No one believes in sitting at one single place to connect with the world. Which is why most homes have WiFi network installed these days. But the same WiFi connectivity can become a frustrating struggle if you find yourself struggling with bad reception, slow speeds and/or any other problem.

Read Also: How to Set Up WiFi at Home : 5 Easy Steps

To boost your home WiFi, this article presents 10 great ways.

1. Get a new WiFi adapter to attach to your old laptop

You can invest in a WiFi adapter and use it to boost the connectivity when using an old laptop. Such an adapter will come with 802.11ac technology. You can plug the adapter in one of the USB ports available in your laptop.

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They might look bulky, but definitely increase the speed of wireless network you receive from your router. However, it is important that you choose a high-quality adapter with good AC capabilities.

For instance, AC1200 is considered the minimum required level. Anything below this won’t provide the speed you are looking for.

2. Invest in a router of 802.11ac category

An 802.11ac is also known as an AC category router in the market. If you have a router which belongs to N or G category, you definitely need an upgrade.

These categories are considered cheap as they don’t have the capacity to transfer the high-quality speed of the network to the connected devices. Your network gets faster and delivers maximum connectivity when you have an AC category router.

Of course, you will feel confused when purchasing a new router. Which is why you need to understand the basics in advance before making a decision.

Most of your home devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and others consist of AC wireless technology. So, you can feel free to pick a router in the category of 802.11ac.

All the future devices in the upcoming years will include the AC wireless tech only. So, switching your router would be a wise move.

When you get a new router, you get firmware updates that protect against various security issues. These security features are not upgraded usually in N or G types of routers.

The strength of the performance in 802.11ac comes in the form of its range and speed. You can get dual-band or even a tri-band router to get better device connection management. So, all devices get the best speeds.

3. Consider a system of WiFi mesh

If your WiFi performance is not reaching every corner of your big home, you can think about several solutions. First of all, you can try to include different access points in your home to cover area corner with wireless network.

You can use a WiFi extender to enhance the signal in certain areas. Find places where you can use Ethernet cables to create wired connections.

Beyond all that, very big homes can also consider using the system of WiFi mesh. This will be a one-step solution for all the WiFi performance issues you find in some areas of your home.

Mesh systems are designed for easy installation and provide controllability using a specific mobile application. They surely use some speed, but provide better performance by enhancing the range and the quality of connections. This way, you can sit anywhere in your big house and still get the best possible speeds.

4. Keep your router in an open area

No one feels thrilled about the design of a router. Which is why people usually put in a cupboard or hidden behind the curtains. But the placement of the router also decides the signal performance you receive.

So, a router in your TV cabinet might not send proper signals in every part of your home. The best location for a router is out in an open area. The area should be a flat surface such as a table.

Moreover, you can try to get it installed on a wall. There are router mounting brackets available in the market, which you can use to fulfill this purpose. If possible, try to place the two antennas perpendicular to each other.

5. Select a central area for router placement

You should also carefully choose a central area in your home to place the router. This will ensure complete coverage of the whole house. The signal comes out from the antennas of a router.

Then, it extends in all directions. So, if you place your router in one corner, you will be wasting one aspect of signal that comes out of it.

Read Also: How to Fix the Most Common WiFi Issues?

Mostly, people feel restricted to place a router in a corner due to the short-length of cables. But the problem is resolvable with Ethernet cables. You can ensure the central location of Wi-Fi with Ethernet cables.

You will need professionals’ help to have these cables in your behind the walls or above the ceiling. If not, you can also use cable clips to attach these cables to the walls.

6. Find a suitable wireless channel

If other families also use WiFi in your neighborhood, their access points and routers can interfere with yours. This can degrade the quality of signals.

The good news is that a wireless network can easily operate via different channels. You simply need to pick a channel that has the least possible interference.

Generally, your router knows the right channel and pick automatically. But you should take a look to ensure if it is causing the network issues. There are tools that help you analyze your Wi-Fi, which you can find online.

7. Secure your wireless network from hackers

WiFi security holds great importance to keep your wireless network performance top-notch. If hackers get a chance, they use your network and reduce the quality of internet speed you receive.

The most important part of securing your WiFi network is keeping the firmware updated. Your router comes with firmware security features. It is important that you keep it updated with the new features provided by the manufacturers.

To create WiFi passwords, you should utilize WPA2 encryption, as it is the latest technology. At the same time, you can’t keep using the default password and username. It is too obvious to guess and opens your network for hackers. You should customize the login details and keep it secure.

Whenever you are not using the connection, use the physical switch off button on the router to turn it off. Switch it on with your fingers to start the WPS for configuration. Also, if there are remote management features available in your router, disable them whenever not required.

8. Use simple tricks to increase WiFi range

The range of a wireless network is the area it covers when sending the signal. You can increase its capacity by some simple tricks. For this, you will need an old can of beer.

Carefully cut out the top part of the can to make it look like a glass. Then, you need to make a hole in the center of the bottom of the can. Make sure this hole is sharp and wide enough to go inside your router’s antenna.

Now, you need to cut the beer can vertically once, and cut from the circumference of the bottom, leaving a little portion attached to the bottom part.

Use your hands to open the can to shape it like a curved antenna. Then, put it on the antennas by crossing it through the bottom hole. This will give a boost to your wireless network range.

9. Invest in a WiFi extender

If you want some serious improvement in the wireless range department, an extender would be a wise move. The Wi-Fi extenders are also known as boosters and repeaters.

They catch the signal coming from the main router and redistribute with higher quality. The amplification of the signal improves the range of a wireless network in your home.

You can easily install an extender in the area where the signal is weak. The process of installation doesn’t take more than several minutes.

Modern-age extenders allow you to control them using online or mobile phone applications. You can also adjust the Wi-Fi settings with them according to your preference. This increases the performance and experience of using WiFi routers at home.

10. Take your router to new access points

Good quality routers allow you to quickly and easily change their location to new access points. The process of hardware disabling takes seconds, so you can decide the location with respect to different access points.

You can do this manually and allow all kinds of equipment, old or new, to receive the best connection performance.

Read Also: 6 Easy Steps to Set WiFi Password

Along with all the mentioned ways, you can also think about getting stronger antennas for your router. Also, try to manage some applications on your device that take a lot of bandwidth.

And if you find yourself struggling with a low-quality wireless network speed or range, reboot the router. This process will start the router again and might bring back the regular strength in the wireless network.

Hopefully, these tips will help you!

Wifi issues can be quiet disruptive if internet lies at the heart of your routine. You cannot access your email and browsers; movie streaming becomes a challenge; updates on social media take too long making you miss out on a lot, and your phones start to depend on data plans.

The reasons for an interruption in your Wi-Fi connection are plenty – the location of the router, firmware limitations, hardware issues, signal congestion, or just the size and vastness of your house.

Whatever it may be, slower internet speeds are not easy to handle and can really bother you at times, especially if you are trying to complete an important task at hand.

Here is a list of some of the most common Wifi issues along with suggested solutions to fix the same:

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1. Router Location & Distance

Internet speeds have drastically increased over the last few years. Despite such a tremendous improvement, some wireless and wired networks tend to get bogged down.

Slowing down the speed of data transfer due to the distance of the router is the most common wifi issue. If the router is too far, the connection will get unreliable.

Suggested Solution – Bring your device close to the router. If the router is lying in another room, go into the room where the router is lying and see if that helps to fix the problem.

In case the problem persists, place your router at a height away from other obstructions and interfering devices. You can also try placing it in a central location of your home.

2. Router Firmware

If your router’s firmware is not updated, you could be missing out on the advantages of certain features. Security issues might also be hampering the performance.

Suggested Solution – Visit the administration page of your router and check for any recommended updates. Review, download and install the same to enjoy additional features and improvements.

The step-by-step guide to upgrading your router’s firmware will be dependent on the make and model of the router. Take a look at the manufacturer’s website for more information and detailed directions.

3. Bandwidth

Another common reason for Internet speed slowdowns is lack of bandwidth. When several members in the house are using the internet on different devices to access data-hungry applications, your otherwise fast internet connection spreads out thinly and is distributed across multiple devices.

Suggested Solution – Try and reduce the load by disconnecting devices that don’t require an internet connection. If the use of YouTube and Netflix is high, connect one of the devices directly to the router with the help of a Cat-5 ethernet cable.

This allows for some of the wireless bandwidth to be free. You must also check the data plan you have because if your internet speed from the backend is not enough to support such high use, you will always experience slowdowns.

Another important thing to check is the security of your internet connection. If you have an open network, chances that someone nearby is leeching off your bandwidth are high. Setup the security for your network and share your password only with a few.

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4. Outdated Router

Wireless technology has significantly evolved in the last one decade. Wireless standards have updated, internet speeds are faster, fiber is introduced in most areas, and the number of devices requiring an internet connection is higher.

Now, even your television, printer, smartphone, speakers, refrigerator, security systems, lights, and more are dependent on the internet. An outdated router cannot support all devices simultaneously.

Suggested Solution – If the internet speed is affected due to modem limitations, it is time for you to upgrade. It is recommended that you purchase a new router every two years as advancement in technology requires you to upgrade with the latest technology.

5. No Internet

In certain situations, the router just stops communicating because of technical glitches. There isn’t a specific and distinct reason for the same.

Suggested Solution – Start by unplugging both the router and modem. Disconnect power and wait for around 30 seconds before you power it again.

6. Internet Service Outage

Sometimes the internet connection drops completely, not because of a hardware trouble but because of backend service interferences. There isn’t much to explain and do in such a scenario because it just happens.

Suggested Solution – Visit a coffee shop to use their internet services or use your phone’s hotspot connection. Meanwhile, connect with the team at your Internet Service Provider’s end and inform them about the outage so that they can fix it.

Unfortunately, calling the ISP won’t give you instant internet speed and recovery but they will at least be informed of the affected areas and take relevant actions.

Most professionals today are extremely dependent on WiFi services and internet speeds must be fast. If the fixes mentioned above do not help, contact a technician and take their guidance to fix slow internet connections.

You surely use WiFi in your day to day life. Have you thought of the sensitive information that you transfer all the time over a WiFi network?  Bank passwords, personal images and passwords are all available to third persons if your WiFi is not secured.

According to Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) study, almost 30% of WiFi networks have little to no encryption. This means that your data is easily available to hackers. Korea, US and France were among the top 15 WiFi unsecured countries in the study.

How is Public WiFi Used by Hackers?

Browsing internet through public WiFi is not safe by any means. In 2015 itself, 594 million people were victims of cybercrime and 12% of Americans had their financial data stolen after shopping online.

The threats and costs are even more for businesses. 32% of US organizations were victim of cybercrime in 2016. The average cost of a data breach to a business is around $ 3.8 million.

There are many ways hackers can use WiFi technology to steal your data, money or identity.  Here are the two most common ways.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

When data transfer over a network is unsecure and unencrypted, a third person can easily intercept it. So, data exchanged between the websites and you can be stolen by exploiting the weak network security. This is known as the Man-in-the-Middle strategy.

To avoid this you must only connect to networks with strong security settings. Any public network that does not have a password is susceptible to such kind of attacks. This strategy is also used for private networks by hackers who are within the range of WiFi.

Rogue Hotspots

Anyone can set up a WiFi to mislead users. For example a hacker could set up a hotspot with the name ‘Starbucks’ in a Starbucks cafe. This would be different from the cafe’s real WiFi but the name could easily confuse a user.

Once the victim is connected to the rogue WiFi, the hacker can see all the data transferred over the network and even infect connected device with malware and ransomware.

Hence it’s advisable to be sure of the WiFi you are connecting to and avoid using public WiFi if possible. Only connect to networks of businesses and persons you trust and make sure that it is not a hacker with the name of a trusted business.

How to Secure WiFi Network

 Here are some ways to secure your WiFi network form hackers and data thieves. This will work on both your home WiFi and office WiFi.

1. Have a WPA 2

When data packets are sent over a wireless medium they can be easily intercepted. For this reason, WiFi network have always had encryption of data send over radio waves. The earliest protocol was WEP, which used the same encryption key for each data package. A hacker could easily crack this code in a few minutes.

Starting from 2006 next level security called WPA was started. This used scrambling of encryption key to improve security. The encryption method was further strengthened in WPA2 protocol. This is the latest and best security level available for WiFi. It is not so easy for hackers to break the code transferred under WPA2 protocol.

Needless to say you should ensure that your router has WPA2 level security and AES encryption. All routers manufactured after 2006 have WPA2 enabled by default.

2. Enable Enterprise Mode WiFi Security

The enterprise mode of WiFI Protected Access uses 802.1X authentication for stronger security.

802.1X authentication is a standard protocol for port based network Access Control. It authenticates devices that connect with a server. Connection is established only after device identity is verified and hence it keeps the network safe of third person connecting in.

The architecture includes three parts – a wireless supplicant (connecting device), access device and authentication server. The network is made secure through the communication and exchanges between these three. This rules out Man-In- The-Middle attacks mentioned above. You can configure 802.1X authentication from properties under network adapter in your Desktop/ PC.

3. Secure Password and SSID

Breaking into your WiFi is very easy if the password to your WiFi is known. Hackers have software and tools that run common passwords while trying to break into your network. Easily guessed and default passwords are hence a soft target for them.

Similarly, your wireless network name (SSID) should not be common like ‘‘D-Link’ or your family name. This is because SSID forms a part of your network encryption and hacker tools come loaded with default and common SSID names.

You can change your password & SSID by logging into your router settings by typing “” in your browser. This may be different for different companies and you should check the router manual for this.

4. Add Device MAC Address

All devices have something known as a MAC address that you can add to your router’s settings. This will allow only the specified devices to connect to your WiFi. Although it’s possible to make a spoof MAC address by a hacker, it still adds a layer of security because it’s one more thing that the hacker has to know.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways that hackers can break into a WiFI network. Just like the cyber-security, hackers are also constantly updating their technology continuously.

As of now, the enterprise setting with WPA2 protocol and 802.1X authentication is a safe method. Take additional steps of setting up a strong password and unique SSID name and you are well protected from unwanted data thieves.

Do remember to update your knowledge from time to time and install new firmware on your router to stay secured.

 Wi-Fi Networks

The growth of technology and communication has presented the opportunity for young entrepreneurs to flourish. When you peek inside a traditional small start up, you would find many devices operating without wires. Those cumbersome wires and their complex networking have been left behind for a while.

If the business is towards home user based, wireless networking proves to be a major factor for the firm’s productivity. It is important towards smooth functioning of the business.

Wi-Fi has been a great service for providing networking access for many computers. This is specifically useful for small businesses in which the number of users is quite less as compared with larger companies.

For connecting the users and clients, small businesses look to set up Wi-Fi. However, a seed of doubt always comes to the mind before setting it up.

However, one thing always to be considered is that even the best of the set ups crumble under heavy usage. This point can affect your choice as the one picked from bargain bin would hardly sustain a heavier load.

Access points are the centre of your set up. They are the site where all users send and receive their data. Even the professionals of IT would tell you that access point is the main target of heavy usage. It is the component most likely to crumble when put under serious usage.

Access points, which are developed specially for business offer a variety of features to explore and resistant to heavy load. Before setting up a Wi-Fi for your business, you should first be aware about some of the capabilities your Wi-Fi can provide.

1. Understanding the variables

Before setting up a Wi-Fi, it is quite important to understand and clarify the variables. Not every Wi-Fi system is the same. The basic question to be understood is the nature of customers. You should have a clear idea about the users and in what manner they would be using the Wi-Fi.

The number of people, the duration of usage and the nature of usage should be taken into consideration. Once you find answers for these questions, it becomes easier to lay down a plan. It will guide you for right package and better service equipment for your network.

2. Multiple SSID access

Typical consumer access points generally support one just a single network without wires. However, it is not impossible to create an array of access points and wireless network, which you can call Service Set Identifier (SSID). If you set up these on a business grade, you can assign different set of access policies for each SSID.

 You can create separate network for LAN and different encryption processes for different SSID. This would provide you a layered security, which would not be easy to break.

The best feature it provides is the guest mode. In this mode, new users can use the network as per their needs but they are not allowed any access to the system of network hiring.

Businesses can deploy Internet using SSID for their network. It provides very rich feature- isolation from the corporate world.

Using SSID enables you to isolate your business network from outer world. It shields you from outer risks and you can disable it when the deployment is over.You can also set up different networks for speakers and cameras, leaving your main network untouched.

3. Better management

This is an important advantage of access points in a Wi-Fi system. It allows better management of various networks. It can even transfer users from busy and slower ones to less congested ones. It customizes the user experience and add to its quality. This can be done by various controlling machines, which switch over the networks in a flash.

4. PoE

PoE refers to Power over Ethernet. It eliminates the need for those power cables for each system. It creates an integrated system for power management. Standard PoE switches are very easy to replace when they go faulty.

Traditional external power adapters are cumbersome to replace, as you have to look for each different circuit and power output, which is not an easy process to operate.

5. Equipment and support materials

When you go shopping for your Wi-Fi equipment, always look for materials, which are easy to manage. If you set up your Wi-Fi in a proper way, it will run smoothly.

However, in case of any problem, you should have the resources to log into SSH system and address the problem sooner rather than later.You should opt for a low maintenance hardware and cloud controller.

A cloud controller helps the various access points to communicate with each other. Though the features are similar, the durability and price vary widely from manufacturer to manufacturer.

It does not mean that the hardware will not be fit if the features are limited. It all depends on the need and demands of your business.

Choose firewalls, gateway and switches which are easy to maintain. Shop your equipment from those manufacturers who are well known and offer better support services.

If you get your services from a local provider, issues might creep in the future when you would want to change your service provider.

6. Performance boosting

Though the bandwidth for wireless operation is increasing slowly, still it is finite only. It is still subject to external applications and shared among many devices. Poor quality hardware has the most bugbear on system. It delivers poor wireless network service and user experience might be a horror.

Though devices makers are coming up with different hardware and services to claim superiority, the basic requirement remains the same, a good Wi-Fi service.

Device manufacturers have launched Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) which allows a number of users to simultaneously send and receive data. The access points can transmit and receive data continuously in real time.

There will hardly be any lag in the system, if the system uses MIMO of good quality. You should use access points that support multiple radio/antenna chain, which will allow it to send and receive data from multiple servers at the same time.

 Better support for data services is always appreciated. The client system should also be able to utilize the services. MIMO access points are good for Wi-Fi system if the need and budget of your office allows it.

7. Using multiple access points

 In case your office has not many systems to operate or your work area is rather small and compact, you should be willing for multiple access points. It would create multiple layers for various works and help in smooth functioning of the system. It is not compulsory that you should be opting for manual channelling for access points.

 These systems incorporate some built in channel management systems, which are not too bad either.The channelling system includes monitoring the Wi-Fi system, opting for minimum congested channel and even looking at neighbour access points so that they do not cause any interference.

Some are completely automatic while some allow modifications according to need.

8. Positioning of access points

There is hardly anything properly utilized when not placed at appropriate position. This is the same case with access points also.

This aspect is often look over by businesses and it is almost a bane for networking systems.You should never be placing access points next to walls or anything, which may cause interruption for the signals.

The RF radiations from each access point, travelling in a straight line can help you estimate the coverage. Obstruction hit spots are virtually dead for wireless network.

Locating the access points high on the wall or ceiling is a good option, as very few obstructions would incur at those places. Installation of a few access points would not bother you really.

9. Wiring of Workplace

 Proper and efficient wiring of the workplace is a necessity for proper working of Wi-Fi system.It should be able to provide necessary bandwidth as well as sustaining power through PoE. It should also be ensured that other devices as if printers and scanners should be connected though wires up to optimum capacity.

This would leave greater bandwidth for more usable devices such as tablets and laptops. LAN wiring should use latest technologies for optimum utilization.

10. Access to internet

Some access points, which are business grade offer basic routing. However, for more compact use and data transfer, you may look for external internet router, which has built in local networking channels, which route the devices to external internet.

11. Concerns for security

As the size of the company and users increases, it becomes quite unrealistic to use the old and same passcode for the whole of organization. The solution for this problem can be using separateSSID as mentioned earlier.

It should be configured as per the user authentication and encrypted with proper security measures. For each user, RADIO server should be installed at the back end.

Accounts of the users can be stored on RADIO server or it can be synchronized on directories. This allows easy access for Wi-Fi to manage the accounts of the users.

When the employees leave, their account can be deleted and new accounts can be added at utmost ease.

12. Wi-Fi passwords

This is also an aspect of setting up Wi-Fi for your business. Having a single password for all the systems connected with Wi-Fi is not considered the best of the options. Use servers to customize user id and password for each system.

This would add only to the security of the system and help you keep the valuable data of your company secure. In case of any data theft, it can be tracked easily and the system bearer cannot refuse claims for the responsibility.

13. Watchdog for usage

In case you set up Wi-Fi for business purpose, you would never want your employees logging into their social media accounts and wasting time there.

You would also not be pleased when your employees would listen music or watch videos using the Wi-Fi of the company. Therefore, there is a definite need to watch what is going on which system.

Undesirable content should definitely be blocked and any unwanted attempts to reach them should be reported soon. There also should be a monitoring system doing all these.

14. Public Wi-Fi

 If you run a business involving direct contact with customers such as malls, shopping complexes, you would want to set up a public Wi-Fi.

This would not only attract customers but also tempting them to stay longer. The longer they stay, the more you benefit. This is also a part of business and a way to keep customers engaged.

15. Hotspot gateway

It is the body and bone of your Wi-Fi system. It refers to the route by who a guest gets access to your Wi-Fi and leaves it. It connects users with the server and creates a virtual portal so that the user may browse.

When the guest choose your Wi-Fi, the set up will automatically take him to a virtual portal, which would demand some details before allowing him access.

The details might be email address or phone number and the user’s consent for the terms and conditions. It is very much safe and keeps hackers and data thieves a distance away from your setup. It also gives you some legal hands in case of any discrepancy, courtesy to those terms and conditions.

It generally comes in the form of software allowing various services and hardware for configuration.Another option you can look for is public Wi-Fi providers. They provide access to users varying between 100 to many thousands.

16. Actual setup

 Once you have figured out all these, it would require a real world set up. Actual installation of the hardware and software needs to take place. Extra firewalls should be installed with the setup so that no one unwanted would get access to the system.

The main router should be kept away from everyone’s reach and the passwords frequently changed. One very efficient way will be generating one time password (OTP) for providing access. This would cause users to submit their details.

 You can look for that personal responsible by using those details, in case any unfortunate happenings. It is also quite necessary to hide the mode of operation of your Wi-Fi from people other than official staffs.

You should also be able to control the strength of signals emitted by your Wi-Fi so that it covers premises only within your business area.

Generally, hotspots come up with their own security and safety measures. They also provide features to add up to those security measures.

Some more security features can be bought for your Wi-Fi. Though it may cost you a bit, it is important to safeguard your system form unwanted data thieves.

17. Seeking help of professionals

It would ruin all your planning and purchasing if you hand over the setting up of your Wi-Fi to some amateur individuals. For planning the setup as well as equipment to be bought, you should consult some professionals who hold good expertise in this field. For that, you can look forward to many firms who provide these services at an affordable rate.

You should clearly lay down a working plan before setting up your Wi-Fi. A vivid description of all the processes should be worked out.

The manufacturing company should be decided with consultation and research. The opinion of the expert should be heard and the place to shop the devices.

The cheaper and affordable ones should be preferred. You should also take into consideration the previous record of the selling firm.

Replacement facility should be available and people repairing service should be there by the firm. No one would like the devices purchased go down in a couple of weeks and the selling firm not giving a word about it.

18. Proper maintenance

 Once you have set up your Wi-Fi, you are definitely going to need some maintenance work. For proper maintenance, you can give contract to a firm who holds good reputation in this field.

As of now, not many firms give proper attention on Wi-Fi and wireless networking for a small company. Professionals with enough work experience and better reviews should be appointed for the maintenance as well as setup.

Bringing It All Together

Wi-Fi has become an integrated part of business in the current times. Public as well as private Wi-Fi is important for proper functioning. It depends according to the needs of your company. Private Wi-Fi helps connect all the users to a common system.

Sharing of work becomes easy and teamwork can be efficiently visualized with the Wi-Fi system. Tick the boxes of everything required for Wi-Fi and get the job done.