The updated version of WiFi Attendance app was launched on 10th December 2018 and it is vivacious.

We have implemented some amazing new features to make the app completely employee friendly.

The WiFi attendance was originally designed to make it easy for the employees to mark their attendance through personal mobile phones.

It aimed at making the employer’s job simple, thus helping him, easily monitor employee productivity and performance.

wifi attendance

The latest edition includes the following features


The deductions menu is set to keep tab of unplanned leaves, early punch outs and missed punch. With this function, it is easy for the HR manager to check the number of hours the employee has not worked. This comes very handy especially while calculating monthly payroll.


Employee rewards are an innovative approach to foster employee engagement at workplace. There are three different stages of rewards- gold, bronze and silver.

The rewards can be assigned based on the clock-in clock-out time, performance, contributions to a certain project, overtime hours etc.


This feature makes it is easy for the manager and team mates to share documents with their respective teams. Personal documents specific to each employee can be shared in the personal section.


A trove of important details is discussed in stand up meetings every day. How often do we carry a notepad in such meetings?

Hardly! At times like these, the notes feature of the updated wifi attendance is at rescue.  Employees can take notes of important things like points discussed at the meeting, weekly tasks etc with this new functionality.

Attendance App


The important notifications like holidays, events, company policy re-enforcements can be broadcasted using this feature.

Again in this case, the announcements can be shared between members of the team in a separate section and company announcements can be pushed into a different space common to all employees.


Any updates, documents and announcements received through the app will now be notified to the users in the notification panel. This ensures that none of the important notifications are missed out by any of the employees.

Other Face-lifts

The punch details page is revamped to give it a fresh feel and a vividly comprehensive look.

The summary features an overview of clock-in and clock-out information of an employee for a month. It includes number of working days, on time punch in, late punch in, early punch out and missed punches.

The Apply leave page is revamped to showcase a calculated account of the used and remainder of the number of casual leaves.

How our new features will be a boon to your business?

  • Comprehensive exhibition of details drive a higher adoption rate
  • Fosters team bonding and co-ordination for superior output.
  • The on the go available details of daily work hours call for a constructive utilization of time.
  • Keeping tab on the productivity and other dynamics affecting business is easier.
  • Boost in employee engagement owing to implementation of persuasive “Rewards” feature.
  • The HR workforce can now resort to other planning tasks instead of continuously dwelling over redundant employee monitoring.

To experience a whole new level of business benefits try our new WiFi attendance app at

Get complete overview on the pricing of the app at

Employee management impacts almost every function of an organization. Which is why there are thousands of time tracking software options available in the market.

A time tracking software is more than a simple assessment of employees’ time of coming and leaving the office. Modern-age time tracking software provides unique features with incredible benefits for a company.

When you find a software for your business, think about following essential features and their benefits:

wifi attendance

1. Versatile Timesheets

Timesheets provide a centralized presentation of billable hours. You can call it attendance reports, as they include information related to holidays, time-offs and absence of employees.

Benefits: Not all software providers offer timesheets. But they are effective in managing the payroll and invoicing. With timesheet feature, you can export CSV, PDF and other formats of billable hours and prepare invoices conveniently.

2. Project Management

In companies, a project management system requires time tracking features as well. Which is why smart software providers include essential project management features in their time tracking software as well.

For instance, such a software can allow team leaders of a project to set deadlines, assign tasks to the present employees. Similarly, features include tracking the progress of a project in terms of daily tasks, weekly goals, and monthly achievements.

Benefits: Tracking time of a project saves from wasting too much money on the same project. Projects with restricted budgets require on-time completion, hence, such a software seems logical.

3. Time Tracking

This core feature is essential in all time tracking software tools. The tool should be able to capture worked hours accurately and create an easy-to-understand record of it.

Benefits: With time tracking, project managers and company leaders can monitor the project completion periods and track the performance capacity of employees at the same time.

In fact, the records of previous projects help in estimating the deadlines for an upcoming project as well. The records of worked hours help in deciding a project strategy.

4. Online Invoicing

Online invoicing allows you to bill clients as per hourly and minute basis. The accurate time tracking and automated bill generation become possible with this feature.

All the process of billing takes place transparently without any human errors. Employees simply enter their “in/out” time and the payroll system receives the date from the time tracking software.

Benefits: The automation of the process saves from time-taking efforts of bill generation. The transparency saves from unwanted disputes regarding the bills and payments.

attendance app

5. User Management

User management feature involves the creation of teams, departments or working groups. Then, the management feature assists in managing those groups as users.

Team-focused reports get generated, which are shareable with other authoritative individuals. User types include admin, a manager or a staff, which defines the type of accessibility.

Benefits: With group management, each team leader can get the best-suited report associated with the performance of the team members.

Well-designated reports make quick analysis of teams easier for business leaders and help in modifying the productivity of the overall functionality.

6. Notifications

Notification feature assists in creating alerts in important situations. For instance, an employee can get a reminder whenever he or she misses to check in/out.

Team members can get regular notifications regarding the upcoming project deadlines. These notifications are automatically distributed to employee emails or mobile phone numbers.

Benefits: Keeping employees disciplined and helping them with the project deadlines become easier. Reminders allow employees to perform with the motivation to complete the tasks at hand as efficiently as possible.

7. Analytics and Reporting

The visibility and understanding of data are essential for any software. Hence, a time tracking tool has to provide a comprehensive analytics including all the relatable data.

The view of the data should be easy-to-understand. Plus, the managers should have the features to generate reports with graphs, charts, and other visualized elements. Reliable software and tools come with customizable analytics and reporting features.

Benefits: Reliable analytics and reporting features help attaining daily and weekly stats and generate visualized reports. Custom reports align the software with the company goals regarding time tracking and project management.

8. Ability to Integrate

As mentioned before, a time tracking software impacts almost every department of a company. Hence, the software should provide the ability to integrate with other systems utilized in a modern-age working environment.

Benefits: Integration of time tracking with other software and tools offers better control over employee management and project.

Company leaders can obtain broad insights and look at a huge picture of performance and productivity. As a result, a company can align employee performance, payments, accounting, projects altogether.

Apart from all the above-mentioned features, you can also look for features such as lightweight design, free trial, and others.

Now, you know all the essential features of a time tracking software. Evaluate potential software providers with respect to these features and choose a reliable option.


WiFi Attendance is a new technology to track employee attendance in offices.

It uses office WiFi network to mark attendance of employees. Employees can log in to the app and mark their presence only if they are in office WiFi network.

It’s a step ahead of biometric punching and online login which have their drawbacks.

Because this technology is new in the market choosing the right system can be tricky.

You need to know how the technology works and what features to look for in the app.

Here is all you need to know the benefits of using WiFi Attendance App for your organization.

1. Accuracy

The most important criteria to check is the accuracy of the system. Errors in recording time and attendance can lead to lots of problems in HR activities.

As you know, attendance is related to your payroll, leave management and task scheduling; so inaccurate records will lead to problems in all these systems.

By the very nature of it WiFi attendance is quite accurate. Since the employees can only mark their attendance on their mobile when they are in office network, there is not much room for error.

To check accuracy you can request for a trial period or demo of the system. Check out the attendance marking at different distances from the WiFi network. You can also speak to current clients of the vendor to get their feedback.

2. After Sales Service

Service should be a consideration when selecting the system. Is the service support on mail, on call or on ground? For many service providers the support will depend on plan you choose.

So a Basic Plan may have just on-mail support and the Pro Plan will have a dedicated relationship manager for you.

It’s advisable to choose a plan with extensive support at least for the initial few months. Hopefully your new system requires minimal support and you can easily cut back on the service support.

3. Payment Options

There are various ways to charge for attendance systems in the market. Some companies charge fixed monthly fees depending on the plan and others charge a fee per employee.

If you are a smaller organization a per-employee fee will work out better. For bigger and fast growing organizations a fixed plan may turn out to be cheaper.

Look for a monthly payment cycle to start off with. This will give you the flexibility to change plans or system if required.

As you get confident with the attendance system you can look at long-term fixed contracts as they usually give a discounted rate for long haul.

4. Live Tracking

Since WiFi Attendance system operates by tracking smartphone, most of the providers will give live tracking as a feature.

You can see the live location of employees within the premise with this feature. This is helpful when the office campus if huge with multiple premises.

Also this prevents the problem of employees coming, marking the attendance and leaving the office early.

5. Integration with Payroll & Leave Management Systems

Attendance data feeds into your HRMS system and hence integration with payroll and leave management system is crucial. The attendance records should be exportable and compatible to HRMS systems.

The best would be for WiFi Attendance system to also have leave application and calendar capabilities so that employees don’t have to login to different systems to manage their leaves.

attendance app

Ideally the system should have a desktop dashboard also to allow HR to easily view details of hours worked by employees and leave management approvals.

Easy integrations and automation save a lot of time for HR. They can concentrate on strategic work rather than wasting time on different systems and solving data issues.

6. Reports

Data is of immense value to organizations today. All the data on attendance and working hours can be out to use to give many insights to HR.

For example, reports on abseentism, late arrivals, average hours worked, average break time, etc., can give HR knowledge to take decisions quickly.

Look for customizable reports and data analytics capabilities in a WiFi Attendance system. This way you can get exactly what you want and use all the data to drive profitable changes in your HR policies.

wifi attendance


Absence of any additional physical infrastructure and monthly payment option in WiFi attendance system means minimal risk to start off with.

Still you do not want to waste the time spent in signing up all your employees into the system and implementing it.

Fortunately, it is easy to check for all the above points before you commit to a system. So talk to your vendor about accuracy, after sales service, live tracking, integration and report generation in advance.

You can also start by testing the system with a few employees or requesting for a trial period if available.

Organizations now are opting, a tech oriented solution to every functionality.  Marking attendance is one basic functionality unbiquitous across all sectors.

Conventional methods of registering the routine workforce turnout were laborious and time consuming.

The methods started off with paper based attendance marking and evolved to modern means like biometric systems and RFID cards.

The latest intruder is the wifi based attendance system.

What is a WiFi

WiFi based attendance systems are slowly propagating across the channels of establishments. The system offers a host of features that make employee management simple and effective.

Below are the highlights of the system that led to it being so popular and adored by the human resource departments:

1. Handy and efficient

The system is user friendly and works via multiple platforms. WiFi attendance works smoothly on any android or iOS device. The employees can mark their attendance once they are in the range set by the company.

The system is convenient for using – Basic requirement for the software is a mobile phone. The user interface of the systems is simple and hence makes it easy for any person to understand the working. The process is as simple as it can get. One tap and the employee is logged in.

2. More secured than conventional mode of attendance

The data is securely housed on azure cloud server. This platform is the most popular in business owing to the trustworthy features of secure storage. The concerns of security are ruled out right there.

3. Attendance information can be accessed 24X7

The best part about virtual records is that they are not bound by the confines of time in terms of availability.  Your Human resource manager need go fishing through documents to retrieve data from a particular date.

All data is accessible on his computer.  Primarily all he needs is the credentials to log in to the system and retrieve the information whenever needed.

attendance app

4. Enhanced attendance evaluation

The process is automated to cumulate the data and calculates the number of hours the personnel have worked for a particular month.

The HR’s job is thus simplified for the purpose of calculating salary and overtime hours.  The system requires zero human interference for maintaining records and computations.

5. Overtime observances

The easily accessible data makes it possible for the employees to check their number of work hours themselves. The readily available data makes it easier for the HR to restructure compensations and crank down unplanned leaves.

6. Time saving results

We can only imagine the amount of time that is saved owing to automated calculations in place of manual labor. The time saved can therefore be channelized towards improving infrastructure and workforce provisions.

wifi attendance

7. Location Tracking feature

The system is supplemented with employee tracking feature. It is capable of tracing the location of the employee’s device. If an employee marks his attendance from anywhere outside the premises, the authority will be notified regarding the activity.

Not just that, but the HR can manage and track an employee’s location in real time.

Managing work place discipline will thus be a pushover!

In these days for a business to thrive, they should be updated with new technologies. Many businesses fail as they don’t track their employees’ working hours or some use outdated time and attendance monitoring systems that may lack on many areas. This may cause serious losses in the form of employee overpayment, time loss in the administrative and managerial areas.

So companies need to keep an eye on current and upcoming trends in time and attendance monitoring systems and implement those on their business to achieve success.

Below mentioned are some important key trends that are currently redefining the whole concept of employee time and attendance monitoring systems.

1. Automated Time Tracking

Automated time tracking is a new way of system which operates based on cloud, which can offer real-time access to data. This in turn can offer employees a sophisticated and user-friendly way rather than outdated time tracking process. Automated systems offer employee dashboards and versatile punch in ways, together with the options to punch in via employee’s smart phones or tablet devices.

2. WiFi-Enabled Attendance Tracking

WiFi-enabled attendance tracking systems will be able to support record keeping of large number of employees’ time and attendance. This system leverages biometric technology that helps to guarantee accuracy of time punching. This in turn will promote larger potency and accuracy. You can check more details here.

3. Tablet Kiosk App

Some companies make use of tablet kiosk application. Through tablet kiosk application, employees can easily clock in and out using their Apple mobile devices; a perfect resource for folks on the move.

With its increased practicality and sleek computer program,employers are able to track real-time productivity of their employees. Also, it can enhance productivity of employees and also can improve the overall efficiency of the organization.

4. Biometric Kiosk

Biometric Kiosk is an android based touch screen system. It permits staff to verify work schedules, review their time schedules and also can request time off. In some of the version, staff will be simply able to scan present job listings and different options.

Like different biometric devices, now employers don’t have to be compelled to fret about incidents of buddy punching or time theft. Fingerprint readers and different varieties of authentication will facilitate in eliminating misconduct associated with time and attendance.

5. Advanced Scheduling Modules

Scheduling also takes place through cloud based software. Advanced scheduling modules offer businesses larger visibility and flexibility in managing schedules of employees. Schedules are often digitally monitored on a weekly basis by employee group with pre-defined capability necessities per worker shift.

In addition to that, staff can clearly offer their availability to supervisors and will be able to receive email notifications based on changed shift schedules in real time; creating things easier in terms of coming up with plans and stick on to commitments in employee’s personal lives.

6. Mobile Time sheets

It is now completely a forgotten story of signing time sheets or manually entering the attendance. Mobile time sheets software which can be downloaded as an application to your tablet or other mobile devices; allows employees to access their time sheets online. Employers can use this information to process payroll, record-keeping and also the ability to closely track the employee attendance.

As we have now got an idea about new trends in time and attendance systems. Here are some reasons why you should be investing in a new time and attendance monitoring system:

1.Saves money
2.Reduction in errors
3.Improved accuracy
4.Saves time
5.Enforcing company policies and legal compliance
6.Easy management of working hours
7.Easy schedule and shift management
8.Quick and accurate reports

Final thoughts

The above mentioned are some of the awesome features that are making time and attendance monitoring system industry simple and integrated. As the process of time and attendance system is not easy, needs and requirements have to be well defined to be included on the software and also changes have to be integrated into the system for effective tracking of your employees’ time and attendance.

Make sure that you have software that can perfectly fulfil your organizational needs. If you are looking for a suitable time and attendance system, we can help you with that. Please share your thoughts with us.

Time tracking and attendance systems play an important role in the operations of businesses. A business that needs its employees to operate must be able to track the productivity and work that is being performed.

The biggest asset for most businesses is its workforce and it is essential to manage that efficiently.
Companies must realize that a time and attendance system is beneficial. Listed below are 7 reasons you should track time and attendance:

1. Reduces time spent on payroll


The first and foremost reason you need to upgrade to a time and attendance system is because it saves time.Your HR and employees otherwise spend time in calculating the number of hours they have worked.

Some organizations can even cut down their payroll management time by 70%. When employees don’t need to record, track, and process the time they’ve spent working every day, week and month, they have more time to concentrate on their respective tasks.

2. Avoid time theft and buddy punching


Some employees enjoy a lunch that is for longer than the allotted time. This fraud can be expensive since you are paying for hours that are wasted. Additionally, employees could be clocking in for a coworker who is late,also known as ‘buddy punching’.

An automated time and attendance system can prevent these situations because the unique fingerprint of each employee is matched.

3. Access to Employee Information


Employees commonly have questions with respect to the time off they have for the year or the number of sick days they have banked. The HR struggles to share this information and discrepancies generally arise.

A time and attendance software provide employees with easy access to this information. The time they spend on particular projects can also be judged giving them an understanding of how they can get rid of their inefficiencies.

4. Improve departmental performance


Managers prepare work schedules to ensure that there is effective staff for the execution of department tasks. Workload must be directly proportional to the manpower allotted. There are three aspects that the schedule must focus on to achieve this:
• Optimum coverage
• Lowered labour costs
• Improved employee satisfaction
If any of these three is not appropriately achieved, the department can go off balance. In the presence of a time and attendance tracking system, managers have instant updates and can appropriately fill in gaps and empty shifts.

5. Reduce resource and time spent on paperwork


Flipping through several papers and maintaining them can take a lot of your time. You also need to constantly get resources such as paper, pen, printer ink, files, stapler, etc.

With a time and attendance tracking system, you can avoid such challenges.

6. Ensures policy adherence and discipline


Attendance patterns give managers an insight into the working habits of employees. They understand which employee fall behind and which ones have a stellar performance. Managers can then identify the best performers and recognize them with rewards.

This can lead to motivation and increased efficiency. In fact, it can also boost the morale of other employees to start focusing on their timings and hours.

7. The system can upgrade with your business


A paper-based system will not last for long. When your business is small with limited number of people, you can record and track the time manually. However, when you expand, your system needs to upgrade with you. You will have more information to monitor, process, and track.

Instead of spending time identifying a system at that time when you grow big, do it now when your timekeeping needs are manageable. You’ll also get used to the system before it’s time for you to actually make use of it.

Time and attendance systems help to improve overall financial conditions. This means there’s more money available for acquiring customers and improving relations with the existing ones.

In fact, for a lot of small businesses, a time tracking and attendance system can make the difference between being successful or failing.