What is Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management (HCM) is managing employees of an organization. This enables the increase in the productivity of the employees.

The whole process of Acquiring, Training, Managing, and Retaining employees for any organization is called Human Capital Management.

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The job of a Human Capital Management is not as simple as the explanation we just gave you. The Human Capital Management is also responsible for the HR helpdesks, employee self- service portals, manager self-service portals and intranet portals.

Some of the significant job descriptions comprise of various supports including, but not limited to:

  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Workforce management
  • Competency management
  • Performance management
  • Compensation strategy
  • Time and expense planning
  • Learning and Development
  • Contingent workforce management
  • Organization visualization
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Workflow

Tips to have a successful Human Capital Management team

Now that we know what falls under the bracket of Human Capital Management let’s learn how to do it well. When handling numerous employees, it could be challenging to ensure employee satisfaction on every level.


It is constantly seen that employees feel that organizations are only concerned about turn over and not the employees. While this may not be true, it is crucial for the employees to realize this.

Here are some tips that we believe will help you in ensuring that you’re doing it right:

1. Communications from the Leadership team

We, as employees, often think that managers often just sit in their cabin all day and impose suggestions on us. Well, as hard as this might be to take in, it is not the case.

At least for most of the time. However, it is essential that managers discuss with employees before making decisions so that employees do not feel suggestions are imposed on them.

Employees will have immensely valuable feedbacks about the organizations that may turn out to be effective.

This may never reach the management if there is no platform for the employees to express their ideas.

2. Employee engagement

It is important for the employee to have an adequate amount of work on a day to day basis. Too much or too little work will definitely mess up with their workflow.

Human Capital Management also includes ensuring they have an adequate amount of work to enable a seamless workflow.

3. Appreciation

Everyone feels the need to be appreciated for their efforts. This is something the Human Capital Management has to ensure attention is paid to. It is important for the managers to appreciate their employees on their work so that they continue to work hard.

4. Learning

We covered this before. It is important to make sure that employees have all the required information for them to work on their projects. Training is the way to go to ensure this is in place.

There are In-House, and Outsourced training programmes organizations can enrol their employees in. This will let them work as an individual with minimum dependency.

Experienced employees can also be enabled to train the newbies. This also works as an appreciation for the experienced employee. See? There’s more than one way to get things done.

Oh! Don’t design training just for the sake of it. That’s no use to anybody. In turn, that will bite you back in more way than you can think of. Training is conducted to benefit both employee and employees.

5. Growth

This is a no brainer. Any employee, irrespective of them being tenured or not, it is important for them to grow within the organization.


Read Also: 15 Tips For HR Managers To Create A Sustainable Company Culture

Constant growth helps improve knowledge. Upskilling oneself is important; one of the easiest ways of doing so is through constant growth in the field.

This will also ensure that employees do not find the work monotonous.

6. Hiring

You shouldn’t be too quick to tag someone as a bad employee. Believe us; there is no such thing as a good or a bad employee. It’s always the right candidate for the position. It is the job of Human Capital Management to ensure that the right employee is chosen for the right position.


You cannot have a substandard hiring process and blame the employee for not performing.

7. Employees leave their managers, not the company

This is a famous one. We are sure that many of you’ll have heard this somewhere through your corporate career. This is most definitely true too.Now, this is crunch time for Human Capital Management. Training a newbie is one thing, training a manager on their skills, that’s a whole other ball game. But well, that has to be done.

Skip level meetings are also a great way to understand how employees feel about their managers.

There’s another way to look at this. If a manager quits, there is a good chance that at least a couple of employees that worked under him will quit. The same logic applies here; only, the Human Capital Management may need to look at the higher management on this.

8. Teamwork

Let’s say you get through hiring and training with flying colours. Ensuring that each team member gels well with the others is as important as these. It is the responsibility of Human Capital Management to ensure that the best of each employee is brought out.


Contrary to popular belief, having a diverse workspace will help employees learnabout different cultures and become friends with each other.

Human Capital Management needs to assist managers in ensuring that all employees are happy with the team, and issues do not get in between the productivity of the programme.

9. Transparency

You reap what you sow. Have you ensured that all processes are transparent and easily accessible to employees? That shows that you trust them. They trust you when you trust them.

Human Capital Management has to work in great lengths to ensure that all employees feel trusted. This will make the employees work well for the organization voluntarily. Well, what more can you ask for?

10. Objectives

It is important for all employees to be aware of the Vision (No, we are not taking Marvel here). The Vision of the organization, the individual project they are working in.

It is important for all employees to understand the purpose of their work. Unclear Vision will only produce poor results.

11. Fun times

Employees spend most of their time in the offices. It is important for them to have some fun times in the office. Fun activities, games, movie nights, team dinners, team outings are just some of the ways to improve your employee’s happy quotient.

These fun activities work as great stress busters for the employees. A happy employee makes the company happy.

Human Capital Management must allot production time in such a way that there is time for employees to indulge in these fun activities.

12. Technology

Employees can only be productive if their tools are up-to-date. Trying to cut down on the technology is definitely not the way to go if productiveness is what you have in mind.

Having outdated or substantial technology and tools will only move things along slower and frustrate the employees. Human Capital Management needs to have a policy in place to replace any and all outdated technologies.

13. Employee profiles

Having an employee profile comes with more benefits than you assume. Employee profiles are a great wayto ease the hiring process.

New hires, re-joining, transfers from a different office is all a lot easier if the employee profile is in place. We knew that already. However, it also helps Human Capital Management togather employee performance.

 Information such as employee performance reviews, disciplinary actions, customer feedbacks will all be accessible from one single space.

No data will be lost from an individual since it’s all stored in central storage.

14. Tracking

Having a ton of policies and procedures in place is not the end of the subject for Human Capital Management. It is important to ensure that these procedures are followed.

Human Capital Management needs to invest time to evaluate if all the actions implemented are actually followed by all employees.

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It is important for this evaluation to take place constantly. All the time and effort will wash down the drain should there be a lapse.


Conclusively, it is important for Human Capital Management to realize that their job profile does not merely end at hiring the right candidate for the right profile, allotting vacation days or performance appraisal to employees.

Growth and development of the organization through the employees is their major task. A happy employee makes the company happy is the idea that should always drive Human Capital Management. Only this will bring real success to the organization.

What is Talent Management?

Contrary to popular belief, Talent management does not mean hiring the right candidate for the position. If only things were that simple. That’s the job of the Human Resource team.

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Talent management does a lot more than just hire a candidate for the required position. Their process includes:


1. Planning

Planning is the initial step in the process of Talent management. It includes:

  • Identifying the requirement of a candidate for a given position. This is called Human Capital Requirement.
  • Understand and create a job description for the role that needs to be filled.
  • Share the developed job description to the Human Resource for recruitment and propose a working workforce model for the recruitment process.


2. Attracting

Planning and deciding the source of hiring falls under attracting. This includes:

  • Identifying both Internal and External hiring sources.
  • Posting the job listing on various job portals
  • Social media presence is immense these days, and it is vital to use this for the hiring process too. Job listings need to be posted on various social networking sites for better reach.
  • Employee referrals are one of the best ways of bringing people into the organization.
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3. Selecting

Selecting is one of the most crucial steps in the process. This includes:

  • Setting up tests and interviews.
  • Analyse candidates to find out the best candidate for the project.
  • Selecting the candidate into the organization.


4. Developing

Developing is the process where the chosen candidate is prepared for joining the organization. This process includes:

  • Conducting an onboarding programme.
  • Enhancing the candidate’s skills to match the job profile.
  • Training programmes for employees to upskill themselves.


5. Retaining

Retaining an existing employee is vital for the existence of any organization. A lot of money and time is invested in creating the hiring process and ensuring that the candidate is trained to match the programme requirements.

Talent management needs to create plans to ensure that they do not lose an employee after all the investments on them. This is done by:

  • Internal Job Postings and Promotions.
  • Regular increment in the compensation.
  • Availability of opportunities to grow within the organization.
  • Ensuring employees are a part of the decision-making process.
  • Helping them learn new skills.
  • Rewards and Recognition.


6. Transitioning

Transitioning aims at the overall transformation of all employees so that they work towards the organizational vision.

Talent management needs to ensure that the upskilling of employees need to be done in such a way. This can be attained by:

  • Having retirement benefits for the employees
  • Conducting exit interviews
  • Continual internal progressions

Having said this, Talent management should not resort to micro-managing a process or an employee. This is definitely not the way to go about monitoring.

Talent management should function as an overlooking entity who is accessible to all employees for suggestions and criticism.

Tips to an effective Talent management

Now that we know that Talent management is and how they function, allow us to share a few tips and tricks to help you do it better.


1. Expectations from employees

  • It is important for all employees to understand what is expected of them.There is no way an employee can possibly work towards a goal when they have no clue what the goal is. it is the Talent management’s duty to ensure that the deadlines, expected the outcome of the programme, required skills, etc., are made clear to the employee.
  • It is also important to explain the organization’s vision to the employee. Only when the employees collectively work towards the vision will the organization be able to achieve it.
  • A lot of this can be covered by successfully creating an appropriate job description for the profile. This will help in having set guidelines to hire the right candidate for the programme.
  • Once the employee is hired, these can be reinstated through the onboarding programme.


2. Performance Management System

  • It is vital to have a foolproof performance management system in any organization irrespective of the employee count.
  • Talent management has to ensure the development and strict following of such a system.
  • We are not just speaking of yearly performance reviews. Employees need to receive constant feedback on their performance. Feedback and Criticism should not come as a surprise to the employees during the annual performance reviews.
  • How the feedback is shared is just as important as what feedback is shared or how many feedbacks are shared. Room for discussion should always be given during feedback sessions. Only this will ensure that there is nothing left to be interpreted by the employee.

Read Also: Performance Appraisal – All You Need To Know


3. Analytics

  • Is important for Talent management to analyse all employee data for all employees in the organization. Doing this is the only way of understanding where the organization stands at present and if the vision is anywhere near being achieved.
  • Analysing data of such quantity needs appropriate tools and software. It is important for any organization to spend some quality amount on cutting edge tools and software for Talent management to perform its analytics. This is not a place you want to cut down on your costs if you do not want your organization to be left behind in this corporate race.
  • This will also help the Talent management in decision making and implementing new processes as per requirements.


4. Training and Development programme

  • We cannot stress enough on how important it is to have a solid training and development plan in any organisation. Talent management needs to ensure that training plans are developed for the individual programme depending on the skill set needed for the project.
  • Creating a really good training plan does not serve the purpose if employees do not get to attend them. Talent management needs to ensure that rostering is done in such a way that time is allotted for employees to participate in training.
  • More importantly, it crucial to ensure that all training and feedbacks are documented. No matter how small the training is, there has to be a record it being conducted. A lot of time and effort goes into creating a training plan and delivering it successfully. It is essential for it to be recorded and monitored.


5. Plan for attrition

  • No matter what you do, attrition is inevitable in any organization. Talent management needs to have an attrition plan for all levels of employees to ensure that immediate hiring process can be initiated when you lose an employee.
  • Also, the higher the level of the employee that is quitting, all the more important it is fill in the position quickly.
  • It is always wise to have an employee with potential identified from the lower levels to move up the hierarchy. This works as a promotion to the employee, and it’s also easier to hire and train entry-level employees than the management level employee.


6. Hiring the right candidate for the profile

  • Talent management needs to have a tight-knit process in place that will ensure that the right candidate is hired for the right position.
  • Having the corporate strategy aligned with the talent strategy is vital to ensure that all employees work towards to the singular vision.


7. Know your competitors

  • It is important to know about your competitors. That’s the first place your employees go when they quit from your organization.
  • Where your organizations stand in terms of technology, pricing, remuneration and other things that may make your employees want to move to one of your competitors.


8. Diversity – understand and respect it

  • All employees are different from one another. They way they take feedback and implement it will vary,and Talent management has to ensure that managers are trained to implement feedback appropriately and expect resistance.


9. Strengths of employee

  • It is impossible for Talent management to analyse all employees and understand their strengths and skills. Talent management needs to enable team managers for this task.
  • Having management and a corrective system is also important for Talent management to track the process.


10. Branding

  • Talent management needs to build a strong company brand which will attract employee inflow into the organization.
  • Talent management needs to concentrate on social media and other platforms to ensure that the branding reach is global.


11. Planning

  • Having information and ideas to implement alone would not be sufficient. It is essential to plan the implementation of these ideas.
  • Talent management needs to take each project into consideration before implementingnew tasks. Work schedule, requirement, and many other details are to be taken into consideration before implementing any change.
  • These are different for different projects. It is hence important for Talent management to plan accordingly in advance.

Talent management is an integral part of any organization. Not just managing employees and their appraisals, Talent management forecasts, plans and implements systems to ensure the best output is brought out of all employees.

Read Also: How To Give Positive Feedback To Employees

Talent management is planted into each team of the organization to ensure that the plans implemented are followed and tracked.

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What is performance appraisal?

A performance appraisal is the regular review of an employee’s performance in the organization.

Most companies conduct a yearly appraisal programme due to which the appraisal programme is also called as an annual appraisal; apart from the other terms such as performance review, employee appraisal, etc.,

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There are few companies that conduct the performance appraisal on a half-yearly basis too.

Organizations use performance appraisal programme to analyse an employee’s performance throughout the current cycle.

Apart from feedback, they also discuss the renewed pay structure for the year, an extension of the agreement, termination of the employees are also topics of discussion during the performance appraisal.

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Promotions and internal job postings are other matters that are looked into during the performance appraisal. This is the time most managers look at moving the right employee for the right job.

Employees usually improve their skills throughout the year in hopes of a promotion or moving to a different project they have eyes on. Performance appraisal is the time employees discuss their future plans with their managers at length.

What happens during a performance appraisal?

We looked at what a performance appraisal is. Let us understand what purpose a performance appraisal serves to the employer and the employee and what happens during a performance cycle.

The most basic purpose of a performance appraisal is for the organization to analyse an employee’s worth and contributions they made to the organization. Various factors such as attendance, efficiency, attitude, quality of work, amount of work, etc.,

Collecting and analysing this information is easier said than done. Numbers are easy to access. There are different teams within the organization that will keep track of an employee’s performance that can be accountable through data.

Absenteeism, quality and quantity of the work completed throughout the appraisal cycle, etc., are some of the measurable data by the Human Resource or project manager.

However, criteria such as attitude, willingness to work, etc., comes into the picture. It is, however, the project manager’s job to analyse an employee’s behaviour on the production floor to get an idea about these parameters.

Performance appraisal cannot only be about the numbers. Numbers and behaviour go hand in hand. Only then will the employee be the right choice for the organization.

There are various methods through which employers evaluate the performance of an employee. All evaluation methods fall into two categories:

1. Traditional methods

Traditional methods emphasise on the assessment of the employee’s personality traits such as Initiative, Dependability, Creativity, Integrity, Intelligence, etc.

Types of traditional methods include:

  • Ranking Method
  • Checklist
  • Forced Choice
  • Forced Distribution
  • Critical Incidents
  • Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale
  • Field Review
  • Performance Tests and Observations
  • Confidential Reports
  • Assay Method
  • Cost Accounting Method
  • Comparative Evaluation Approaches

2. Modern methods

Modern methods emphasise on the evaluation of the work results shown by the employee.

Types of modern methods include:

  • Management by Objectives
  • Psychological Appraisals
  • Assessment Centres
  • 360-Degree Feedback
  • 720-Degree Feedback

Irrespective of the methodology used to evaluate performance appraisal, there are mandatory components that are a part of the performance appraisal. They are:

1. Define expectations

At the beginning of a performance cycle, it is essential for the reporting manager to sit with the employee and prepare a criteria chart.

This will explain what is expected off the employee for the complete performance cycle.

Doing this will ensure that the employee and manager are on terms with the expectations set, and there are no discrepancies during the performance appraisal discussion.

2. Measure and evaluate

Now that we know what a manager expects from the employee, it is the manager’s task to periodically measure the employee’s performance on the basis of the criteria set.

Once there is actual data, it is easier for the manager to evaluate the employee’s progress.

3. Provide feedback

Provide feedback based on the evaluation made throughout the year. Positive and Negative items need to be discussed at length during these sessions.

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It is necessary for managers to provide constant feedback throughout the year so that the employee has a chance to make amends to their working method.

The feedback will hit as a surprise to the employee if it comes to them only once a year.

It is necessary for managers to provide constant feedback throughout the year so that the employee has a chance to make amends to their working method.

The feedback will hit as a surprise to the employee if it comes to them only once a year.

4. Record performance

No companies do manual performance appraisal now. Those were the cavemen times. All appraisal proceedings are done in a strategic, automated method.

Once the feedback session is successfully completed, managers need to record the employee performance on the internal portal to complete the automated performance appraisal procedure.

Once the 4th step is completed, the process returns to the next performance appraisal cycle by initiating the 1st step again, and then flow continues.

Advantages of a Performance Appraisal

Allow us to take you through some of the significant benefits of having a systematic and fair performance appraisal procedure in place.

1. Having a systematic performance appraisal procedure in place helps the manager to evaluate the employee’s performance throughout the year. This will clearly show the strengths and weakness of the employee and their areas of interests.

2. Gathering employee information will also help managers in understanding the progression possibilities of the employee.The Right employee for the right job can be identified through this process.

3. Managers can also create training plans for the employees to help them enhance the skills they lack.

4. By sharing feedback based on the data gathered, managers will enable employees to understand their strengths and shortcomings. Manager’s constructive criticism will encourage employees to work harder to improve their performance.

5. Employees with potential are promoted or moved to a programme that best suits their profile. This works as an excellent motivator for the employees and will boostthem towards maintaining their current performance, if not improve it.

6. The appraisal is also where managers analyse if the training programmes and feedbacks shared with the employee have been put to effect. It shows if the employee has actually improved post training or feedback or let them fly in the air.

7. There are also chances that the training and feedback programmes are not as effective as they need to be. Managers and initiate changes in the training programmes and feedback style to make them more acceptable by employees.

8. Appraisal creates healthy competition among employees and this will, in turn, work as a motivator for the employees.

9. Managers are also known to use appraisal programmes to understand employee’s mental health and personal grievances. Manager can act on the grievances and make possible changes to accommodate the employee’s well-being.

10. The records maintained for performance appraisal will also show the managers which employee has had a steady or improving performance rate and which employee has a continuously deteriorating performance rate. This will help managers in preparing an appropriate further course of action for all employees.

11. Performance appraisal data will also work to provide insight into the hiring process of the organization. Managers understand if the existing hiring process is capable of recruiting candidates with the skill set the programme requires and make amends to the process if needed.

Things that could lead to a negative impact on performance review discussion

1. Nobody likes it when someone shouts at them when something goes wrong. So, when managers share feedback, it is crucial for them to keep this in mind. Feedback should be shared in the form of constructive criticism; only then will employees want to work on the inputs shared.

2. There are chances of employees losing their jobs after an appraisal review meeting. If an employee shows no improvement or shows no intent to work on the feedback shared, the organization has the authority to terminate the employee. Employees could also be transferred to a different programme or demoted too.

3. Managers need to ensure that the numbers recorded in the employee’s performance data are accurate. Employees will find out if the numbers are forged or not recorded appropriately, and this would lead to major legal consequences to the manager and the organization.

4. The criteria set for an employee’s performance appraisal need to be relevant to their work profile. It is not possible for employees to work towards criteria that areirrelevant or not useful. This will lead to employee dissatisfaction and escalations.

5. Managers need to ensure that weightage is equally distributed among the vital factors. Giving more weightage to factors that are not crucial to the programme does not make any sense.

6. There is no scientific method to gauge factors such as Attitude, Willingness to learn, Initiative taken, etc. Managers find it difficult to provide justification to employees about the reason they provided the scoring.

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7. There are instances where the managers are not adequately qualified to evaluate the employees and their capabilities. This leads to them making mistakes in the evaluation process. Such mistakes could gravely affect the successful growth of the employee.

So, here is a brief introduction to Performance Appraisal. Hope you have received a clear perspective of what it is.

What is Employee turnover

Employee turnover is the number of employees that leave the organization and are replaced by new employees. A high attrition rate means that the Employee turnover calculation will produce a larger number.

It is essential for an organization to timely calculate the Employee turnover to understand its attrition rate and create and implement corrective measures.

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Higher Employee turnover is a great concern to organizations since there is a cost involved in hiring, training, and retaining an employee.

This money is washed down the drain when the employee decides to let go of the organization.

Types of Employee turnover

There are different reasons why an employee would leave an organization. The kind of Employee turnover depends on the reason why the employee was let go.

1. Involuntary Employee Turnover

Involuntary termination of an employee for reasons such as poor performance, not adhering to company policies, extensive absence from work, etc.,

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2. Voluntary Employee Turnover

When an employee voluntarily releases themselves from the organization for reasons such as joining a different company, relocating to a different city, higher studies, etc.,

3. Desirable Turnover

This is one of those instances where Turnover is not considered as a negative factor. In occasions where an underperforming employee is replaced with an employee that exceeds the expectation of the organization, it is regarded asa Desirable Turnover.

4. Undesirable Turnover

When a company is losing employees, who have always exceeded the company expectation and have shown potential work throughout their career.

How is Employee turnover calculated?

There are different calculations to derive the Employee turnover percentage. The simplest and widely used options are mentioned below. All we need are 3 data points:

  1. The number of employees in the beginning (B)
  2. The number of employees in the end (E)
  3. The number of employees that left during this period (L)

Number of employees who left the organization

Employee turnover % = —————————————————————   X 100

(Number of employees in Beginning + Ending) / 2

Tips to reduce the Employee turnover percentage

1. Hiring

Select the right candidate for the right role. All’s well that begins well. Choosing a candidate that is not the perfect fit for the role will obviously make it harder for the employee and employer to function appropriately.

2. Recognizing candidate potential during interviews

Stressing, on the first point, does not mean that makes the hiring process so narrow that you miss out hiring talented candidates. Remember, if not for the programme you are currently hiring, you may use the candidate for a different programme in your organization.

It is also possible that you may train the candidate to suit the requirements of the programme. As long as this works, well and good. It is a call you as a recruiter need to take during the hiring process.

3. Compensation

One of the main reasons for Employee turnover is compensation. It is important to provide the right compensation to the right employee.

Compensation does not necessarily mean only the basic salary. There could be options such as Incentives, Bonus, Health benefits, etc., that can work as both compensation and motivation towards working better.

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There are also surveys that show that many Millennials refrain from taking up jobs that do not pay them well. They seem to have learnt the lesson from their parent’s careers. Decent remuneration quals reduced Employee turnover.

4. Buddy system

Every organization has a training programme and dedicated trainers to perform these pieces of training. While this is a definite winner, it will also help if employees can share knowledge with their peers through the training session or buddy system.

This will help employees improve their knowledge through discussions and mutual help.

Buddy system or assigning older employees to monitor newbies will also instil a sense of satisfaction in their minds since monitoring over the new-hires is more like a progression within the organization and employees think that they are being recognized for their talents.

5. Respect employees

It is vital for the managers to show their respect towards their subordinates. Realize their potential and include them in the decision-making process.

Employees are not a fan of the idea of conclusions being made for them. They are the most integral part of the programme and hence will have more ideas and feedback about the programme. As a manager, it is crucial that you implement their feedback and suggestions.

It is also easier to create proactive processes to ensure that negative customer impacts, such as customer dissatisfaction and complains, does not arise.

Employees tend to stick around longer when they know that their voice is heard.

6. Positive feedback

Everyone is all about giving constructive criticism and feedback when something isn’t going right. However, it is also important to share feedback when the employee is doing it right.

Positive feedback works as praise and appreciation. A 2-minute casual talk with an employee on how they are doing it right will go a long way.

Recognition is one of the significant ways to retain an employee and reduce Employee turnover.

7. Fun at work

A great way to retain employees is having fun at work. It is often seen that the Employee turnover percentage is lower in organizations that have regular fun activities at work when compared to those who don’t.

Considering that they spend most of their time in the office, it is ideal for the organization to invest time and effort in conducting programme / individual-centric fun activities.

Some employees state that compensation takes a back seat in companies that takes time and effort to improve the employee’s happy quotient.

8. Work-Life balance

Spending most of their time at work is not some anyone enjoys. It is vital for any organization to understand and act on it.

Flexible hours, Work from Home options,etc., are some of the policies an organization could have. Remember, their child’s fancy dress competition is just as important as work.

9. Rewards and Recognition

Employee turnover is higher in organizations that do not follow a regular Rewards and Recognition Plan. It is vital for employees to know that the organization recognizethem.

It is also vital to ensure that undeserving employees do not receive rewards from upper management. This will impact employees more negatively than not receiving any rewards at all.

10. Bonus according to corporate bonus

There is no harm in following a limitless bonus programme. As a matter of fact, this opens up various opportunities to the employees. They also understand that you, as an organization, trust them.

When there is a business profit, a part of it can be paid to the employees. This will only motivate them better to work towards the organization’s vision; meaning, more business profits.

It will also help to celebrate achieving such organizational milestones with the employees. This does not have to be a costly affair; buying breakfast for your employees would do too.

11. Forecasting

Overtime is one of the significant issues employees face in an organization. Forecasting and staffing accordingly will ensure such situations does not come up. Even if it does, you can explain it to the employees so that they are prepared.

If it is absolutely required for the programme to get employees to work overtime, ensure that you compensate them well for the work overload. Nobody wants to work for free, let alone work extra for free. You are sure to lose employees in this case.

12. Career growth

Employee turnover is linked with a lack of carrier growth more often than you think. Internal Job Postings is vital for the employee’s growth, and each organization need to have an ongoing plan to move employees internally according to their skills.

An organization can either train employees for the movement or ask the employees to train themselves. It is, however, held at high praise if employees receive help from organizations to improve their skill sets.

We understand that this is a time and money consuming process for any company, however, it is essential to understand that the money spent on these training these employees are invested in the company itself when the employee implements the training in their new role.

Also, it is easier to hire and train entry-level employee than to hire a management level employee and educate them on the company policies and procedures.

13. Work culture

Having a tight-knight, and casual work culture will enable employees to build friendships within the organization. Employee turnover may not seem much of a problem when friends work with friends.

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These are some of the top tips and tricks that we curated for you to bring down the Employee turnover numbers. Following even one of these processes will make huge differences. Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself; thank us later.

What is Family leave

The leave of absence taken to attend a family member is called Family leave. It’s there right in the name. It could be a leave taken to take care of a child, illness of spouse, parents, siblings or other immediate family members. Family leave is usually unpaid leave.

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Leave balance will be deducted from the employee’s account; they will face Loss of Pay.

Some companies, however, do provide paid Family leave.

Well, good for you if you are employed in one of these organizations. Paternal leave is an example of paid leave.

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Some organizations have finally come to believe that paternal leave should be considered paid leave, and all are expecting mothers are given up to 6 months leave to tend to their new-born.

Some organizations also provide up to a month’s paid leaves to fathers of new-borns. Paid leave is not a facility available in most organization. However, the Human Resource does sanction Family leaves for those who require it.

Things HR Manager Must Consider When Dealing With Family Leave

Now that we are aware of what Family leave is, let’s look at this topic from the Human Resource point of view.

Irrespective of the organization’s policy of paid or unpaid leave, expecting parents will definitely need to take leaves for an extended period.

An emergency in the family would also lead the employees to take up Family leaves on an unplanned basis.

Let us look at how the Human Resource team can possibly prepare for such situations and what the Human Resource team needs to keep in mind which sanctioning the Family leaves:

1. Understand the law

Different countries and different organizations follow a different set of rules for Family leave. It is essential that the Human Resource team is aware of the set rules in the first place.

Multiple employees will have multiple questions when they are planning on taking Family leave. Human Resource team should be in a position to explain the policies clearly to the employees.

There have been cases where organizations have been sued based on incorrect information shared by the Human Resource team. Being aware of the policies and rules is the best practice.

2. Documentation of Family leave policy

How will you explain the Family leave policy to your employees if you have doubts yourself? It is important to have documentation of the company’s approved Family leave.

The Family leave document can be shared with all employees and also used as a reference by the Human Resource while explaining the procedure to employees.

You can always make exceptions to the Family leave policy as per employee requirement if needed; however, it is best to adhere to the policy.

3. Prepare for the workflow

In cases where you know that the employee is expected to go on Family leave, enable managers to distribute work among the other team members.

It is the Human Resource team’s responsibility to ensure that the hand over document is collected from the employee. This needs to be verified with the team manager before the employee is let go on the Family leave.

Human Resource teams can enable managers to cross train each team member to avoid bottleneck situations not only during Family leaves but also during the emergency absence of any employee.

4. Respect the employee’s privacy about the reason for Family leave

Employees may not want the whole firm to know the reason for their absence. Human Resource needs to respect this and be discreet about this information.

All is well and good if employees themselves want to share personal information with their colleagues. Ensure that you are not the one doing so.

5. Benefits made accessible

Explaining the policies and procedures to employees does not mean that they have it all sorted. Employees would have technical doubts even after they go on leave.

How to apply for the insurance, what costs are covered by the insurance, can the Family leave be extended, etc., are some common examples. It is important for the Human Resource to be available for the employees while they are on Family leave to clear their clarifications.

Creating an online portal with consolidated information of all leave policies would also work well for both you and the employee.

Setting up an Employee Assistance Program – EAP is also an idea that will work well for both parties. This will work as a separate dedicated line for employees to contact during crisis while on Family leave.

It is also important that Human Resource does not provide additional information and invade employee privacy or confuse them about what they already know. Additional stress is not something the employees need to go through at the time of an emergency.

6. Flexibility

Being a new parent is a huge change. The Employee would like it if the organization they work in is flexible about their work timings and the other mini little things.

Human Resource can play a huge role in enabling this for the employee. It’s okay if they turn about a little late or if they want to bring their baby to work because their house help did not turn up that day. Don’t sweat about these minor things.

However, it is important to ensure that employees do not take advantage of this flexibility. Human Resource team have to know where to draw the line.

Some companies bring in employees part-time after Family leave. This benefits both the employee and employer alike.

7. Contingency plan

It is often seen that parents may want to switch their job profile or work timings to suit the needs of the children. This includes male and female parents alike. Human Resource needs to ensure that they are prepared for such a possibility when the employee goes on Family leave.

Read Also: 15 Tips For HR Managers To Create A Sustainable Company Culture

Employees may want to continue on the same project with different work timings or role or may want to change the project in itself if they feel that the project does not allow them to be flexible according to their need.

Human Resource team needs to identify a backup person for the job, should the employee return with issues in continuing in the role.

8. Change in employee benefit policies

With all the budding excitement of new parents, it is possible that they forget to add their baby as a dependent on their policy. Human Resource needs to follow up with the parents and explain the dates within which these forms need to be filled.

The additional changes in the policies need to be explained to the employees.

9. Being sensitive

An employee returning from Family leave may not always be bearing happy news. Family leave could have been taken due to a death in the family, illness or other unfortunate instances. Human Resource team needs to ensure that the employee’s situation is handled with the utmost sensitivity.

Human Resource needs to guide employees through a difficult time to make them comfortable and have a smooth transition time.

10. Celebrate when needed

Just like helping an employee through tough times, it is also important to celebrate when they have great news. Gifts could be sent to hospitals in case of childbirth.

11. Post birth accommodations

There may be cases where the organization would have to make few accommodations for employees that have a new-born in their family. Human Resource needs that they assist employees in such cases.

Change in their insurance plan, work timings, etc., are some examples of changes that may be expected. Human Resource needs to be prepared for these.

12. Additional childcare benefits

Though not a necessary option, it is helpful when employers accommodate additional child benefits such as in-house daycare or providing subsidies for the employees.

It is seen that organizations that provide one such option so employees can retain these them for longer than in other organizations.

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13. Work-Life balance

It is not right for the managers to bombard the employees with work as soon as they get back from Family leave. Human Resource needs to ensure that these employees have a proper work-life balance after they return to work and don’t spend most of their time at the office and not with their children.

This occurs when there is lack of planning. Having a backup while the employee is on Family leave is essential to ensure that they do not be burdened when that get back. It is seen that attrition is higher in programmes that fail to provide work-life balance to a returning employee.

14. Changes in pay discussion

It is possible that an employee may want an increase in their income, considering there is a newcomer in the family. Human Resource needs to anticipate this discussion when an employee returns.

Most people don’t realize how expensive hospitals can be. Once most of every penny is spent from the savings, they would like to get back to the organization and discuss redefining their pay structure.

15. Connect employees with other new parents

Human Resource does not have to carry all burdens on their shoulders. They can always connect the employees and have them discuss their experiences. A lot can be learnt from such sessions, and this will also work as moral support.

Read Also: How WiFi Attendance Makes HR Manager’s Job Simple

So, these are some of the tips about things an HR must have in her consideration list while sanctioning family leave.

We have witnessed a major recent trends in human resource management industry for the past few years. If you look back, everything from the hiring process, people analytics to software systems has evolved.

Instead of just engaging the employees and giving an upper hand to their satisfaction level, today’s trends are more inclined to enlighten the overall HR culture.

Read Also: How WiFi Attendance Makes HR Manager’s Job Simple

The HR department has moved far forward than just mere recruitment, benefits management, professional development and time and attendance.

Here let us have a look at some of the most recent trends in human resource management that can change the overall working scenario of a daily office.

1. Employee experience

More than the engagement of employees at workplace, the focus has shifted to employee experience. More than mere engagement, concentration is now given to enhancement of company culture, and performance management.

The main roles of the HR department now covers enhancing employee’s journey map and giving a greater exposure to feedback tools, employee wellness apps, productivity tools and advanced communication tools.

employee productivity

Moreover, they are analyzing the employee data to address the need of staff and enhance productive office atmosphere. They can even use its possibilities to ease the implementation of the HR process and improve the employee’s career.

2. Advanced people analytics

Companies have moved far ahead from just the back office data to utilizing the best of people analytics. Reporting through the dashboards has outdated in most of the companies and focus is more on predictive models.

Companies have moved far ahead from just the back office data to utilizing the best of people analytics. Reporting through the dashboards has outdated in most of the companies and focus is more on predictive models.

SAP Success Factors, ADP, Visier, Cornerstone and Oracle are among the most widely used HR tools to enhance the possibilities of HR sector to improve the overall effectiveness of employees.

Most of these tools come with advanced features like employee retention predictors. They can even help build strategies like making job moves to get higher performance.

3. Learning management systems

Despite the position of the employees or their experience, learning new skills is important to stay updated. That is why constant learning is now a novel trend in the HR sector. Providing learning opportunities to employees is the key for any company that is eyeing for progress.

An improved skill set can help employees to deliver their best at workplace that reflects in the overall productivity of the enterprise. Learning management systems are playing the crucial part in tracking the employees learning process and even to collaborate between various departments effectively.

4. Augmented reality

One can undoubtedly say that VR and AR are the key trends in today’s HR market which offers an upper hand for learning market and performance support for organizational staff.

The simulation process is the highlighted feature that aids employees in preparing themselves to how to respond to real life situations.

It has a huge influence on proper recruitment process as candidates are given exposure to real-life work situation.

Moreover, there are options for candidates to take a virtual tour of the company and get an exposure to the organizational culture personally.

5. Productivity of HR process

Earlier the focus was covering the automation of areas like record keeping, performance appraisal, resume capture, interview and hiring, compensation and assessment.

However, the focus is now shifted to productivity of the overall HR process than just automating sections.


So significance is now given on the techniques to enhance productivity like quality people, considering people analytics, team-centric companies, and optimal usage of hired employees as well as agile workforce.

Now the key role will be to sort out employee’s focus, engagement and burnouts and build strategies accordingly.

6. Digitized rewards and recognition

Receiving praise and recognition is the key to help employees to trigger their performance level and these are undoubtedly true motivators for most of them. However, the present trend has taken this a step forward as rewards and recognition is now becoming digitised.

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Digital recognition is helping them excel one step higher and peer to peer recognition for their contribution through social media platforms is evidently improving their performance scale.

7. Online skill assessments

The trend of using online skill assessments is now seen in companies as it is proving effective as an optimal talent management tool.

It comes in the form of surveys, quizzes, tests, and exams that offers a platform for companies to learn what their employees actually know and even a chance for self assessment for employees.

8. Biometric time tracking and security

This is another recent trends in human resource management that offers a lot of room for minimizing attendance fraud risk by using biological markers to recognize employees. Companies are now using facial or iris recognition and fingerprint scanning.

Minimizing time theft through these means help companies to save their funds to a great extent. Employees are blocked from doing unwanted fraud actions outside the office hours as system access will be tracked. This additional layer of security also offers an advantage of tracking business property.

9. Enhanced employee engagement

When it comes to employee engagement, it has moved forward a lot from mere basic activities. The scenario is now digitized and employees are offered lots of wellness and fitness apps. The goal is to ensure proper work and life balance.

Building a sustainable workforce by balancing professional and personal lives helps them to be more productive and then end result will be a profitable enterprise. Companies are now taking initiatives to set up seminars and sessions like yoga, dietary counselling, and counselling on improved work-life balance.

10. Transformation of leadership

Unlike in the past, leadership is not always about leading a team or managing them. The digitalised world has put forward possibilities of networked organisations than bring more success than with just delegation of authority.

Individual employees are enabled to initiate leadership on their own and sometimes even without proper formal authority. The shift of leadership goals have changed from simply leading people to overall coordination of the ecosystem of work.

11. Targeted recruitment

One of the mostly discussed trends in HR sector is targeted recruitment which is processed through social media and cognitive assessment.

Companies are utilizing the possibilities of cognitive technologies that come in the form of predictive algorithms, natural language processing and self-learning.

At time of recruitment, they use tools that consider career experiences and skills to provide a fit score to see if the candidate matches the organizational requirements.  

Moreover, reputation checks of organizations and their competitors are now easy with social listening that is possible in the form of public reviews.

12. Wearable Tech

Work place health can be monitored more systematically through this emerging HR trend. These wearable tech possibilities can make a huge impact on employees working on high pressure situations.

These devices are designed to track several features like heart rate, pupil dilation, body temperature, and similar areas. Management can analyze these points to get a deeper insight into stress and pain points of employees. They can reframe the strategies accordingly to improve their workplace experience.

13. Performance management

Unlike in the past when the performance was evaluated through monthly meetings or quarterly reviews, the present trend shows the shift of focus to real time feedback.

Apart from logistic benefits, this instant feedback can help managers to put up conversations about personal and professional development.

The real time open-dialogue conversations in fact help employees to benefit from constructive criticisms that give them a large room for improvement on the go.

VR can work closely with real time feedback for effective performance management and assessments.

Read Also: 15 Tips For HR Managers To Create A Sustainable Company Culture

Experts have advised not to react blindly to any of the emerging trends but to learn, understand and analyse it before applying to your particular business scenario.

As AI and technological advancements are emerging every day, we can expect even more dramatic changes in the HR trends in the near future, as well.

However, experts in the field are more or less sure that technology is not going to replace any of the jobs or HR department but it is sure to better the way how jobs are done.

HR Management challenges and solutions are one of the most integral parts of any organization considering they ensure the structural function of the company and the employees in it. They indeed are one of the pillars on which an organization is built.

There are multiple hurdles an HR team goes through on their day to day work that vary from an employee level to the organizational level.

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Let’s get an insight into what their major hurdles are and how we could possibly improve the situation for the betterment of the employees and the organization alike.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulation

It’s the Human Resource team’s job to ensure that all employment rules and regulations of the government and company regulations are maintained by the employees. This is easier said than done.

Getting all employees to abide by the company policy is a mammoth of a task, especially in Multi-National Companies consisting of 1000s of employees.

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It is ideal for the Human Resource to deploy multiple teams in charge of each location to monitor the employees closely. Retraining on the corporate policies in a timely manner will help too. It is also vital to practise new-hire training to ensure fall out do not occur.

2. Change management

In a world where change is constant, it is not an unknown entity in the corporate world too. Some employees have great difficulties in coping with structural or fundamental changes that are implemented in the organization.

It is Human Recourse’s job to ensure that all employees adapt to each project they take on irrespective of how different it is from their comfort zone.

This is a difficult task considering there is no training provided for the HR team to guide employees through the transition.

It would be ideal if the HR team received training on how to help employees cope up with their stress during organizational realignments so that the Human Resource team can in turn help the other employees through the transition.

Also, regular meeting with the entry-level and leadership employees will help in embracing the ongoing change.

3. Leadership Development

It is crucial for any organization to have great leaders to guide their teammates. HR Management challenges and solutions will help in improving employee satisfaction and morale. It is seen that companies that have below par management training programme have got higher attrition.

It is required to identify a suitable candidate for the leadership position keeping in mind the requirements of the program and provide adequate training to the candidate so that they are enabled to guide the group of employees to success. This is the responsibility of the Human Resource management team.

The best practice is to incorporate such training modules into the work culture. Goals set on  day to day activities will also help motivate them.

4. Workforce Training and Development

Training is given not only to the leadership team but also the new hires. It is essential to impart knowledge to the new hires on the organizational policies and structure. Also, it is essential to conduct periodic re-training to the entry-level employees to develop their skills.

The training does not have to be time and money consuming, executed well. A team of trainers could be hired to provide training to all employees year long. One could also consider online training since they are the next big thing now and are relatively cheaper than having a team of in-house trainers.

5. Adopting to Innovation

Innovation is an everyday occurrence in today’s world. Getting employees to learn and adopt new technologies are essential. Companies may even stand the risk of being yesterday’s news if the latest technologies of their field are not incorporated.

Constant training will help the employees keep pace with the why, how and when.

6. Compensation

It’s all for the money at the end of the day and employees are prone to shift jobs if they find the grass greener at the other end of the fence. It is difficult especially for small organizations to compete with the pay scale of larger corporates.

The HR team can help by introducing other benefit plans for the employees such as Employee reward points or an Incentive for performance.

7. Understanding Benefits &Packages

Earnings are not the only priority that makes an employee stay longer in the organization. It is seen that companies that have below par Work-Life balance tend to lose more employees. It is another important and challenging task at the hand of Human Resource.

Options like Vacation time, Flexibility in time, Free snacks, Wellness programs, etc will help keep the employees happy with the organizations.

8. Looking After Health and Safety

Workplace harassment and stress release are major concerns Human Resource deals with when it comes to employee safety. It is highly essential to ensure that all employees feel safe at the office and this task befalls on the HR Management challenges and solutions.

Read Also: 15 Tips For HR Managers To Create A Sustainable Company Culture

Having strict policies against harassment in the workplace is mandatory. Also, workshops on stress management and tips to keeping good health through a mailer will go a long way with the employees.

9. Recruiting Talented Employees

Attaining candidates for the programme is one of the most cost-effective and time-consuming processes a company goes through.

HR Management challenges and solutions takes care of the whole process and this puts them in an awkward position by default. There is no proven way of understanding if the candidate will actually stay long in the programme or if the candidate is actually a 101% right for the position.

A lot of companies these days rely on external recruitment organizations for hiring candidates. This eliminates the company’s task of investing time and money in keeping records of the employee.

Also, temp-to-hire solutions are provided by these recruitment services that let the Human Resource team worry only about the training for the candidate.

10. Retaining Talented Employees

Retaining employees is another one of those tasks that make the Human Resource team’s life miserable. It is crucial for any organization to retain its talented employees for all the right reasons.

All organization spends time and money in improving the talents of an employee and would not want to see the money be washed in the drain when the employee leaves them.

Rewards and Recognition is an idea Human Resource swear by, to ensure that talented employees are rewarded for their achievements.

On-boarding process plays a major role in employee retainment too and it would help the Human Resource team if they focus on these aspects.

11. Workplace Diversity

People of many cultures, ages and background work under the same roof in every organization. Ensuring a healthy and ongoing rapport between all employees is a constant challenge faced by Human Resource team.

Conducting a diversity training programme has proven to be helpful in many organizations and this will help employees to understand people with different ideologies.

It is important to lead by example in such scenarios and also have an accountable system to ensure no fall outs happen.

12. Ensuring Data Privacy

In an era where Privacy is easily becoming a thing of past, it is extremely important for Human Resource to ensure data security.

Data security can only be attained on a large scale when all employees are trained on best practices. Also, a monitoring system to ensure no data transfer is conducted has to be in place along with a system that holds accountability for all employee and organization information.

13. Transparent Work Culture

It is crucial for an organization to make its employees feel that they are part of the system too and this can only be achieved with transparent workplace culture in place.

Human Resource has to go the extra mile to ensure that all policies and procedures are transparent and made with keeping employees in mind. It has to be made a practice to incorporate this in all employees from leaders to entry level agents.

14. Career Advancement Opportunities

It is important to ensure that employee talents are recognized and career advice is given accordingly. It is difficult for Human Resource to ensure this happens with all employees.

A lead in every team can be placed to ensure that employee’s talents are recognized and career advancements are offered accordingly. Human Resource team can in turn monitor the leads to ensure that the system is functioning.

15. Balanced Employee Productivity

It is important to keep employee productivity at a balance in terms of productivity. This could lead to employees having too little or too much on their plate. This imbalance would definitely cause employee dissatisfaction.

HR Management challenges and solutions has to warrant an automated procedure in place that will ensure equal distribution of work among all employees in the programme.

Also, monitoring this process is an important task that should not be left out.

16. Employee satisfaction

Attaining employee satisfaction is by far one of the most difficult tasks handled by Human Resource. Satisfaction is to each; it is own and is impossible to have global processes to ensure complete employee satisfaction.

Human Resource needs to have an ongoing process that ensures feedback collection and monitoring of employee’s satisfaction. This has to be done on a team level basis.

17. Employee – Manager conflicts

Handling employee – Manager conflict is a critical and crucial task taken care of by the Human Resource.

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Employee and manager have to continue working along with each other post this mishap and Human Resource has to ensure that there are no miscommunications on the discussion and an unbiased decision is taken.

Absence of a documented procedure for leave management can cause businesses more than just loss of capital. Lack of validation of acquired leaves is an important element of data that helps to understand the current scenario and affects imminent scheduling and other decision making in terms of human resource. 

Companies that do manage to keep tab of employee absenteeism but are at the mercy of paper trails get penalized for maintaining incomplete or distorted records.

Hence it is important that they resort to automated means of leave management to safeguard the credibility of the firm and dodge unnecessary trouble caused due to poor leave management.

Inadequate leave management can have serious impacts on your business. Have a look:

1. Manpower crunch during important deadlines

2. Legal problems due to Non-compliance to employee leave policy

3. Worker compensation penalties if employees are over worked and call sick

4. Financial liabilities of unused leaves

5. Impeding Employee productivity

6. Discouraged employee morale due to lack of leave management

6 ways how poor Leave management impacts business

You are determined on working towards company goals but how will you get there if your workforce does not resonate with it?

To keep your workforce motivated and empathetic towards the vision you have in mind, you need to set an efficient protocol for workforce management.

The main aim of workforce management program is to extract best performances out of employees at all levels. Designing an effective strategy becomes difficult as companies fail to address the essential challenges that are faced with by the process.

There are certain key aspects which significantly impact the method. Below are the five necessary steps that affect the output of your workforce management strategy.

1. Let the Manager do Talent Management.

He knows people and their skills better!

2. Gauge the role and responsibility of each employee.

Identifying critical roles is crucial for business.

3. Make sure only relevant data is fed to the manager’s PC

Data that helps in recruitment, performance analysis and other aspects of talent management!

4. Intricate developments in succession plan.

Focus on creating descendant roadmaps at multiple levels

5. Harmonize Workforce and company goals!

Craft mutually dependent strategies for talent and business management.

Workforce Management 5 Steps For Getting It Right!

While money is often mistaken as the best motivator in organizations; studies have shown that non-financial incentives motivate employees way better than money.

Workload and management policies have only gotten stringent, with high employee turnover rates in almost all sectors.

Despite sky-high salaries, successful employees are still leaving their jobs, citing lack of conducive environments and work-life balance as the reason.

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If you are in management, looking to stem this tide, here are a few tips to be kept in mind in this regard. They are highly effective and easy to implement, without having to blow your budget wide open:

1. Appreciate employee’s work

Management often makes the mistake of not acknowledging productivity. Ensure that you nip this issue in the bud by publicly congratulating him on his efficiency. Awards like ‘Employee Of The Month’ go a long way in motivating staff to achieve more.

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An atmosphere where you make your employees feel valued and appreciated is far more productive. It cements his resolve to take on more work and make a name for himself.

Timely assessments of employee performance cheering the top performers would make an impression throughout the staff.

You can motivate low performing employees to strive harder and reach the level of their successful peers in this manner. Commend them when this happens and let the domino effect happen. 

2. Promotions

Reward best performing employees with promotions. This is a tremendous boost for employees as they will have goals and positions set in order. A well-planned hierarchy in the organization, where employees are assured of being promoted when they perform well.

You may award promotions based on annual reviews. When employees have done an excellent job which were of enormous benefit to the company, amid year promotion can also be considered for them.

This would show the staff that you are always on the lookout for high-performance stars and motivate them ahead.

3. Job Security

Nothing motivates an employee like knowing that his job cannot be taken away at a whim. Providing him with job security would enhance his standing and respect in the organization.

It would also make him feel valued and integral to the company’s performance. You will find such an employee ready to take personal responsibility for operations under his control.

Let them know that the management is always ready to support him, no matter what. With such an adequate support system in place, your employees are less likely to switch companies, since they would find this work culture highly appealing and irreplaceable.

4. Maintain Relationships

If you can maintain a personal relationship with an employee, you’re doing better than 90% of typical management staff. Often overlooked, this doesn’t even have to be time-consuming.

An occasional chat about family, finances, kids, friends, sports et cetera that is personal in nature would make the employee feel close to the management.

Take them out for dinner and stay informal outside office proceedings. Offer career guidance and help when they need it. See to it that your employees feel safe enough to approach you on any issue without hesitation.

You could be an extraordinary manager, with well-satisfied employees if you ardently follow this tip.

5. Community Activities

Events like picnics, visits to tourist places, charitable deeds done together with employees can make them feel important to the organization.  Try taking employees out as often as possible for new experiences.

Such moments can be terrific for bonding and improving relations between employees and managers.

Organize activities for the whole staff, like taking them for a sports game or a trip for the weekend. In the office, ensure recreational rooms where staff can relax and bond with others. You should provide facilities for indoor and outdoor games.

There could also be clubs for skill enhancement formed by employees. Set aside a time period, like Friday or Saturday afternoons, where they are allowed to engage in these activities in office.

Once an employee is comfortable with all members and the friendly atmosphere, he will choose to stay put in the same office, even if there are better opportunities outside the firm. Proper company culture can be a huge factor in reducing employee turnover.

6. Reward high performers with flexible schedules

Achieving a Work-Life balance has become something of a myth in the 21st century. With several high performers burning out, ensure your staff does not fall prey to this disease.

Reward the best employees with time off. Allow them to prepare their schedules and deadlines. Don’t micromanage them as this can kill off their zeal and enthusiasm.

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It would be best if you granted several incentives for high achievers such as the freedom to choose their own responsibilities, subject to approval, etc. Also, try to help them select and set out on their own paths that would benefit the company as well.

On seeing this, even low performers would be enthused, and they will be full of passion for reaching the same level and accessing the same freedoms.

7. Competitive Environments

High achievers are known to dull down in the lack of a stimulating work environment. Make a note of your office’s top performers and enquire if they would like additional responsibilities.

Ensure they are clubbed together for the most daunting tasks and provide them with sufficient challenges. It is a great way to boost office productivity as well as keep your office gems satisfied with their jobs.

If you create an exclusive circle of high achievers, naturally other employees would be curious as well. They would be motivated by a desire to join this elite group of high achievers. This would be beneficial for both the company and the employee.

8. Take one-on-one meetings

Once a month, sit down with your employees and interview them about their jobs. Ask them questions about their work, their satisfaction levels, whether they would like more challenges, whether they have any opinions on the current system, know their grievances and if anything could be done to enhance their experience.

Ensure that you gain as much knowledge as possible and note down relevant insights. Resolve any apprehensions they may have and provide assurance that the company has their back. This will win you loyal and trustworthy employees in the long run.

9.Suggestion System

Use an efficient suggestion system, like a public box where employees can drop off any remarks, preferably anonymously. Go through each remark in detail and take their feedback seriously.

Applaud helpful suggestions in public and implement them. This would increase feedback rates, and soon, you will find a whole new list of problems that you had no idea about before. Honest and direct feedback from employees can be utilized to improve efficiency.

During meetings, you should encourage employees to provide their insights into projects. This would give them a role in the decision-making process, following which, they will be much more motivated to work on the project as it was their plan too.

10. Provide a proper path for career growth

Most employees grow disillusioned when their career begins to stagnate. You must take well-planned steps to prevent it. This would inform the employees their important targets, on the accomplishment of which, they will be able to advance further.

We have often seen this strategy to work wonders, with employee efficiency levels rising, post-implementation.

Once employees know where they stand and the path to take to advance, they will not hesitate to improve the quality of their work.

11. Group incentives

Dealing with non-performers and bad team players can be quite daunting. To solve this issue, provide only group incentives. The group size must remain small though, with all members knowing each other well.

Such an environment, where employees are accountable to their groups as well, would boost morale and enhance team spirit.

Dividing staff into teams would also increase a sense of competitiveness. It would energize the teams to work harder and be the best in office, much like we see in sports. The best team could be provided several benefits like special privileges.

You can also make a note of effective team leaders, who can be considered for leadership positions in the company. Members of the winning team can also be put on the fast track list for promotions.

Bright stars in failed teams can be identified and appropriately nurtured since competition tends to bring out the best in everyone.

The usual bottlenecks can be successfully removed since everybody would be eager to finish off their tasks and gain as a one, stable and prosperous group.

12. Constructive criticism

It is crucial not to criticize your employees outright when they don’t perform well. Instead, speak to them privately and understand their needs. Help them out with any troubles they’re facing and provide skill training in case they need it.

Take steps to show them how they can improve their work and be patient during the process. Everybody picks up at their speed, and there can be instances where even top performers can be brought down to their knees.

In all such cases, get to the roots of the problem and provide helpful, constructive criticism where required.

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An employee would be willing to own up to his faults and improve his work if nudged along the right path properly.


Implementation of these steps would boost morale among your employees significantly. Money doesn’t buy everything; sometimes, it’s the experience and atmosphere you provide that compels employees to work better.

Ensure a great work environment where they feel valued and are genuinely happy, and watch your office productivity rates top the charts.