivate his employees to a greater level. Effective listening makes it easier for the manager to choose appropriate rewards for his/her employees. These can be private or public praise, responsibilities in addition or a greater amount of independence.

5. Perception Management

Working for the reputation of a small business is hard as you need to make efforts constantly. Its reputation increases or diminishes its chances of success in future along with profit.

Effective listening skills can always prevent misunderstandings along with ensuring that the first encounter creates a positive impression. All of this helps in maintaining a good reputation of the small businesses.

It must not be forgotten that when consumers are being talked about, word of mouth is a very powerful advertising medium. When one takes the time to listen effectively and tries to offer a solution to the pertaining problems at once, it gives out an impression that you have the potential to spread.

Listening is also important when you deal with suppliers or vendors. It is very helpful in creating efficient work relationships, helps in saving valuable time of both the sides and can have potentially many more benefits. Strong relationships can always benefit the business in the long run.

Examples Of Effective Learning

  • When a job candidate shares that her understanding of a question, which was unclear, during an interview and asks if she is right.
  • An interviewer notices that the candidate doesn’t look him in the eye while answering.
  • A customer service employee repeats the complaint back to the complainant to assure that he/she has been heard.
  • The manager summarizes all that her team said during the meeting and asks if it has been heard correctly.
  • A counselor reassures the client by telling him that he is listening and encourages him to discuss his traumatic experiences.
  • The meeting facilitator encourages his team members for their opinions about a proposal, which is being shared in the meeting.
  • The interviewer asks follow-up questions to gain clarifications on what the candidate has said.
  • An employee pays much attention to the speaker when the training session is being conducted and asks clarifying questions on the same.

What Makes A Bad Listener

What Makes A Bad Listener

Your listening skills can be considered underdeveloped if you keep interrupting the speaker during a conversation. If you respond poorly, failing to answer the required question will be a poor reflection of your communication skills. This gets more highlighted if you are taking a job interview.

When you talk way too much, it can be problematic. It must not be forgotten that conversations should be managed from both the sides equally. When you monopolize speaking, you fail to listen effectively leading to poor communication.

This way you prevent the other party to fully express what they wanted to. Therefore, you end up making a bad impression.

Qualities Of A Good Listener

Qualities Of A Good Listener

Being a good listener requires some basic qualities and has so many advantages. It makes communication so much easier. Listening demands to interpret verbal messages along with the non-verbal clues.

If a person is in business then the importance of such skills has already been discussed. Poor listening can drag our work project and makes it more time-consuming.

Good listeners usually have quick and easy solutions. It is known that great listeners are great winners in personal and professional life. They are great motivators and communicators.

They are also great leaders in all the industries. Therefore, here is a list of a few qualities, which are needed for you to be an effective listener.

1. Make eye contact

It is really important to look the person in the eye when you are communicating with him/her. It shows that you are genuinely interested in the conversation. It reflects that you are interested in listening to the problems of the other individual and would be ready to provide your help if needed.

2. Ask questions one at a time

What happens is that sometimes we ask too many questions and expect the other person to answer them all at once. Such conversations do no reap the best results since appropriate time was not given to the speaker to explain and complete what he wanted to say, instead you wanted the answer to all your questions.

Ask one question at a time and let him complete the explanation of the question. After he finishes, you can ask him if there is anything more to be added.

3. Pay attention

Paying attention is the key component of being a good listener. One should be attentive and present in the place where the speaker is saying something.

Sometimes what happens is that your mind catches a certain word and then it travels elsewhere, leaving you distracted. You must try to avoid this by focusing purely on what the speaker has to say.

4. Do not interrupt in between

It is basic manners to not interrupt someone when he/she is talking. You must not talk in between a conversation and let the speaker finish completely. You must ask your next question only after he/she finishes.

You can give your feedback after that. When you maintain this courtesy, the other person will be fairly interested in the conversation.

5. Take Notes

This can be a helpful quality for the ones in the business. When you are in an important meeting you must take notes of the things discussed in short bullet points.

This will make things clear and help you remember them. It can also be helpful in clearing your doubts and summarize all that has been said and discussed.

6. Use whiteboards to understand better

It is not possible that you understand 100% of what the other person says. It is very reasonable that you might not get some things. In that case, using a whiteboard is advisable.

Some conversations can be explained in a better way when you tend to draw them or represent them in the form of short notes or tables. This can help to analyze your verbal communication.

7. Give a pause of a few seconds

When a person is about to finish talking, you should let them take at least 3 to 4 seconds break. This will help you judge if they have finished speaking. There are chances that the person might start talking again after their pause. Therefore, in that case, they should not be disturbed.

8. Focus on the subject

You must focus on the subject, which is being discussed and you should not direct the conversation towards any other topic. Do not jump to next question until the person is finished with the previous one. You should not divert the conversation to unrelated topics.

9. Do not show the gesture signs

This needs to be taken care of that you do not show expressions or gestures that you are ready to talk, before the other person is done with speaking. Therefore, you must not move your head forward or open your mouth to talk, etc.

Do not assume anything: You must not assume anything. If something is not understood then you can wait for them to finish and then put forward your query. You can explain what you have understood from the conversation and what not. Then you can ask the person to correct you where you go wrong.

10. Do not make early judgments

This is a very important quality for being a good listener. Before you let the speaker complete, you just pick some words and they revolve around in your mind and everything else the speaker says is not listened to. Therefore, you must not try to make early judgments and listen to the speaker fully.

11. Do not equate listening with agreeing

This is an amazing quality, which the good listeners possess. They do not equate listening with agreeing. They understand that good listening is a quality, which equips you to be able to disagree as well. When you listen carefully you understand clearly, what is it that you disagree with.

12. Willing to speak

Good listeners do not equate listening with silence. They understand the importance of communicating and that one needs to speak too after listening, to take the conversation further.

Ways To Improve Listening Skills

Ways To Improve Listening Skills

The importance of listening skills has already been discussed. In this high speed and busy world, communication skills have become so important. We devote lesser and lesser time to listen to each other. Genuine listening has become a rare gift of time.

It helps build relationships, ensure understanding, improve accuracy, and resolve conflicts. Therefore, to help you with all of this efficiently, here is a list of a few ways in which you can improve your listening skills.

1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact

Divided attention does no good, neither to the speaker nor to the listener. Due to this, the communication fails. Making eye contact is considered a basic essential for effective communication. When you talk to a person, look him/her in the eye.

You must have the courtesy to face your partner with whom you are carrying out a conversation. Keep aside the things causing distractions, such as your mobile phone, papers, book or anything else. You must look at your partner even if they are not looking at you.

2. Be attentive but relaxed

Once you make an eye contact with the person, it is not that you have to stare at him/her incompetently. You need to be relaxed, in order to focus on what the person is saying. You are allowed to look away every now and then like any normal person would do. The only thing is that you will have to be attentive.

You need to deal with your mental distractions along with the background activity or noise. You should not focus so much on the speech mannerisms of the speaker that it becomes a distraction for you. In the end, obviously, do not be distracted by your own thoughts.

3. Keep your mind open

You need to be free from any thought to give full attention to the speaker. Therefore, you must listen to him/her without making prior judgments or criticize what the speaker is telling you.

You compromise your effectiveness as a listener as soon as you make judgmental bemusements. You can feel alarmed by what the person says but wait until you hear him/her out completely.

It is extremely necessary to hear and absorb without jumping to conclusions. You must take care of the fact that the speaker is using his/her words to express his thoughts and feelings that you do not know.

You will find out about how he feels only after listening properly. You should not be a sentence-grabber. There’s no point interrupting and trying to finish other person’s sentences.

4. Try to picture what the speaker is saying

You should allow your mind to work in a creative manner. It should create a model of the information being communicated in his mind. It can be an arrangement of abstract concepts or make a liberal picture. Your brain will do the work if it is focused in the right manner. What is required is that your senses should be completely alert.

When the conversation goes on for long stretches, you must try and remember the keywords and phrases. You can note them down if you want. Also, you should not spend your time planning what to say next when it is your turn to listen.

You cannot do two things at a time, rehearse and listen in this case. Your only priority should be to concentrate on what the speaker is trying to convey.

5. Do not interrupt and impose your solutions

Interrupting in between cannot be termed as a good habit. When you interrupt a person, it sends all kinds of bad messages. It may mean that what you are saying might be more important than what the speaker intends to say. Or that what you are saying is more interesting, relevant or accurate.

We all have a different pace when it comes to listening or speaking. If you are a quick thinker or nimble speaker, then you need to control your pace and be a more thoughtful communicator.

When you listen to someone talking about his problems, you should refrain from suggesting immediate solutions. The person might not want your advice. Sometimes all a person might need is a good listener.

6. Wait for the speaker for clarification

It is not possible for anyone to understand anything completely. It is human to have doubts or not to understand anything and it would be considered good if you look forward to talking to the speaker about the same. However, you must not interrupt. Wait for the speaker to take a pause.

7. Ask questions only to ensure understanding

You must only ask relevant questions. One question can take the conversation in a completely different direction. That direction might not have anything to do with the real topic being discussed or talked about.

However, sometimes you might get back to the original topic but most of the time, one is not able to. Therefore, you must think before asking a question as it should disturb the original flow of the issue being discussed.

8. Try to feel what the speaker is feeling

Your effectiveness as a good listener is assured when you try to feel every emotion that the speaker is going through and you convey it to them by your gestures, such as you can use your facial expressions or your words. You must try to feel their sadness when they are upset, their joy when they are happy and so on.

To be a good listener, empathy is a quality, which can be termed as the heart and soul of good listening. To be empathetic, you should try to put yourself in the place of the person narrating their experiences, and then feel their emotions or thoughts.

However, this takes a lot of concentration and energy but this facilitates communication at its best. It is very generous and helpful to do this.

9. Give regular feedback to the speaker

When you give regular feedback to the speaker, you make him feel that he is being heard and listened. Feedback not just means, getting back to him by speaking. It can also be in the form of a simple nod while he is discussing the topic.

Tying It All Together

By now, you must have understood how important it is to inculcate good listening skills. It is said that the world today is a global village and we are all connected to each other.

However, we do not pay attention to each other and listen effectively to be able to solve the problems that we encounter as an individual, company, nation or even the entire global village as a whole.

This shows that we are in dire need of effective communication skills. The tips to improve it have also been discussed. You can use some basic materials for practicing listening skills such as listening to a podcast episode, which you have a transcript for.

Listening to just the dialogues of some movie or show would also help. You can start with short clips and then move to the larger ones. Hence, you must learn with patience and strive to be a better listener.